Tuesday, January 22, 2008

My Stampin Space...

Good Evening!
Thought I would post a picture of my stamping space - when it's clean (LOL!). Most of my goodies are in sight here, behind the desk is a twin bed that I keep all my extra stuff "kind of organized" on. The SU stamps on the left shelf are current, and my retired sets are on the right shelf. My favorite drawer is in the bottom right hand corner, where I keep all my punches...although I need a new spot for those. I also have a different chair now. but that's about the only thing that has changed since I took this picture (well, there is a FEW more stamp sets on the shelf!)  My dad put the shelves up for me about 3 years ago, They were pretty inexpensive. :D

Have a great night! Laura Jean

1 comment:

julie said...

Love your stamping space. Very inspiring!!