Monday, November 17, 2008

I'll be back

So it has been a while since my last post or at least it seems like it has been forever. I am sorry to say that I probably won't be able to post until maybe Thanksgiving or after the end of the semester. In an attempt to study for all of my test, finish projects and get ready for finals I am going to have to take a break from blogging. Here are a few things that have gone on recently...
  • I have killed 32 spiders, 2 unknown bugs, and a fly! Amazing I
  • I leave for Paris in less than 2 months!
  • nothing much else besides going to class and being really tired all of the time!

Here are the things I need to accomplish before my next blog...

  • Test for science and the application to human nutrition
  • Poster presentation for astronomy
  • Letterhead and business card for interior design theory
  • Test for French
  • QUIA (online homework) for French
  • 2 online assesments for science and the application to human nurtition
  • Paper for interior design theory on a certain type of green design
  • Portfolio for interior design theory
  • Observing project for astronomy
  • Final for astronomy
  • Go to tutor for French 3 times
  • Presentation in French
  • Final for science and the application to human nurtition
  • Final for French

and then I am done for the semester! yay!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Oh, no problem, just one or two minor things to get done. Geez girl! You are swamped! No wonder you are tired all the time! It makes me tired reading your list!

I'm so proud of you. You are kickin' butt up there. Keep kickin' and I can't wait to hear how your to do list turns out! Love ya!