Showing posts with label Bell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bell. Show all posts

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Advertising for War

Today at BuffaloWingz we bring you a selection of advertisements featuring the two most well-known aircraft to be produced here in Western New York... the Curtiss P-40 Warhawk and the Bell P-39 Airacobra.

During the second World War advertising took on a second role from that of its intended purpose, which was, of course, to sell stuff. In this second role, whether by accident or by design, advertising served to help increase morale on the home-front. Military-themed advertising appeared everywhere, and images of aircraft, tanks, and soldiers helped sell everything from actual war materiel to home appliances, clothes, paint, and cigarettes...

Fade to Black...

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Shiny Cobra

This is your blogmeister's most-favoritest pikshur of the Bell P-39 Airacobra... an early example (a YP-39 me thinks) in bare-metal finish, as was the norm with most aircraft of the mid to late 1930s US Army Air Corps.

Project 914 Archives (S.Donacik collection)

Like the P-40, the P-39 has been much maligned during the six-and-a-half decades since the Second World War came to an end... perhaps more so. It was not used as extensively by AAF combat outfits as the P-40, and was arguably not as capable or effective. But the AAF had only two 'modern' pursuit types available in any appreciable numbers at the beginning of that soire... the P-39 was one of them, and it did its part to hold the line until more advanced types became available.

Putting capability and operational effectiveness aside to concentrate on aesthetics and sheer bad-assness, as many of us winguts are wont to do, there's no denying that the Airacobra is one grooooovy lookin' bird... and if your blogmeister weren't a P-40 fanatic, the P-39 would most certainly be #1 in his book.

More P-39s and other Bell products to come!

Fade to Black...