Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

burrrr, SkiSugar click if you want to watch 'em skiing up here today.

I PhotoShopped my pic here of Appalachian State University students boarding the bus.

This morning, behind my house, as I was leaving for work.

Forecast for today-

The mother lode of cold air arrives tonight and Thursday lasting into Friday--this is the coldest air of the season. Snow showers and flurries will redevelop around or just after midnight tonight and last into the afternoon Thursday. "Arctic Tundra" is a fitting description of Friday. Martin Luther King Weekend looks cold with light snow, snow showers, and flurries from late Saturday night through Monday.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Cold and Snowy in the NC Appalachians

Considering the cold and snowy weather, I'm thrilled to be getting eggs from the hens. We go through a lot of eggs - baking, breakfast, and other dishes.

Mike collected several eggs today.
Mike is an Appalachian State University Mountaineer.

Three does staying put in their house.

Clara peeks out.

June and SweetPea eating dinner.

Mike taking dinner to the buck house.

Wheaten Marans hanging out in the coop to stay warm.

Cuckoo Marans, Wheaten Marans, and a bantam Brahma - all girls.

White Faverolle, Salmon Faverolle, and a Bourbon Red Turkey hen.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sharon tagged me - Tues 11/25/08

Here in NW NC Appalachian Mtns, our snowy November continues today with another round of snow showers expected, and windy and cold conditions are forecasted.
Sharon tagged me, so let's see. Hmmmm
1) Since I'm an only child, yeah, I guess I like talking about myself. I have "only child" syndrome in that I'm very content being alone and entertaining myself. Never had any maternal instincts either - for human babies that is. If someone approached me with a human baby under one arm and a animal baby under the other arm, I feel emotion and reaching for the animal baby. I know that's weird to most people but... and get this, I grew up with my parents and a set of grandparents in the house so it was 4 adults, and me. I was allowed to always have one pet. My folks were cool about pets in the house too.
2) I have worked at the same place for 24 years, AppalCART, public transportation system for Watauga County, NC. A-P-P-A-L as in Appalachian Mtns.
3) Either my cooking has gotten a lot better or restaurant food has gotten much worse. I suppose it's both but I do wish restaurant food didn't taste so "prepared" as in prepared long before I arrived. I don't care about going out to eat that much, I just soon spend restaurant $$$ at the grocery store and go home and cook it up.
4) Mike and I have been married for 18 years. I was thinking the other day that MATCH.COM or any of those matchmaking places would not have put us two together because on paper I'd asked for somebody totally different, but GOD hooked us up, and we do pretty good. I think we're the only people that could put up with each other.
Funny - [This is pre-goats and without Mike's knowledge.] Our local radio station has a SWAP SHOP and I advertised that I was looking for Nigerian Dwarf goats. No more had they made the announcement, my cellphone rang to which I heard from Mike, "we're not getting any damn goats." Well, 5 days later I manipulated him once again, and we were on our way to NE Georgia to pick up our three does. :-) Now, he dearly loves the goats.
5) If you don't have goats, you gotta get some, they have darling personalities. Check out Diane's webpage where we got our goats. Also, we dearly love our chickens, turkeys, and dogs.
6) My fantasy is to be totally self-sufficient like Jackie Clay.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Fri 11/21/08 = 4th snow and so cold

Left the office, went out and took some photo's this morning, geez Louise, was is cold out there! sometimes white-out conditions.

I'm the Secretary for AppalCART, the public transportation system for our county, that's why you see the bus and van pic's, the rougher the weather, the harder we have to operate.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tues Nov 18 3rd snowfall and cold Marie's photo

our 3rd snowfall.
check out the conditions at SugarMountain

still no internet at home, we're connected but no bandwidth, Charter says they're working on it. One of their fella's came yesterday, installed a modem/router combo and they didn't cure the problem either. :-(

Monday, November 17, 2008

2nd Snow Mon 11/17/08

Appalachian State Football = Southern Conference Champs again, again, again and again.

We've had our 2nd snow. was very cold and blustery this weekend. TODAY = Hi: 41 Lo: 22Partly to mostly cloudy; Chilly day but turning colder again late afternoon & tonight; Snow showers (west) and flurries (east) beginning around or just after sunset; West wind 5-15 mph becoming NW 10-20 mph with gusts to 40 mph in the afternoon & overnight.

At home, our modem went out Saturday, Charter-tech guy arrives Sunday but doesn't bring a new modem, duhh, now they hope to work us in today. No internet over the weekend, DT's -delirium tremens (yes, I just looked that up). We spent our time CLEANING the HOUSE, and I watched three btb episodes of HOUSE I try not to watch too much TV but I've caught some reruns of this show and it's pretty good.

I'm reading - my kinda stuff, a book about a twentieth century pioneering venture in a New England community.

The Dec08/Jan09 MotherEarthNews arrived so I'll be sitting in bed tonight reading every word at least once. I'm a big fan. That, and BackwoodHome Jackie Clay is my hero. I receive other magazines but those are the two that really thrill me.

Did you know that a goat's eyesight is the equivalent to what a human sees with 8x or 10x binocular power? (yes, I just looked that up).