Showing posts with label Red Velvet Brownies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Red Velvet Brownies. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Red Velvet Brownies

If anyone knows me they know that I love love love love Red Velvet Cake. If I could I would have it for breakfast, lunch and dinner but alas it is so very very naughty and it would be impossible to do that - drat....!!!!! LOL. Today at my little girls kinder they are having a farewell afternoon tea for the assistant teacher Carol and her favourite it Red Velvet so I had to make some cupcakes - they are all iced and ready to go and then I made this - Red Velvet Brownies with Cream Cheese Frosting. Okay so my diet is well and truly suffering from all this yummy goodness but this is so yummy. So decadent and the frosting makes it oh so yummo.

I am not very good at frosting things so it is a big mess but I will one day get it right.

Red Velvet Brownies from How Sweet it is - go to her blog to see the whole kit and kaboodle. I used Cream Cheese Frosting not White Chocolate Frosting but I am guessing it just brings that added bit of sweetness which it does not need (I think anyway).
