Showing posts with label Crazy 4 Challenges. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crazy 4 Challenges. Show all posts

Saturday, June 5, 2010

C4C - Pleats and Bye Bye

Hi and Happy Saturday Everyone!!

This  week at Crazy 4 Challenges, our woo hoo wonderful June Hostess, Mercy Kerin
has challenged us to create a card with pleats!!  
They can be pleats on ribbon or's up to you...just have pleats!!

This is my last challenge with the fabby Crazy girls at C4C...I have been 
overly busy and with Summer here I want to spend lots of time with my 5 little reasons!!
I wish the Girls all the best and was honored to work with each of them!
Love ya Girls!

Our Sponsor this and next week is

They have some AWESOME stamps and I love the ones I got!!

Believe it or not I love vintage children and kitchen things, so these stamps 
were my idea of perfect vintage!! 

 Aren't these stamps adorable!!
I had trouble photographing the aqua one!! 
It looks so much better in person!!
I might try to re photograph later!!
The Paper is from the October Afternoon - 
Fly A Kite and The Thrift Shop Collections at DIE CUTS R US!!

Toot a Loo-

Saturday, May 15, 2010

C4C - Pockets

Hi Everyone!!

It's been awhile since I was here...hee hee!!
I haven't been feeling well (just not myself, headaches galore and a lil' burnt out 
feeling...anyone else feel that way or is it just me?!?!) and just really really busy!!
 Sadly, I have had to make the decision to step down from Wild Flower Kids  
(I love those girls and Jen is super fabulous, super talented) and 
also decided not continue on as Guest Designer for Tickled Pink 
(which BTW has some really cute stamps)!!
I guess I just need to simplify a bit and I am really craving time with my family!
I know you all know what I mean!!

However, I sure have missed you all and missed seeing all your amazing creations!
Sorry to have fallen WAY behind in my blog hopping and commenting!

I am happy to be back and bring you a another fabulous challenge from C4C.
Our WOWZA talented hostess, Frances Byrne, has challenged us to create a card with 
a pocket.  Now that can be a pocket image or an actual pocket.

Here is my DT card:
I used these ADORABLE sweetie pies from my great friend, Krista Van Tol....her sweet 
Momma, Mary Anne is the illustrator and boy is she talented!!  Too cute huh?!?!

Being that this is the 3rd Saturday of the month, this week is a prize challenge. 
Our prize is donated by our sponsor for the next couple of weeks 

I hope you all find time to join us!!

Hugs and Blessings - 

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Crazy 4 Challenges

This week marks the end of the month for our fantastic C4C April hostess, Lynda Benden!!
Lynda has given us some FABULOUS challenges this month and this week is no exception!!

We are doing a different challenge this week. 
The CRAZY girls have made cards this week using WHATEVER they wanted!!! 
There were no rules for us.........but for you....there are rules!! LOL!! Your challenge is to choose one of the CRAZY girls cards posted HERE and CASE it! That's easy huh?!? You can CASE the layout, theme, colors or the whole card!!! Whatever works for you!

I told it was a great challenge didn't I!?!?!?  What a design genius Lynda is...what a super fun challenge!!

Here is my wanna CASE it?
I was blessed with this adorable image (so sweet and vintage...i LOVE it) by a really sweet blogger friend named Ann....Thank You Ann!!!  Sadly, I lost her blog addy right after she blessed me 
with the image and I have tried and tried to find her blog luck!!
So Ann, if you are out there and you see this...PLEASE comment so I can find you again!!! 
I loved your blog and all your creations and I'd love to find you again!!!!

Now, everyone go pick a card to case!!
It's gonna be so much fun to see all your CASED cards!!
Woo Hoo!!

Our hostess this week is
and boy does she carry some fab products...go take a looksie...HERE!!!


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Crazy 4 Challenges - Sketch

Hi Everyone!!

This week at  

Our sensationally talented hostess, Lynda Benden has a super fun sketch for us.
I mixed that fun sketch with our awesome sponsor, Paper Romance
and Voila!!!

My DT Card:

This sweet little Popcorn the Bear is ready for Party Time and you 
can find him HERE!!

I was blessed with the opportunity to work with Popcorn...thanks to our fab sponsor

Here is Lynda's Crazy Fun Sketch:
I hope you all will join us this week!!


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Crazy 4 Challenges - Recipe

Good Saturday Morning Everyone!!

Sorry I haven't been to around much this week.  
I, to be honest, am pretty exhausted and am have been focusing on family a bit lately!!
As some of you may know I homeschool my 2 oldest of my 5 Little Bugs, so we 
are trying to wrap up the school year.
Just entering a season where I feel my babies need me and since they are 
top priority, they have been getting my attention!!

While, trying to juggle it ALL, I have realized I can't therefore I have decided to step down from  
Bee Crafty.
This was a very hard decision, since I just love Merrigan and the Girls, not to mention her designs are ADORABLE!! Thank You Merrigan for allowing me to design for was a true pleasure!!
Best Wishes to all you are the best!!
I will still be a huge supporter and follower of Bee Crafty and I would recommend Merrigan's Images to anyone!!  In fact, they have a lovely Wedding/Anniversary Challenge going on today and the girls have created lots of pretty stuff!!
I just need a little break as I am on the verge of getting burnt out...I think we all have been here and you all know what I mean!!

 Now on to my Saturday contribution to the blogger/crafting world...

This week our super fabulous hostess Lynda, has challenged us to create according to a recipe.
It's supposed to be as easy as 1, 2, 3.  You know the kind of challenge only a silly goose could screw up on....well, just call me a SILLY GOOSE!! Why you ask?  Well, I can't even follow a simple recipe...I accidentally got carried away and instead of the 1 Ribbon, 2 Buttons/Brads and 3 Punches....I used 3 Buttons/Brads!!  Yikes, Sorry Lynda!!

I would have changed it, however I didn't notice it until I was uploading it!!
Hope you all like it anyway!!

This week's challenge is sponsored by...
WOOT WOOT!!!Don't you just LOVE this super fun and Freaky Flutter Image

 Be SURE to take a look at the other Crazy Girls....they have made some wonderful 
cards...Oh and they followed the recipe correctly...Hee hee!!!


Friday, April 2, 2010

Crazy 4 Challenges

Happy April to all you fans of  C4C!!

I am happy to announce that our challenge hostess for this month is the very talented Lynda Benden!!
Woo Hoo Lynda!!

She has started us off this month with a really really super duper fabulous...I love it....Challenge!!

Use Kraft Card Stock as the base of your card

Yippee Woot woot!!  Now who doesn't love Kraft CS!??!!?
Anyone? Anyone?
I didn't think so!!!

Here is my DT card:

Our fab sponsor is:

I hope you all fins time to join us at Crazy 4 Challenges this week!!


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Bee Crafty and Crazy 4 Challenges

This fortnight at Bee Crafty we are celebrating 1 year of Bee Crafty fun and craftiness!!!

Yep....It's Bee Crafty's Birthday!!!
Woo Hoo!!
Congratulations Merrigan!!

So in honor of the Merrigan and Bee Crafty's accomplishments this year and the party going on over at the Bee Crafty Blog, I used Fluffy Bunny Birthday!!
This is one adorable image and can be used for boys or girls:

I created a little gift with a ribbon and button bow, accompanied by a small card....Fluffy Bunny Birthday adds all the cuteness necessary for an adorable gift bundle!!!

How to play: This fortnights theme is 'Birthday.'
Make a craft item (card or other) with a birthday theme, it must also include a DIGI IMAGE somewhere, but this doesn't have to be a Bee Crafty one.
OPTIONAL - Create a coordinating set (e.g., card + gift bags, tags, boxes...)

Please submit your entry by Saturday 10th April (Midday UK) by posting on your own blog and using Mister Linky below.

As this is our birthday, there are EXTRA PRIZES!!!

  • 3 digis for the overall winner
  • 1 digi each for 3 runners up
  • 1 digi for best use of a Bee Crafty image
  • 1 digi for the best coordinating birthday set


This week at Crazy 4 Challenges, we were challenges by Barbara Anders to create a card 
using her fantastic skexth which has a Clean and Simple Theme.

Thanks Barbara for your fun challenge!!

Here is my DT card:

I was excited to use a digital image/stamp from our sponsor

march release ad
our March Digital Stamps are here!!

Briley and Balloons is so super cute and I loved coloring her, picking her was easy!!
Wendy the owner and illustrator has many many more "delight"ful images to choose from,
so hop on over and take a peek!!  
Thanks for allowing us to work with your awesome images Wendy!!

Enjoy and Happy Saturday!!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Bee Crafty26 and C4C28

It's Saturday again and this is the week that I get to post about 
Bee Crafty Challenge and Crazy 4 Challenges!!

Merrigan at Bee Crafty has challenged us to create a card/project with a Spring theme.
Yep, Spring is in the air!!!
 I had fun working with Merrigan's fresh and fun image...Whimsical Girl.
She is so cute and can be used for just about any occasion!!

Here is my Bee Crafty DT Card:

I colored her and made grass with Copic Markers.
I used these cute buttons I received from a good friend for my birthday!!
A little ric rac, a splash of Fresh Green designer paper and Voila....
A Whimsically Spring card!!!!!! 

Be sure to join in the Bee Crafty fun during the next 2 weeks and go take a peek at all the
springy cards the other Crafty Girls have designed just for your viewing pleasure!!!

OH and did I mention that Merrigan just might (*wink wink*) have a treat for ALL
who hop over to take a peek!!!!  Well, she does....Hurry HERE!!!
Trust me you will NOT want to miss this!!!

Our talented March hostess, Barbara Anders has challenged us to create a 
Masculine Themed card/project.  Manly/Boyish cards are always needed and quite useful.
If you are like me, then you have plenty of girlie cards, so a boyish one is welcomed!!

Here is my C4C DT Card:
  I drew this little baby awhile back and thought he'd be perfect on my boyish card.
I used him to create a Baby Boy card that used for a Baby Shower, a Welcome baby or even 
a Congrats on your Baby Boy News Card!!!

I colored  him with Copics and a lil' white paint!! 
I used paper and chipboard embellies from ChatterBox...Yummy!! 

I know he's not the cutest baby on the block, maybe he's got the kind of face 
only a mother could love, but oh well...he will work for this card!!

Be sure to hop over and see what the other Crazy Girls have for you!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Crazy 4 Challenges - C4C27

Our wonderful and talented March hostess is...Barbara Anders 
and boy has she started off the month of March on a fun note!!

Paper Piercing
is the theme and you can find all the details HERE.

Here is my DT card:

I used this ADORABLE new Mo Image 
Colored her with Copics and placed her a top this pretty Fresh Green Gingham 
Martha Stewart paper that Hannah gave to me for my birthday in January!! 

Our sponsor this week is:

WOWZA...They are giving a $15 gift certificate 1 lucky winner this week!!!
Don't forget to visit the other Crazy Girls:

Hope you all have a CraZy Fun Saturday!!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Bee Crafty and C4C

I just realized this didn't posted on Saturday...I know, call me slow, but I have a lot on my mind!! Maybe not brains, but a lot of other stuff that is more fun than brains!! LOL!!
I had wondered once or twice why I hadn't seen any emails with comments on this post, but I thought ...I guess no one liked my Bee Crafty or C4C cards this week!
Not really sure why it didn't post correctly...the same exact thing happened to my DCRU post this week.  Glad I caught it before the next one goes up!!
Sorry  Bee Crafty and C4C Girls!!

Hi Everyone!!

This has been a super fun weekend with the release of the 
Puddle Jumpers, but guess what...I have more fun for you!!

Yep, Bee Crafty and Crazy 4 Challenges FUN!!

This week the challenges made me laugh as they are BOTH all about Embossing!!
Woo Hoo!!  We all love embossing right!?!?!?!
I know I do!!

I hope you all found time to join the Bee Crafty Challenge last was SEW exciting!! 
And I also hope you were able to get your own  
Whimsical Girl Kissing Couple And Whimsical Girl Heart Garden
Images...Merrigan is just too darn talented and her images are toooo sweet!!

Now for the challenge:

Here is my DT Card:

I love coloring Whimsical Girl.  This time I used Whimsical Girl and Bird.
As you can see I used embossing on the white panels of card stock.  I embossed them with Quikutz Large and Small Dots Folders...I love them!!  Got them from DCRU
I also used a pinch of heat embossing here and there on the adorable image which you can find HERE!

Hope you join us this week at Bee Crafty!!


Like I told you above this week at C4C it's all about embossing and textures!!
 Our wonderful Hostess and my good friend, Robin has challenged us to use at least 
3 different textures/embossing!!
In other words go embossing/texture crazy!!
Here is my DT card:


I have texture on my button, Embossing texture on the cs, ribbed texture of the ribbon, 
heat embossing on the image and smooth texture of the DP!!
I used Noah Puddle Jumper!! 
What a coincidence...He is being released TODAY!!
You can hop over to Claudia and Company for the 
details and a chance to win!!

Have a fun Saturday and be sure to check out the Puddle Jumpers!!

Blessings - LORi

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Crazy 4 Challenges

I am a bit behind today, but the sun was shining and we had a heat wave (64 degrees) go through 
today, so it was all abou thte kiddos for the Boyd Household!

This week at 
Crazy 4 Challenges 

Our February Hostess, Robin Willis has challenged us to use a sketch she designed to create our cards.
Our sponsor is the fun stamp company... Totally Stampalicious!

Here is my card:
I used this gorgeous
Glam Kitty 

She was so much fun to color!!  Bravo Joycelyn!!

Here is the sketch:

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Bee Crafty and C4C

Yippee...I got to use this precious Whimsical Girl - Kissing Couple from Bee Crafty again on this fortnight's challenege 
Sew Happy
Bee Crafty!!

This little couple is sew cute!!


Click HERE for challenege details, to see the rest of the DT Cards and to 
purchase this adorable digi for yourself!!

Our February Hostess, Robin Willis has challenged us to use RED as the 
main color of our card or project this week!!
I created this as my DT Project:
Our sponsor, this week is 
Stephanie Bernard

Stephanie was so very nice and offered us Crazy Gals some stamps, but busy ole', silly ole' lost track of time and never remembered to request any!!
Luckily, Vicki sent this sentiment to the group so I snatched it up and Voila!!!
Sweet and Beautiful...what a great sentiment, very versatile and can be used for a variety of themes on cards and projects!!

Find the Sweet and Beautiful Sentiment HERE in this set:

Visit C4C to see the other Crazy Girls Creations!!


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Crazy 4 Challenges - C4C

Hi Everyone!!

It's time for another Crazy 4 Challenges Challenge.

This month our wonderful and talented hostess is Robin Willis!!  Robin has some super and simply fun challenges in store for us this month, so trust me you won't want to miss a single one!!!
This week the theme is Valentine!! Yipppee...thanks Robin!!

Here is my DT card:

 I used Valentine Lily by Jen Shults from The Wild Flower Kids.
Isn't she a doll!!  Too darn cute!!!  And for only $3 we can ALL get her to color!!!
What darling Valentines she and her fellow WFK would make for your little sweeties!!

For the next 2 weeks our sponsor will be The {Stamps} of Life by Stephanie Barnard.

Be sure to hop over to the C4C blog to find out all the details and to see the LOVE-ly Creations the other girls have for you!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Bee Crafty and C4C

Happy Saturday Everyone!!

I have 2 Challenges for you today.
First up is:
Challenge #23 - Romance

Bee has created 2 new Romantic Images for us.  Thanks so ROCK!!
Here is my DT Card for this fortnight challenge:
I picked 
Whimsical Girl The Kiss
and added a sentiment form the Wild Flower Kids Soon to be released Collection.


Next, I have my last week as the January Challenge Hostess at 

I have had fun creating the challenges through out January and am ready to 
announce my last challenge:


Design a card/project with a lollipop...That can be Lollipop Designer Paper, Lollipop Ribbon, a Lollipop Stamp or even an actual Lollipop

I used Ethan Lollipop from The Lollipop Collection sold at Stamping Bella and also some actual Lollipops with covers for a Bridal Shower this past summer!!

Hope you all have a wonderful Weekend and find time to join in the Challenge Fun!!