Monday 23 February 2009


taken from up on Page Hill during the snow days.

I'm very sorry postings have been erratic as of late... A recent career opportunity is sucking every minute bit of energy and free time from my life. It will all settle down eventually and become routine and I will be able to have and enjoy free time again.. this is what I keep telling myself!

I'm going to schedule at least 10 days worth of photos and so I offer up apologies if I don't respond to comments in a timely manner. My Google Reader says I have 210 unread posts in my "daily photo" folder! I miss you guys and the glimpses into your world!

thank you for your continued support,


Thursday 19 February 2009


I've walked down this street a hundred times and I never noticed this sign attached to the side of the building. New discoveries!


Tuesday 17 February 2009

the river again!

have you grown weary of snow photos yet? lol!

I promise only a few more and the I'll get back to our regularly scheduled bleak February photos :)


Monday 16 February 2009

ready for spring

so very very ready!

is it spring yet?

Sunday 15 February 2009

Saturday 14 February 2009

A quiet place to sit and reflect

...not that you'd do it in this weather! This snowy bench is in the church yard of Saints Peter & Paul.

bench in the church yard

Friday 13 February 2009

Changing Views: Feb

I've cheated just a wee bit in that this photo was taken during the first week of the month rather than the second... but let's be honest here, there's not a great deal of difference in what Jan vs. Feb will look like otherwise. That being said as I was going past this spot yesterday there is still an awful lot of snow still on the ground around Buckingham. I've visited nearby towns and not seen anything like the accumulations that my area received!

changing views 2

changing views 1

Please visit my fellow cdp bloggers Marley, Dusty Lens and Ruby as we all view the changes.