Showing posts with label BB. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BB. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

a 2009 seed catalog!

I got my first 2009 seed catalog in the mail today. Seed catalogs, with the beautiful photo's inside, give me endless hours of entertainment. My heart just goes aflutter.

That's Blissi, one of our ungroomed Irish Terriers, at the top. We have spay/neutered Bliss and Brawn. They sleep in the bed with us at night. B&B are chewing on some Christmas bones now.

This is July, a Wheaten Marans cockerel, and Peach, a Wheaten Marans hen. (July Johnson and Peach from Lonesome Dove).

Tonight, we're going down to the inlaws for dinner and opening presents, this is for immediate family, I'm gonna bake a corn casserole.
Tomorrow, a huge crowd comes to inlaws and we eat again. Mother-in-law cooks and cooks, and folks also bring dishes.
My human family has died out, I've got a few cousins here and there but that's all. Mike and I dearly appreciate and love our furry and feathered family though. Mike comes from a big, human family.
Mike and I made the dreadful mistake of going to WalMart this morning, never again on Christmas Eve. I think everybody and his brother was there.
Oh, and my breast biopsy was benign, yeah! I thought it would be.
Merry Christmas and keep healthy and stay warm. :-)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thursday Nov 13

This was taken Oct 19th of Daniel, SweetPea, and Nora. MIL Mary and SIL Sherry brought Nephew Jeremy's kids to see the goats. SweetPea's disbudded spots are getting grown over now.

As much as we love our Irish Terriers, Brawn and Bliss,they have been very difficult lately, busting out of the fenced backyard and trying to terrorize the goats. I've been ready to ship 'em off to boarding school.

This past summer, they killed our older cat, a neighbor said they played tug-a-war with ole Barney until he eventually died. The IT's show no mercy.

Yet, they're fun loving little "devils" and sleep in the bed with is at night.

Wish we hadn't decided to make Neighbor Teesa's yeast rolls last night, they were good but we ate too much of 'em. This photo is of hers, ours were not as pretty the first go 'round.