Showing posts with label brigette b. Show all posts
Showing posts with label brigette b. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

rapunzel heads

I was cleaning my studio last weekend (it was extremely overdue) and I found these in a box in a pile of other drawings!  They are from my Disney internship days, when I did a little bit of work on Rapunzel (it was still called Rapunzel instead of Tangled then...that's how long ago it was).  Some (ok, MANY...alright MOST) of these look kinda oofy to me now, but they are an example of what character design is all about: just messing around with shapes.  Kinda fun still!

 These, like all the work that I did at Disney, only exist on paper.  The hard drive I had saved my work on crashed forever go and I have yet to get around to getting the data recovered.  WHO KNOWS what other priceless gems are hidden away in the deep recesses of my ancient hard drive???  

Sunday, November 10, 2013

fleet collection

Two things: this is not a fashion blog, and I am not a fashion blogger.  So when the opportunity presented itself for me to get my hands on some crazy cute dresses from Fleet Collection and take some pictures in them, I was like "whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat! me?!" and then I was like "GIMME THOSE DRESSES!"  

You see, I love clothes.  I really, really love clothes.  Especially dresses.  I have more dresses than pairs of socks, or t-shirts.  Dresses for days!  I love dresses!

Basically: I convinced my friend Janine Ker to hang out in Griffith Park here in Los Angeles for a day and take pictures of me.  It was so much fun!  Not just styling the dresses, but getting to collaborate on something with my friend, doing something creative outside the norm for both of us.  I mean, I'm no model, and the button on Janine's camera is held on with a bit of tape, and we did this all completely guerilla style!  (We almost got booted out of Travel Town for bringing 'props' in with us.) We got some weird looks, but that just added to the fun, I think.  

It also forced me to respect my favorite fashion bloggers that much takes a lot of planning and creativity to get good shots!

Credits for this adventure:
Styled and modeled by this moi

We shot this blue dress in Travel Town in Griffith Park.  It's full of cool old trains.  It's probably one of the coolest places in LA.  And it's free!

As a person who owns a lotta dresses already, I have to say that these are really excellently crafted.  I'm not jus saying that!  The fabric is nice and thick, so you don't have to wear a slip underneath, and they fit like a glove.  They're not flimsy like dresses this cute tend to be.  

Also, they are made in downtown Los Angeles!!  How cool is that?

sweater: J.Crew
shoes: Kurt Geiger
little suitcases: that is just the kinda stuff that I keep around.

This is a good place to mention that Janine is also my hairdresser.  She is responsible for my pixie cut, which gets me an average of one compliment a day.  

For the photos with this black and red dress I had the silly idea of going to this giant bougainvillea bush in Atwater Village, right by a train overpass.  It was our least glamorous location for sure (garbage all over, old man with a shopping cart rolled through, a car honked at us) but those flowers matched the dress so well!

sunglasses: the $15 or less store in Santa Barbara.  They were $7!
hat: some vintage hole in the wall.
belt: a thrift store like seriously 8 years ago
shoes: Kurt Geiger again
necklace: The Getty Center gift shop

THIS dress may have been my favorite.  I love red.  

 hat: J.Crew
belt: a thrift store like seriously 9 years ago
sunglasses: Asos

hat: Topshop
cardigan: Crossroads
all my jewelry: vintage

I got that paper parasol at FYF Fest a couple months ago for the practical purpose of keeping the sun off and also the awesome purpose of being adorable.  It was a fun prop!

Both Janine and I agreed that this yellow dress looked best among the yellow leaves of the sycamore trees.  The sycamore is my favorite tree.  How could you not love a tree that grows little deedly-balls on it?!

cardigan: Crossroads
shoes, sunglasses: Urban Outfitters
lace socks: Forever21

I hope I get the opportunity to do something like this again.  Super fun times!

Don't worry, there will be an art update soon.  I sure as heck have a lot to share, I just have to wait until the time is right!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

where does kitty go in the rain?

It's been a looooooooong summer, guys.  
It started out great with trips and anticipation, but it ended in the most bummer-est way possible.  Without getting into too, too much detail, there was a death in my husband's immediate family and any of you out there who have lost someone close to you know how that SUCKS. 

But sucky times seem to be drawing to a close now, and we're moving forward into fall!

School is starting!  It's my third year teaching at CalArts in the Character Animation department, and it is pretty fantastic. 

Me and Sean have an anniversary/birthday trip to look forward to in October!

It will no longer be one-billion-million-jillion degrees outside!  (Those of you in Los Angeles know what I mean: it's been freaking HOT.)

I have a couple big, important, awesome projects that I get to dive into head first!

It's all good stuff!

These illustrations are from a book I illustrated for Blue Apple LAST summer.  That's one of the toughest things about working in publishing.  You have to wait THIS LONG to share stuff!

It's an e-book, for the iPad and such, but I understand that it's going to be printed eventually as well.  I didn't actually know that while I was illustrating it, however, so there's a lot of things resting in the "gutter" on these pages.  Gutter is the fancy word for 'middle of the page where the crease in the book usually is'.  A good rule of thumb for all you would-be illustrators: don't put things in the gutter.  

The story is very cute and simple: a little girl wonders where her cat hangs out when it's raining outside, and she goes out to find him, and sees bugs and worms and stuff.

This is the title page.  I really like how that cloud turned out.  

I played with color a LOOOOOT on this project.  It would have been easy, but super dreary, to make every page gray and blue and rainy looking.  Instead I decided to try making the background colors different shades of desaturated, soft color, so it feels cool and rainy but not out and out sad.

And then yeah...the sun breaks out at the end and girlfriend finds her kitty!  I think this is my favorite spread, probably because I can very accurately remember squeezing my own cat in this exact fashion.  

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

faith and lola

12x12, photoshop!

Here's a little illustration I did for Australian clothing label Faith and Lola.  Best part of this deal: they paid me in clothes.  That is like...a dream.

My inspirations for this piece were: actual faith and lola dresses, 1960's fashion illustrations, and cornflowers.  Cornflowers are beautiful and you should google image search them immediately.

Monday, June 17, 2013

my new york diary

Hello blog friends!  If you follow me on instagram or twitter you're probably already aware of this: I recently spent a week in New York City!  It was part work, part vacation, and utterly awesome.  It was my first time there, but I doubt it will be my last.  We're already trying to figure out when we can possibly go back!

So this post is basically a photo explosion of my trip to NYC.  

I didn't draw a single thing while I was there.  I think it's important to put down the drawing utensil sometimes, and just be a person, and have some experiences.  Goodness knows there's enough to see and do in New York to keep your brain occupied.  

First thing: we took the red eye from LA (Burbank, actually) to JFK.  When we arrived we needed a nap and coffee.  Since we stayed at the Ace Hotel there was a constant stream of Stumptown coffee available, and we are BIG fans of that stuff, so from this first cup onward we were basically just constantly caffeinated.

We took a buggy ride in Central Park!  It was expensive but cool.

We did as much and as many touristy things as we could do, but we still didn't see it all. We saved some stuff for next time! I loved the ceiling of Grand Central Station.

Sean was really excited about this library because it's in Ghostbusters.  FYI: most of what we knew about New York previous to actually visiting was from movies.  I didn't think to go to the Tiffany's building (like in Breakfast at TIffany's) until after the fact.  D'oh!

...Sean fits right in at the Saks Fifth Avenue that is actually ON Fifth Avenue!  The first day we were there it was HOT and humid, and after walking around we ducked into Saks to drink iced tea upstairs and enjoy their complimentary air conditioning.


But really...Rockefeller Center was super beautiful.  

I was deeply impressed by Zoltar at FAO Schwartz, having watched BIG about 5,000 times.

We went to Central Park several times, but didn't see the whole park.  Not by a long shot.  We did do more walking than I remember having done for a looooooong time...actually, probably about the same amount we did in the UK this past winter.  Traveling and walking seem to go hand in hand.  Our feet were aching at the end of every day, but it's the best way to see New York!!  So many nooks, so many crannies that you only encounter on foot!

...spent some time by the Conservatory Water so Sean could play with the remote control sail boats.

Ah yes I ruined these sneakers.  They are cheapos from Urban Outfitters, they don't have a long lifespan anyway, but they are ruined.

Yes we ate bagels!  Somewhere in my brain I knew better than to ask for it to be toasted, but the lady behind me did NOT know this, and so got a good talking to by the cashier.  "Yo, we don't DO that.  Our bagels are baked fresh every day!  We don't even HAVE a toaster!!"

Ate pizza at Lombardi's in Little Italy.  It was pretty magical.

We found ourselves in Dean and Deluca one afternoon.  I love it there.  

Some friends of ours recommended this hot dot place.  I'm a vegetarian, so I didn't have one, but I DID enjoy their over the top fruit decorations....and exuberant signage.

Here's the work part of my adventures:  I got to visit the publishers that I'm working with right now!  This is my visitor badge from Scholastic, and their amazing carpet which has their mission statement weaved right into it.  SO cool.  
I met up with the art director and book designer for a book I'm illustrating (to be announced!), and we had lunch and actually got to talk in person.  
This is an odd side effect of being a freelance artist: often your 'co-workers' are remote, and even though you e-mail or talk on the phone, there's nothing that compares to meeting in person.  My feeling is that that experience was super important...another reason I'd like to go back!

...well it WAS my vacation sort of, so I had my fair share of tasty drinks.  

This is the lobby of Random House (doing a book with them too!), which was AMAZING.  It's wall to wall books, on these cool shelves.  Super impressive in person.  I don't think the photo does it justice at all.

...and lunch with Random House folks!  That's my agent Kirsten (who I also met in person for the first time on this trip), editor, book designer and me.  I'm glad that Kirsten was friendly and thoughtful enough to get someone to take this was a lunch worth commemorating. 

Oh yeah, and more fooling around in Central Park.  I made Sean paddle me around in a boat.  How could we NOT?!


...more Ghostbusters references.

I ate this big piece of coconut cake from Magnolia Bakery in the middle of the night.

...yeah, we did quite a bit of shopping, too.
I hit the Madewell flagship store, Uniqlo (never been before!) and window shopped at about a million boutiques.

We saw the Brooklyn Bridge!

We enjoyed the magical lighting of Central Park.

Here's me and my super-agent Kirsten.  I'm so lucky to have her, you have no idea.  You can follow her on twitter right here!

We went to the Empire State Building, but my camera had died already so no pics from up top.  I did get this one from down below, though!  This is from the bar at the Ace Hotel.  I like how it's just peeking over the top of the other building.  "hey guys!"

We didn't stay at the Maritime Hotel, but we did visit it and have a serious, serious crush on it.  The lobby is so beautiful...look at those murals!


They had these tiny ships with tiny little sailors on them whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!

Yeah.  Just gorgeous.  Just out of control.

This is the pattern on the couch.  Amazing.

New Yorkers are really into beautiful flowers and that is a thing that I can get behind.

Of course, we spent a good chunk of time at the Met.  We went to the Moma too, but I didn't take any pictures there.  There were so many people taking pictures of Starry Night it was kinda gross, so I laid down my iphone for that visit.  

Look at these rad Egyptian paintings though! The patterns!  The textures!

I found a Rothko to match my collar.

Faberge flowers!!  I bought some daisy earrings in the style of Faberge in the gift shop.  I could not resist. 

SO much stuff was completely overwhelming.

I wanted to move into some of the rooms on display.  Especially the really, really fancy ones.

The thing that really punctuated our day at the Met was this: it rained, hard, all day long.  It poured.  My feet got wet on the way from the subway station to the museum, and they did not dry out the whole time we were there.  I also had blisters from walking so much, a very not nice feeling, which made me a rather grumpy customer.  

This was hanging on a random wall looking very unimportant, but I loved it.  Maybe I'll do some embroidery someday...

Now a little bit of the Ace Hotel:

Fresh giant flower bouquets!!

Cool vintage-y signage!

Giant hot pink peonies!

On our last day, while walking around the Flatiron building, we ran into a parade.  What a way to make a last impression, NY!

...and now here we are home Los Angeles.  Be it ever so humble, and festooned with freeways and palmtrees and celebrities, there's no place like home.  I really happy to sleep in my own bed again.

And as for souvenirs...the experience itself is the best souvenir.  

This Breakfast at Tiffany's cup is a close second, though. 

...and also all the other stuff I bought.