This week for me has meant hours and hours and hours with my leg elevated up in bed. Lets just say it has been quite an adjustment for everyone. The kids have just brought all their meals, books and games in to my bed to keep me company. They also brought a good share of dirty feet, crumbs and whinges in here too.
The kitchen company finally reappeared ( six weeks after we moved home) with the range hood box cover to be installed. They seemed to have completely forgotten about the two missing drawers that have still not reappeared and left with vague mutterings of coming back with the rest next week. Now I have heard that before, say about six times, so we'll see.
Still, even a little progress is exciting when there is not much else going on. There is still shelving to be installed above the window and a final coat of paint but it is slowly getting there.
In the meantime I have been distracting myself from the state of the house with well placed floral arrangements from my mum. I call this one "Still life with gladioli and yellow painting trestle".
I made a start on some crochet triangle bunting, which I plan to embellish with some daisies from a Mollie Makes pattern.
The kids have been busy too. An animal research station (heavily inspired by the Octopod) from the boy. Each animal has its own habitat and food supply. Always sensible when you have carnivores in the mix.
And is that bunting I spy in a new drawing? I did have grand plans to sew some before a certain five year old birthday, in only a few weeks. This time of year everything seems to speed up, meanwhile I'm just here snailing my way along, writing long lists and trying not to get panicky.