'On a clear day I can see God 1'
Digital Print, archival framed and printed 132cmx85cm © Candice Herne 2010
Hi everyone please note in your busy holiday schedules to come and see this fresh group exhibition I am participating in.
Nice Day
Artist Statement
After a 18 month photography blitz taking photographs of weather.This work ‘On a clear day I can see god’, presents what is left, the sun rise and sunset a form of ‘energy’ and optical illusion. Light and colour are energy, colour is derived from light. Sunlight, which contains all the wavelengths, consisting of the entire electromagnetic spectrum that we depend on, to exist on this planet.
I came about these ideas by continually reducing my images down to emotions. I would, go out and respond, instinctively and emotionally, purposefully blurring and distorting images, to create movement, space, light and emotion. I committed myself to take photographs that needed no distorting. Which developed into searching for natural weather phenomenons, that had similar aesthetic and conceptual values that I was striving for. Speculation, clarity and resolution. God is used as a metaphor in this work. A popular term for a form of reflection and connection to something, that may differ from object reality. Whether in ourselves, deity or the natural world.
Candice Herne 2010
Hi everyone please note in your busy holiday schedules to come and see this fresh group exhibition I am participating in.
Nice Day
12 January - 19 February 2011
by Artists
Candice Herne, Sandra Landolt, Nicola Moss, Susan Buret, Jenny Conde,
Uta Heidelauf
by Artists
Candice Herne, Sandra Landolt, Nicola Moss, Susan Buret, Jenny Conde,
Uta Heidelauf
A group exhibition in which artists have been responsive to weather conditions, patterns and effects.
The works have been created through a range of media from photography, paper-cuts, painting, drawing and kinetic sculpture.
presented by
Cnr Wembley Rd & Jacaranda Ave, Logan Central, Queensland, Australia
Open 10am - 5pm; Tues to Sat
Free Entry
Contact: Annette Turner, Logan Art Gallery
phone 07 3412 5519
I will also be holding a Children's workshop
Colours of the Wind
Thursday 13th February 2011, (ages 4 and up)
In this workshop we will talk about what colours are in the sky and where these colours come from and make a pinwheel. (I will post the exact times closer to the date)