Showing posts with label embroidery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label embroidery. Show all posts

Friday, September 05, 2008

doll quilt swap four

as i mentioned before, i took part in doll quilt swap four. and it was a lot of fun! my swap partner, cecy, loves solids and bold fabrics, so i sure hope she likes this quilt. here is the back...
oh, and she likes owls, so i embroidered one on the quilt label. i think he is quite cute. i used three different colors of thread together for the embroidery and i like it. i have never used more than one color at the same time...
i hope to get around to some more sewing this weekend. we are finally getting into a groove around  here with homeschooling, so my thoughts sometimes drift toward sewing...imagine that! of course some of my ideas are for school, so i am not drifting too far.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

iron away

i have mentioned before how much i love to iron when i sew. well, lucy is always asking to iron with me. being the responsible mom that i am, i have not allowed her to do so. well, our other find this past weekend at the 90-mile yard sale was this little gem...
lucy has been playing away with it. mostly ironing either her dad or play-doh. yesterday i remembered that i had bought this small ironing board about ten years ago...
it had a great fabric on it which has since ripped and is in pretty bad shape. not to mention i never quite knew what to do with it. i mean, it was never quite usable and has been sitting against the wall in my sewing room. i have almost sold it several times, but couldn't bring myself to do it. well, i am glad i didn't. i decided to make a cover for it and let lucy use it so she can "help" me iron...
i am really happy with it. why didn't i embroider my ironing board cover?
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