Showing posts with label Blog Friends and Giveaways. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blog Friends and Giveaways. Show all posts

Monday, January 23, 2012

Penny's Heart, Friends and you can still scroll down to enter my Giveaway!

I was looking forward to today SO much! It was my first "Non Snow/Non Work Day!" (Well, if you create things for a living, or at least PART of your living, you kind of laugh when people say, "Are you Off today, or working?" ) I don't take many "days off "anymore,,,,I AM either working on stuff for Shows/Customers/Stores OR I'm working at Joyworks!All of which I LOVE, but in general keeps me hoppin'! So, Shell, are you "Working today?"

Today I'd say NO. Nadda. Zip. I had "this" a couple of weeks ago and it went away,,,,didn't get sick. But today, once again I woke up with an ear ache, a swollen gland that hurt and a headache when I tried to look up. Weird. Sinus? Allergies? Or fighting a bug,,,,,dunno. But I laid low today, read a bit,,,,,okay, quite a LOT and waited to feel better,,,,Chicken Soup? Check! Fluids? Check? And rest. Well, I hope I've knocked it out of the proverbial Ball Park once again, as I've known several friends and co-workers that didn't!  Anywhoo,,,,The Snow is gone and I managed to deliver a Basket and a little "somethin' somethin' to my dear friend and Co-Worker Penny's porch today!

I'd been working on some Valentine projects and had a bunch of Materials sitting around,,,,,,,and thought I'd make her something with a neutral themed "something."  I found this handmade paper I had,,, Some ribbons and vintage lace,,,,,,and well, I figured any "Francophile" would appreciate a "Frozen Charlotte" in the mix,,,,and this is what I came up with. (Penny Girl, You'll have to tell "Mr. Bill" That the broken arms/legs are part of the charm,,,,,,otherwise he'll think I gave you something BROKEN!)

One of the BEST things I love about my life right now, is that I have friends of ALL ages. Of course I have my Joyworks co-worker's and consider them all friends,,,,,,,some older and some younger than me. I feel blessed that my "Penny Girl" is one of those friends and co-workers that has entered my life. She and her "Hubbs" Bill,  have  helped me with Shows and Events, and I hope I was a good friend, back when Bill was having health issues. I love and care for them both more than I can say. Their friendships mean the world to me!

And as I type this? I'm waiting for a knock on the door from one of my newer and younger friends, Kelly. She moved in -two doors down from me recently. We walk dogs together.  A Golden  retreiver(My Kodi) my Black lab, Shadow and her "Jessi Girl",,,an aged and OH so SWEET Chocolate Lab!,,,,,,,,But more than that, we talk about work, life, decorating, dogs and "stuff." She's in her late 20's,,,,,somewhere in age between my two boys, and now? I can't imagine my life without her! Truly.

Now, I've got to sign out and call my dear little Friend Helen (92) who has been somewhat "snowbound" and set a time tomorrow, to get HER out and about once again! (She fell during the snow/ice even after I told her NOT to go out and "clean up" after her Pom....Mikey. ) She's okay, but sore,,,,,whaddya gonna do?

Blessing to friends, near and far! We can ALL learn a thing or two from our younger OR older Friends!

Hugs, Love and a "Friendly" Bus!

If you haven't yet left me a msg or comment on my giveaway, scroll down, or if you're having problems, you can email me and I will still enter you! Ends JAN 27th!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

A couple of Giveaways and Blog Friends.....

My Friend Maggie at "Just Between Me & You" is having a "Sweet" Giveaway.  But it's about more than that. Maggie's Giveaway asks about When you started blogging,,,,Why you blog and for me, it made me look back,,,to my FIRST blog post.

Oh Lordy! I don't know about the rest of you,,,,But I had NO idea what I was doing. I jumped in with both feet back in 2008 in my first blog called "Shell in Snohomish." We'd had quite the Snow storm and I'd had the Joyworks Gang here for our annual Christmas Bash. So, I took a FEW photos and started a blog.
Well, I've gotta say, that I spend a lot of time in the ensuing weeks on apologizing for pics going on the blog sideways,,,,or just plain bad pics! Now, if you've been strong and steadfast enough to follow me for long, it wasn't until recently that I REALLY started posting decent photos......but at least they've been "upright for a while!"  And looking Back,,,,,,after reading Mag's post...I saw the friends that were with me in the beginning!

Thanks to the Joyworks Gals,,,,,,for posting and commenting, Linda Queen and Mishelle for being "Cheerleaders" and for then, my newfound friend LULU, for encouraging, posting, introducing me to other blog friends,,,,like my dear friend Maggie. Ackk!

Yadda yadda Shell,,,,,that's nice, but WHAT are you saying?.... I've met some Great Women through this whole thing. I cannot imagine my life without them. While my Blog STILL continues to evolve, there have been many great "Friend Finds" along the way......Friend I've never met...Friends at Events-near AND far, Classes, through Events held online......How fun!

So all THAT said....Maggie's got a  "Sweet" Giveaway about the whole blogging/friends/posting thingy.....
Stop by Just Between Me & You before May 1st

And, My friend Jody, of Home & Heart,,,,,,who actually WON MY Giveaway yesterday, has a Gorgeous Necklace Creation on Her blog for some lucky Lady!  Ends April 30th!

Jody's Blog,,,,,necklace giveaway For some reason, I can't open the picture.......but it's gorgeous! She does amazing jewelry! So, "Click on over, and check it out!"

So,,,,,Case in point, I still have "glitches" when I blog. But I have learned a LOT and the friendships I've formed are priceless! I cannot imagine life anymore without my blogfriends!

Have a GREAT Sunday,,,,,,,
Hugs, love and a "Bus" still wearing a SWEATER! it is COLD and Wet this April Day!