
Friday, May 16, 2008

submariner bubblesphere blog roundup 05-16-08

time again to wander around the bubblesphere, gathering the various posts from our submariner brethren. i've tried to get this started the last two fridays, but being busy with everything else has kept me from doing so. anyway, here's this edition.

first, a new blogger (thanks Joel): welcome to The EM Log. go read his posts. this is a great find, and is now on my daily to do list.

as always, check out the Sub Report for the latest doings in the world of submarines. drop eric an email to let him know how much you appreciate the work he does.

and the big submariner kid on the bubblesphere block has a post calling for seastories about faking news and sports. if you were on submarines back in the day, the radiomen were the conduit of all outside info. and every radioshack had at least one joker. read about some of those exploits.

the brain amongst us has a post about how a certain senator is a nub. couldn't have said it better myself willyshakes.

and chap has a couple of posts that ramp up the wayback factor. a quote from this post
"I went into teaching full of belief and idealism, knowing that our children had limitless potential. After 5 years I realised that there was no place for idealism in teaching. I left in 1978 not knowing what I would do."
and then there is this one wherein he claims the author has him pegged...My first? a 1970 175 Yamaha Enduro.

and gus discovers he's a colon in his latest roundup. if you've ever read any Kurt Vonnegut, you will should be able to figure out that when my kids tell me i'm a * they are not referring to a punctuation mark.

as usual, i'm not pointing you to any specific post by Vigilis. reason: too damned many good posts to list. visit, read, read some more.

Rob has an answer for the phone callers asking him for their vote.

the magazine o' Rob has a post exploring the "myth of the pro-military". hmmm. Rob, no smackdown on your take of things, but your political fellow travelers might raise some concern. i suggest you read Liberal Fascism toot sweet. by the way, how you liking civilian life?

digging back a ways, the old man explores "school security". some progress.

Reality Frame discusses "the puppet media". funny how all sides find fault with the media supplying us with news and opinion.

Cookie is another blogger that i'm simply pointing you towards. go, read, laugh. too damned many good posts to pick from, so go read them all.

The Knave posts some tips for gasoline users. that's most of us, i reckon. thanks for the pointers.

Eric of the world renowned Sub report has a bunch of blog entries detailing various submarine classes. if you are a sub buff, wander over and learn something new!

while his mind wasn't wandering, Myron posted a Tommy Cox video about "the dives we've known". then he has an updated list with a ton of links to other Tommy stuff that can take up most of the evening following. i know, because i had to wave off the wife a couple of times, just so i could get through the list. i doubt Tom will remember, but playing guitar in crews mess with him and the other wannabe musicians helped pass a couple of very tedious and very boring (for the nukes) spec-ops in the 70's.

Out on a Limb posts about why it sucks to be the GOP. yeah, it's painful.

the old coot posts about a new Navy ship, and who it's named after. i think the process of naming the Navy's war craft after heroes is not only fitting, but right. too bad they named a bunch after politicians. i suppose that was one way to get funding.

my red headed bud from the old days has posted a ponder in light of California's Supreme Court decision the other day regarding gay marriage. Wick, you are still a shit stirrer. please don't ever change.

two from Nereus: first, he snivels about how busy he is, and then posts about the best way to excavate a pool. he's entering into the land of civilians, and the changes that come from that are plenty. a new pool would be nice!

Mega Munch is pondering changing around the rules for an eating contest at work. my thought? Keep the BEER!. move to a non-work venue, and go for it. gluttony without alcohol? it's just not right.

the A-ganger is pondering putting his daughter in a nunnery. hey, thanks for the link! it was "eye opening"

very sad. DCS, sorry for your loss

Right Mind explores a well known double standard.

the Midwatch Cowboy explores how to spend the economic stimulus check. his take is spot on.

in case you missed it, episode 02-1 is online at Tubedaze. still waaaaiting John. a little something like a backed up sewer is holding things up? shaaaaa.

exploring the Cycle of Life can be tough when it's your boat we're talking about.

Doc explores The Problem with 24 Hour News

Chucklehead is taking an indefinite break from blogging. newborns take up A LOT of time!

yet another blogger that i'm just going to point you towards to explore on your own. the whiner has a number of really interesting posts lately that you might find worthwhile. i did.

Wheels proves that there can be an I in TEAM. damn! i'm impressed.

In through the out door has a post concerning a super secret sub base.

Exurban League posts something that tightened my scrote. not me, nope, no way. i get sweaty climbing a foot stool.

Read an amazing obit for amazing man at the Razorback Museum blog.

Blunoz talks about difficult decisions that might save someone's life.

Bill recounts his time as a Tijuana Tourist. me, i bought a switchblade that the border guards took. easy come easy go.

The Good Donut saw something about the West Virginia primaries that made him ashamed. dude, i can see why. sorry.

Beeb discovers Salt is good for you.

Halibut Hanger has the latest skinny on the Virginia Class appropriations

Dave's got a new pet, and possibly a future dinner. naming it Stu?

EDIT to correct an oversight on my part, let me direct you to Submarines Forever where the Sonarman explores the illegal immigrant issue vis a vis the Catholic church. pretty interesting reading.

That's it folks. happy reading, and don't forget to drop a comment or two while working your way around the bubblesphere.

and before i forget, don't miss the last couple of posts at the geezer's corner.

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Thursday, April 03, 2008

Submariner Blogger Roundup 4/4/08

Hi kids! guess what time it is? you're right, it's bubblesphere blogger roundup time! and before we get started, i'd like to welcome a couple of new members to the bubblesphere blogroll:
a Halibut bubblehead that served around the time i was on the Seawolf, give or take a couple of years. We joined the same squadron in the early 70's, and even shared a barracks down at the south end of Mare Island. welcome to Halibut Hanger.

And don't forget to visitDave Plouffe's Blog. he's an ex Topeka sailor, and it looks like he's doing some sort of education thing at sub school now, while working on his PhD. overachiever. (actually, good on ya buddy)

on to the roundup.

as if i need to keep pounding this into the collective heads of all that visit, the first and foremost submarine info site is of course Eric's Sub Report. if it relates to submarines, it's in the news, it's on the Sub Report. this is one of the handful of sites i visit every day, regardless of what else i may be out looking at while wandering the web.

ok, my buddy Joel, over at The Stupid Shall be Punished trains his experienced eye on the new navy workout uniform. for his unique fashion critique, wander over and see why he's willing to take back all the bad things he said before the unveiling. i'm pretty sure he is right when he states jihadis will run at the first sign of a group exercising wearing this getup.

it's been 10 days since willyshakes posted about how oboma tossed his grandmother under the train, but it's a good post, and i just couldn't let it slip by.

Chap gives us a link to a writer that looks to be shaping up to be a major voice in Asia, focusing on religion. i read the linkd article, and the dude says some interesting things that i hadn't put together.

Gus has two posts i'd like to point you towards. i've said many times that this guy is one of the smartest and clearest writers i visit. and i visit every day. first up, this post, where gus updates some of his objectivist links, with verbage. and then there is the ubiquitous Quick Roundup wherein he and i tempt fate once again by links roundup to roundup. one of these days, there will be some harmonic divergence caused by this cross linkage which will cause the earth to shatter. but since i like his writing so much, i'll take the chance, and you, dear reader, will just have to hold on for the ride.

one of the other bright spots in the bubblesphere blogger land is Vigilis, who once again proves he's way out front in examining all things submarine. here he's discussing the submarine achilles heel. interesting and thought provoking. as always.

slightly rough links us up with a baseball legend that has become a blogging fool.

my favorite liberal sub blogger Rob (he has his own magazine, formerly known as Rob's Blog, don't you know) gives his take on What is Patriotism.

our friend over at Reality Frame discusses why he's hopeful about the coming democratic convention, and what it means for obama.

and i'm not giving you just one post to the cook shack. instead, just go over there and catch up on all the humor you missed out on since the last time i sent you over. oh, and stop by and comment on today's post with a "poor baby" or some similar comment. i know he'll appreciate it.

and for a refreshing counter point to Rob and Reality Frame, here's the Knave with Obama 08 My Ass. yup.

Eric is desperately trying to drum up content for the Sub Report, so he started his own blog some time ago, just so he could dream something up for the rest of us to read when the news world ignored our beloved submarines. well, i'm here to tell you that he knocked one out of the park with Halfway Night and Rabbit Hash. can you tell i'm doing a don rickles here, harassing those that i respect, just because?

Myron's latest two posts are killer. first, he provides a link to the new Marine Corps Recruiting Station Berkeley tshirt. i'm ordering one as soon as i'm done with this roundup.
his other post is killing me, because i had a salad for dinner (don't get me wrong, it was a damned good salad), and it just doesn't compare with what he cooked up on the stove top. i want to have dinner at your house, Myron.

the Sonarman riffs about the Joys of Home Ownership. i'm feeling it bro. we ended up putting a brand new $28K roof on our new home the summer after we bought it 3 years ago. ouch. links to that saga are here, and here, and here, and finally here, where i present a picture of the finished product. like i said, i feel your pain man.

Mike Lief hunts down one of his favorite hollywood directors.

The Old Coot beat me to the punch on the Brit Royal Marine up for a Victoria's Cross for literally shielding his squad from a hand grenade by tossing himself on the damned thing. seems he tripped a wire while being point on a patrol in Ass'istan, which armed a grenade. in the seven seconds between arming and exploding, he figured better one dead soldier than 5, and jumped on the grenade, rolled up against it with pack, and BOOM. by rolling over and placing his pack against it, with the body armor he was wearing, all he ended up with was bruises. i'm surprised he didn't hurt himself by smashing his extra large brass balls jumping on a live grenade. where the hell do they find these guys? and note that he wasn't trying to kill others by blowing himself up. no. he saved his squad mates with his quick thinking. saved himself too. this man is a true hero in anyone's definition of hero. here's a link to an article about Matthew Croucher in the UK's News of the World.

Red dog lets us know what he thinks about the latest drive to beautify the last pope.

Nereus, you are not the only one striken with CRS. if you don't know what that affliction is, he'll tell you. now, what was it i wanted to say about this post? damn, i can't remember sh..........

i posted about megamunch's giving up meat for Lent on the last roundup. guess what? he made it! and then he did his best to make up for lost meat, uh, i mean, lost time. and he has one of the great bogie quotes for you sports fans

Subvet takes a look at the border issue. dude, if you're going to get a .45, try to get one with a mall ninja light rail attached to the dust cover. lets you hang all kinds of cool stuff on it to make you be able to see in the dark. that's when you really need it, anyway. here's my things go bump in the night .45

Right Mind from the People's Republic of Moscow, Idaho asks, do you meet the definition of terrorist?

Midwatch Cowboy is such a geek. in my world, that's not a bad thing. here he asks What the frack?

and don't forget to mark your calendars. the second season of Hey Shipwreck starts 14 April. two things i want to know. 1, how the hell does he not get shit from those above him that have no sense of humor, and 2, how the hell does he find the time to do all this stuff, work as a recruiter, and have a family? ah, to be young again!

you've heard they refitted the Georgia, turning it into a hybrid submarine, right? find out more here

Chucklehead expresses his love for technology. damn. 10 miles.

Jay points out that the Navy is going ahead with an ambitious building program with the Virginia class. i just wish we could build them faster than we're decomming them.

Wheels opines they got the scare quotes around the wrong word. dude, that story is just too messed up for words.

here's a techie article about the tradeoff between innovation and computer security over at In Through the Out Door. velly intellesting.

Exurban League takes a swipe a the Swedes' and the Absolut ad campaign in Mexico. you know, the shaded area of "Greater Finland" looks like a dick. appropriate. and not accidental.

Razorback Museum celebrates the 1944 birthday of the Razorback. some neat pics in the post.

Blunoz gives us a great travel blog about a recent trip to Maui. a little slice of heaven, where most of the folks already speak American English. accented, but understandable. and you don't even need to change money at the airport!

Bill reminisces about San Diego liberty. no disrespect, but i think bill and i had different goals on liberty. and i'm pretty sure i didn't go to any of the places he talks about. not on purpose, or unless it was directly in my way. i probably would have had a better time ( or at least be able to remember the time i had) had i followed his lead...

the Good Donut talks about the ever important Man Time, where no stinky girls are allowed. i still get to have man time with my son, but since he's 28 now, it's a little different than when he was losing his milk teeth.

and of course, don't miss my recent rant about emailed hoaxes. and if you didn't get a chance to see the Geert Wilders short film FITNA, or if you don't even know what i'm talking about, check out this post. if you decide to watch the movie, i must warn you that there are many disturbing images. mostly hate filled rantings by imams and others, but some pretty gruesome and graphic images of the results stemming from many of those rantings.

a note: yeah, i know there are a number of syntactical errors, spelling mistakes, and general rambling, disjointed sentences throughout this entry. what can i say?

and if you are, or know of another submariner out there blogging, please leave a comment so i can update the blog list. thanks...

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Friday, July 06, 2007

another bubblehead blogging

found him today. huh, hiding out there in buffalo, didn't think we'd find him. only problem is, he used the phrase "reactor scram, rig ship for reduced electrical". cool what you can find if you use the right search words in dogpile....
so head on over and say howdy to brisket for chucklehead, a boat sailor turned engineer turned grilling fool. recipes. i want recipes, darn it!


Monday, February 26, 2007

some cleaning up to do, and a welcome aboard

seems there have been a few moves that i didn't update, so here they are.

myron moved from blogger to wordpress, and his new address is Myrons Random Thoughts

xopher dude moved to Snapshot tube 2. yeah, same name, new blogger address. dude's trying to confuse me.

i'm drydocking the 687net blog, since there hasn't been a new post since last july.

same with the foxhole. bummer. i liked this guy and his musings.

deep sixing submarinesailor.blogspot for lack of posts since august.

killing bubblehead.us for the same reason, page gone

zero bubble has moved to a new location at zerobubble

pulling haps ponderings up out of drydock, since he's posted this month. thank goodness, too, because the bubblesphere is getting a little thin!

before i forget, i'm adding a non submarine link chocolate and zucchini, probably the best food blog on the net. i visit most days, and if you are interested in food, here's a good place to wander and while away some time.

some additions in the bubblesphere:
Pop's page
right mind

be sure to visit the newbies and welcome them to the bubblesphere

i don't know where i found the new guys. some were from joel, i'm sure. i just email myself with the links when i find them, so reconstructing exactly where they come from is tough. so whoever found these folks, thanks! and if you know of other bubbleheads that are blogging and aren't linked, let me know
editor's note i forgot to include a good news/bad news item. Dan at Desert Periscope has completed his tour of duty in Iraq, and is now back home. he's decided to stop blogging, which is too bad, since the entries over the last year all point towards a smart and together dude. i'll miss his posts. oh, DAN... WELCOME HOME!

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