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Showing posts with label bin laden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bin laden. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Obama Takes Out Osama -- Bush Had NOTHING to do with it!

Barack Obama in 2008:  "I will move on actionable intelligence in Pakistan, ..."

Obama Foretold His Taking Out Bin Laden in 2008
Too Tough for Other Democrats

What did George Bush do to catch bin Laden?  In 2005, he DISBANDED the CIA unit organized to capture bin Laden.  Bush wasn't interested in catching bin Laden.  Don't take my word for it, take the word of Mr. Bush in 2002 (just six months after 9/11).  2005, the year Bush disbanded his unity, was also conveniently the year bin Laden's mansion was being built.

What a difference in focus, poise and intensity.  For those of you Obama-haters, open your eyes.  Bush was an embarrassment and had little to no class.  Obama stood up to the other Democratic candidates and dominated the conversation.  Now, let's examine the attack on bin Laden.

Originally it was scheduled for March, but Obama delayed it.  Why?  Because it was a bombing mission that would have left little.  Obama wanted the world to have a proof of death, so HE was responsible for the change in strategy, i.e., to go with a Special Ops mission using Navy Seals (I'll bet Jesse Ventura would have cut off his hair to go along).

Before the mission was to begin, Obama asked if they had a backup plan in the event one went down?  They had not so they added backup helicopters and, what do you know, one DID GO DOWN.  The backup helicopter got them out of there.  The whole mission took 40 minutes.  It was a PRECISION OPERATION and our Commander-in-Chief OBAMA, Leon Panetta, and the US Navy Seals deserve tremendous credit.  In fact, if the reader is truly an American, he will fill with pride at their accomplishments.

Obama was especially smart to have the mission viewed on closed circuit TV in the Situation Room.  The faces on the viewers tell quite a story:

How cool was Obama?  Here he was the night before on the eve of conducting an operation that would go down in World History alongside such events as the JFK Assassination, on the anniversary of the death of Hitler:

Had Bush been responsible for conducting this operation, the right wing would be calling for him to be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor and to have his image carved up on Mt. Rushmore.  No, they allow him a week to continue having to answer more questions about his credentials bo bozos like the Donald, and outright idiots like Sarah "I can see Alaska from here..." Palin.

Frankly, I'm fed up with these right-wingers who claim to be patriots.  If you are a patriot, stand up and applaud a man who has shown superior leadership skills, and that he is tough -- very tough, when it comes to foreign policy and his dealings with terrorists.  Cut out the worst disrespect of the Presidency that I have seen in my lifetime.

I am proud to have a President that is so cool under fire.  One more thing.  There was NO ONE SOURCE of information that led to bin Laden.  Leon Panetta says without a doubt that this mission was accomplished WITHOUT waterboarding, which Republicans insist is the reason Bush should receive credit.  Waterboarding!  Torture that is BANNED by the Geneva Convention.  That is what the Republicans stand for.  Grow up, children.  Be patriotic.  Salute our President.  He has earned it.

The Candid Blogger

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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Former Head of Army Intelligence Debunks 9/11 Stories

Major General Albert "Bert" N. Stubblebine III, former head of all US Army intelligence says:

"I don't know what hit the Pentagon, but it was not an airplane."

"I do not believe the press is free any more...the press is saying what they are told to say."

"The stories that are being told about 9/11 are false."


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Thursday, July 9, 2009

Did X-Files Show Predict 9/11?

There's a popular "urban myth" that a March 2001 episode of the X Files accurately predicted the events of 9/11. It's not a myth. See for yourself:

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Monday, May 25, 2009

Panetta Can Solve 9/11 Conspiracy Puzzle

The Man Who Can Find Out the Truth

For more than seven years, the American people have debated just who was actually behind the attacks on the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. We have the government-sponsored 19 hijackers and a few boxcutters theory. We have the Israeli false flag theory, and all kinds of questions in between. However, in thinking about all the information that has been forthcoming, it occurred to me that we can learn a whole lot about the attacks by simply asking new CIA director, Leon Panetta, to investigate. Here is the theory:

The conservative French newspaper, Le Figaro, reported in 2001 that Osama bin Laden spent the period of time between July 4 and July 14, 2001, at the American Hospital in Dubai where he underwent surgery.

During his stay in the hospital, he met with a CIA official. While on the World's "most wanted list", no attempt was made to arrest him during his two week stay in the hospital, shedding doubt on the Administration's resolve to track down Osama bin Laden.

Defense Secretary Rumsfeld stated that it would be difficult to find him and extradite him. Its like "
searching for a needle in a stack of hay". But the US could have ordered his arrest and extradition in Dubai that July. But then they would not have had a pretext of waging a war.

"Having taken off from the Quetta airport in Pakistan, bin Laden was transferred to the hospital upon his arrival at Dubai airport. He was accompanied by his personal physician and faithful lieutenant, who could be Ayman al-Zawahari--but on this sources are not entirely certain--, four bodyguards, as well as a male Algerian nurse, and admitted to the American Hospital, a glass and marble building situated between the Al-Garhoud and Al-Maktoum bridges.

Each floor of the hospital has two "VIP" suites and fifteen rooms. The Saudi billionnaire was admitted to the well-respected urology department. As early as March, 2000, 'Asia Week,' published in Hong Kong, expressed concern for bin Laden's health, describing a serious medical problem that could put his life in danger because of "a kidney infection that is propagating itself to the liver and requires specialized treatment". According to authorized sources, bin Laden had mobile dialysis equipment shipped to his hideout in Kandahar in the first part of 2000.

While he was hospitalised, bin Laden received visits from many members of his family as well as prominent Saudis and Emiratis. During the hospital stay, the local CIA agent, known to many in Dubai, was seen taking the main elevator of the hospital to go to bin Laden's hospital room. A few days later, the CIA man bragged to a few friends about having visited bin Laden. Authorised sources say that on July 15th, the day after bin Laden returned to Quetta, the CIA agent was called back to headquarters.

Many questions arise.
  • Why was bin Laden not arrested as he was among the Most Wanted?
  • Who was the CIA agent who met with bin Laden and what did they discuss?
  • When that CIA agent reported back to headquarters, to whom did he report?
  • Dick Cheney?
  • Is it possible that the CIA agent was just finalizing preparations for the attack which was to come in less than two months?

Answers, Leon???

sources: Global Research and Guardian

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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Former Italian President Says 9/11 Solved

President Cossiga


By the Staff of American Free Press

Former Italian President Francesco Cossiga, who revealed the existence of Operation Gladio, has told Italy’s oldest and most widely read newspaper that the 9-11 terrorist attacks were run by the CIA and Mossad, and that this was common knowledge among global intelligence agencies.

In what translates awkwardly into English, Cossiga told the newspaper Corriere della Sera:
All the [intelligence services] of America and Europe…know well that the disastrous attack has been planned and realized from the Mossad, with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic countries and in order to induce the western powers to take part … in Iraq [and] Afghanistan.”

Cossiga was elected president of the Italian Senate in July 1983 before winning a landslide election to become president of the country in 1985, and he remained until 1992. Cossiga’s tendency to be outspoken upset the Italian political establishment, and he was forced to resign after revealing the existence of, and his part in setting up, Operation Gladio. This was a rogue intelligence network under NATO auspices that carried out bombings across Europe in the 1960s, 1970s and ’80s. Gladio’s specialty was to carry out what they termed “false flag” operations—terror attacks that were blamed on their domestic and geopolitical opposition. In March 2001, Gladio agent Vincenzo Vinciguerra stated, in sworn testimony, “You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple: to force … the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security.”

Cossiga first expressed his doubts about 9-11 in 2001, and is quoted by 9-11 researcher Webster Tarpley saying “
The mastermind of the attack must have been a sophisticated mind, provided with ample means not only to recruit fanatic kamikazes, but also highly specialized personnel. I add one thing: it could not be accomplished without infiltrations in the radar and flight security personnel.” (We know that Dick Cheney was at the controls running his "war games".)

Coming from a widely respected former head of state, Cossiga’s assertion that the 9-11 attacks were an inside job and that this is common knowledge among global intelligence agencies is illuminating. It is one more eye-opening confirmation that has not been mentioned by America’s propaganda machine in print or on TV. Nevertheless, because of his experience and status in the world, Cossiga cannot be discounted as a crackpot.

It is time that a new independent commission was formed to expose the truth. Our recommendation is a simple one. We know that the conservative French newspaper, Le Figaro, reported at the time that Osama bin Laden was in a US Army Hospital in Dubai undergoing treatment for his failing kidneys about six weeks before the 9/11 attacks. He was visited during his stay by a CIA officer who not only did not arrest the wanted "terrorist", but returned to Washington. The current CIA director needs to find out who that operative was and to whom he reported upon his return to Washington. It's a place to start.

Learn why even the most popular movies on the subject have failed to address the evidence exhaustively presented in this video. The facts will make it abundantly clear that the so-called 9/11 “Truth” movement has been infiltrated and is ultimately controlled by the same criminals group who masterminded the attacks. As they say, 'if you want to control the dissent you lead the dissent.' Utilizing evidence from the FBI, CIA, NSA, US Armed Forces Intelligence sectors, Foreign Intelligence organizations, local law enforcement agencies and independent investigators, Missing Links goes where no other 9/11 video has dared to go.

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Friday, March 6, 2009

9/11: Explaining the Project for a New American Century



The First Evidence of Planned Attacks
Following the PNAC Blueprint

Under the leadership of Paul Wolfowitz, the plans were laid for the attack on New York and Washington D.C., the psychological attack on the American people, and the diversion of billions of dollars from the American people to the defense industry, under the capable leadership of Halliburton (Cheney), Bechtel, etc. The group was called the Project for a New American Century. PNAC's ideology can be found in a White Paper produced in September of 2000 entitled "Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century." In it, PNAC outlines what is required of America to create the global empire they envision.
 This video describes the plan: The Planning of 9/11 - The New Pearl Harbor.

Their plans are outlined in a document entitled, "Rebuilding America's Defenses", which has since been removed from the PNAC website. The plan shows Bush's cabinet intended to take military control of the Gulf region whether or not Saddam Hussein was in power. It says: 'The United States has for decades sought to play a more permanent role in Gulf regional security. While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification, the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein.'

The PNAC document supports a '
blueprint for maintaining global US pre-eminence, precluding the rise of a great power rival, and shaping the international security order in line with American principles and interests'. This 'American grand strategy' must be advanced for 'as far into the future as possible', the report says. It also calls for the US to 'fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theatre wars' as a 'core mission'. PNAC members include: Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Jeb Bush, Dan Quayle, and Lewis Libby.

This film is astonishing, it goes in detail through the untold history of The Project for the New American Century with tons of archival footage and connects it right into the present. This film exposes how every major war in US history was based on a complete fraud with video of insiders themselves admitting it. This film shows how the first film theaters in the US were used over a hundred years ago to broadcast propaganda to rile the American people into the Spanish-American War. This film shows the white papers of the oil company Unocal which called for the creation of a pipeline through Afghanistan and how their exact needs were fulfilled through the US invasion of Afghanistan. This film shows how Halliburton under their "cost plus" exclusive contract with the US Government went on a mad dash spending spree akin to something out of the movie "Brewster's Millions", yet instead of blowing $30 million they blew through BILLIONS by literally burning millions of dollars worth of $100,000 cars and trucks if they had so much as a flat tire. This film contains a massive amount of incredible footage never seen before anywhere. It is an historical documentary which exposes the lies of the past so that you can understand the present.

SOURCE: Information Liberation

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Saturday, February 21, 2009

9/11 Questions - Fabled Enemies

Fabled "Enemies"

Did you know that the FBI has never listed 9/11 as a crime committed by Osama bin Laden?  They indicate they don't have enough evidence against him.  Surprised?  There is a lot about 9/11 that remains unknown. You don't have to dig very deep. You just have to find all the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle and keep them straight.

This film "Fabled Enemies," which I've finally had the time to watch from start to finish, gives incredibly thorough coverage to all the main issues, well over 95% of the content coming straight from mainstream news reports. It's hard to imagine anyone so dense as not to get it by now, but there are people who aren't interested in evidence: traitors and idiots.

Seven years after 9/11, the supposed mastermind behind the attacks is still at large, and the nation is entrenched in multiple wars in the Middle East. Is Bin Laden the evil behind the attack or a mere front man in a larger picture, a Bogeyman? Fabled Enemies is unlike any 9/11 documentary ever put together. Rather than focusing on the physical anomalies at the World Trade Center and Pentagon, this film follows the intelligence ties of Osama Bin Laden, the alleged hijackers, and those who were actually detained on 9/11. The movie delves deeply into the roles of seperate Nations that were involved in supporting the 9/11 attacks. From Israel to Saudi Arabia to Pakistan, and even the United States itself, no one is spared in this scathing expose that pulls no punches. Sit back and get ready to learn how members of the FBI had their investigations into Bin Laden obstructed and shut down, how the hijackers were trained at US bases, that military drills crippled our defense and facilitated the attacks, how the Shadow Government was actually activated that day, and much much more. Presented by Alex Jones Productions and Jason Bermas, one of the creators of Loose Change.

Get some popcorn and your favorite beverage, and have your eyes opened. The film lasts 1 hour and 42 minutes. The lessons will last a lifetime.

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

9/11 Questions - The Pentagon

Give Us a Break!

The attack on the Pentagon is the biggest fantasy of all. This picture really tells us all we need to know.  Like most Americans, I was stunned and deeply affected by the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. It brought back memories of being a young child and experiencing the air raids and blackouts during WW2, and not recognizing my uncle after he returned from spending 30 months as a POW at Stalag 17.

In the days that followed 9/11, I was thrilled to see Americans coming together, as was the rest of the world and I fully supported President Bush. Then, he blew the opportunity of a lifetime to develop lasting positive relationships with the countries of the world by invading Iraq without provocation, and by creating a web of deceit about weapons of mass destruction. He now has us isolated from most of the world and hated in many countries, not just Muslim countries.

Shortly after the attacks, television stations stopped showing the planes hitting the buildings “for the benefit of our children”. In the ensuing months more evidence began to surface that brought the events of 9/11 more clearly into focus. The most obvious evidence was the attack on the Pentagon. How can a 757 fit into a 16-ft. hole?

After seeing the photographs and hearing the evidence regarding the attack on the Pentagon, it was clear to me that we were not being told the truth about this. I decided to investigate further, fully cognizant of the disdain many people feel toward conspiracy theorists, especially during this time in our history. Isn’t that our duty as citizens, however? To investigate the truth. We have been told that our freedoms and democratic systems are the greatest in the world. Why, then, are citizens demonized when they question the word of our government? If there is anything we have learned, it is that the government lies to the American people on a regular basis.

As to conspiracies, does anyone really believe that JFK was killed by a lone assassin? Ridiculous. Oswald didn’t have the juice to get the military and police force to “stand down” so that the assassination could take place.

Whether you are Republican or Democrat, it should not make any difference. The truth is all we are seeking. If 9/11 was a crime committed by 19 Islamic hijackers headed by a 6’5” cave dweller who somehow outwitted the greatest military force on the earth, fine. However, what if the evidence points elsewhere? What if we find that this attack was planned years before by a small group of Nazi sympathizers who weaseled their way into positions of power in our government? Should we just close our eyes and not believe it? If we have learned anything from the events of the past 50 years, it is that anyone is capable of anything. What do the Experts say?

High-Ranking Army Officer:  "Missile Hit Pentagon"

A radiation expert and high-ranking Army Major, who once headed the military's depleted uranium project, both contend the Pentagon was hit by missile, not a commercial jetliner, adding high radiation readings after the strike indicate depleted uranium also may have been used.

I'm not an explosives or crash site expert, but I am highly knowledgeable in causes and effects related to nuclear radiation contamination. What happened at the Pentagon is highly suspicious, leading me to believe a missile with a depleted uranium warhead may have been used," said radiation expert Leuren Moret in a telephone conversation this week from her Berkeley, CA home.

Moret, who has spent a life time working in the nuclear field, first as a staff scientist at the Livermore Nuclear Weapons Laboratory in California, is now a member of The Radiation and Public Health Project (RPHP), a privately funded group studying the devastating effects of depleted uranium especially in Iraq and Afghanistan. Regarding the missile theory, it is also backed up by retired Army Maj. Doug Rokke, a PhD educational physics and former top military expert banished from the Pentagon after the military failed to follow regulations regarding the use, clean up and medical treatment regarding the use of depleted uranium.


When you look at the whole thing, especially the crash site void of airplane parts, the size of the hole left in the building and the fact the projectile's impact penetrated numerous concrete walls, it looks like the work of a missile," said Maj. Rokke from his Rantoul, IL home this week. "And when you look at the damage, it was obviously a missile. Also, if you look at the WTC and the disturbing flash hitting the tower right before the impact of the airplane, it also looks like a missile was used."

And to prove the government's jetliner theory is wrong, Moret said the quick actions of a friend near the Pentagon on the morning of 9/11, provide even more suspicion.

Moret recalls on the tragic morning that once she saw the jetliner strike the twin towers and then heard about the Pentagon crash, she immediately called a close friend in Alexandria VA, Dr. Janette Sherman. Thinking radiation might be involved, she quickly asked Dr. Sherman, 77, a radiation expert and medical doctor who lived about 12 miles from the crash site, to get a Geiger counter reading.

What the pair of experts found is astonishing. What they found is not only astonishing but seven years after 9/11, what's even more incredible is that their findings have been completely ignored by most everyone, including the Bush administration, the 9/11 Commission and the mainstream media, all who appear more interested in rubber stamping the official 9/11 story then getting at the real truth.

Dr. Sherman was downwind from the Pentagon on 9/11 and her Geiger counter readings show an extremely high reading, a reading of more than eight to ten times higher than normal," said Moret, also an expert in the cause and effects of depleted uranium.

Dr. Sherman, who is well-respected radiation expert herself, then went about contacting the proper authorities in order to try and alert emergency responders of the radiation risk at the Pentagon crash site. And we have also kept photos of the Geiger counter readings in order to verify what Dr. Sherman found 12 miles away."

After notifying the Nuclear Industrial Safety Agency (NIRS), experts from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the FBI were alerted and according to Moret,
radiation experts later confirmed high radiation levels at the Pentagon crash site possibly from the presence from depleted uranium or other unknown causes.

But what disturbed Moret most has been the Bush administration's lack of concern and its failure to mount a thorough investigation into what really caused the high radiation levels, saying perhaps the findings might reveal something contrary to the official story that a jetliner rammed through 12 Pentagon walls of solid concrete. "
Even if there was depleted uranium used, do you think the likes of Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld would really care? These are bottom feeders that 20 or 30 years ago wouldn't have been even allowed to set foot in such high positions of power," said Moret.


You can click this link for a complete analysis of Flight 77 and the Pentagon.


There is no need to go any further.  This was the shakiest lie of all the lies that were compiled to tell a story that nobody in their right mind will believe -- that 19 hijackers and a 6'5" cave dweller suffering from kidney disease brought the United States of America to its knees.

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

9/11 Questions: What Happened to Flight 93?

No Plane, No Bodies

The 'official' story of UA Flight 93, a Boeing 757 that was supposedly brought down in a field in Shanksville, PA by a small group of passenger 'heroes', is far-fetched at best. We have been told that this aircraft was allowed to fly around the skies of the United States for 1 hour and 49 minutes AFTER a series of events that included the crashing of two airplanes into the two most high profile buildings in the country, and a third into the nation's military headquarters. If this official story is true, it means our multi-trillion dollar, state-of-the-art, sophisticated military apparatus was unable to locate, engage, and defend this country against an enemy Air Force composed of one - one single, lumbering, unmaneuverable, unarmed, United Airlines jumbo jet that wandered unseen through our heavily restricted airspace for almost two hours after the beginning of the worst domestic attack in the country's history. Imagine an enemy Air Force composed of highly trained, lethally armed, multiple squadrons of professional fighter jets attacking from strategically coordinated multiple directions.

Either our entire military industrial society is a mockery of a farce in which every federal politician and military officer should be brought to trial and held accountable for collusion, incompetence, and high treason, or the official story is untrue. Clearly the former is not possible, so what did happen to Flight 93? As with the rest of the 'official' narrative of 9/11, the government's story is directly contradicted by available evidence and eyewitness reports. As a result, a number of side theories have emerged on an array of different web sites and through a number of published papers. (Google 'Flight 93' for examples.) Some of these theories are compelling. Some are outlandish. But none are more absurd than the one the government has told - the one repeated ad nauseam without any critical analysis in the mainstream press over the past five years.

All available evidence and eyewitness reports point to either a missile or a bomb as cause for Flight 93's demise. So why is the government, again, fabricating a nonsensical narrative that so blatantly contradicts available facts and evidence? Why is the public, yet again, so willing and eager to believe such nonsense? Why are family members and members of the press who were finally allowed to listen to the tape of the cockpit voice recorder NOT allowed to listen to its last three minutes? Why were these same press and family members legally barred from taking notes or receiving a copy of the tape recording? Why has that tape not been made public for the rest of us to hear and scrutinize? Why do we just sit here and take these decrees and declarations from the 'authorities' when it is they who work for and stand accountable to us? We as a nation believe in and stake claim to a free, open, democratic, orderly, and accountable society. In what way are we demanding, exercising, and animating these rights?

What happened to Flight 93? Here is what was broadcast by a Cleveland, Ohio television station, WCPO, at 11:43 A.M.:

Reported by 9News Staff:

A Boeing 767 out of Boston made an emergency landing Tuesday at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport due to concerns that it may have a bomb aboard, said Mayor Michael R. White. White said the plane had been moved to a secure area of the airport, and was evacuated. United identified the plane as Flight 93. The airline did not say how many people were aboard the flight. United said it was also "deeply concerned" about another flight, Flight 175, a Boeing 767, which was bound from Boston to Los Angeles.

On behalf of the airline CEO James Goodwin said: "
The thoughts of everyone at United are with the passengers and crew of these flights. Our prayers are also with everyone on the ground who may have been involved. United is working with all the relevant authorities, including the FBI, to obtain further information on these flights," he said.

If you visit the WCPO website, this is what you will find:

Plane Lands In Cleveland; Bomb Feared Aboard 
Reported by: 9News Staff
Web produced by:
Liz Foreman: 
9/11/01 11:43:57 AM
This story has been removed from It was a preliminary AP story, and was factually incorrect". Give me a break. Were the mayor and the CEO of American Airlines also factually mistaken?

Did United Flight 93 land at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport on September 11, 2001? We will probably never know. But one thing we do know. No bodies were found at the crash site in Shanksville, Pennsyvania, and some parts were found miles away.

Plane Crash No Blood No Bodies Found! - video powered by Metacafe

FINAL NOTE:  Flight93 and Flight 175 ARE STILL FLYING, only under different flight numbers. The serial numbers of the ORIGINAL planes are the SAME serial numbers of the 591UA and 612UA. Though N-number can be transferred, the manufacturer serial number CANNOT be transferred. According to some spot-witnesses, Boeing 757-222 SERIAL NUMBER 28142 is flying around Chicago under the alias 594UA. According to the FAA, N594UA Boeing 757-222 flies now with a DIFFERENT serial number, namely 28145.

So there you have it. We may never know the truth.

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

9/11 Questions - What About bin Laden?

This Man Appears to be Getting Younger

DOHA, Qatar (CNN) -- Islamic militant leader Osama bin Laden, the man the United States considers the prime suspect in last week's terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, denied any role Sunday in the actions believed to have killed thousands. In a statement issued to the Arabic satellite channel Al Jazeera, based in Qatar, bin Laden said, "The U.S. government has consistently blamed me for being behind every occasion its enemies attack it. I would like to assure the world that I did not plan the recent attacks, which seems to have been planned by people for personal reasons," bin Laden's statement said. "I have been living in the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan and following its leaders' rules. The current leader does not allow me to exercise such operations," bin Laden said.

Asked if he believed bin Laden's denial, President Bush said, "
No question he is the prime suspect. No question about that." Since Tuesday's terrorist attacks against the United States, Bush has repeatedly threatened to strike out against terrorism and any nation that supports or harbors its disciples.

Bin Laden, a wealthy Saudi-born exile, lived in Afghanistan for several years. U.S. officials blame him for earlier strikes on U.S. targets, including last year's attack on the USS Cole in Yemen and the bombings of the U.S. embassies in Tanzania and Kenya in 1998. Bin Laden's campaign stems from the 1990 decision by Saudi Arabia to allow U.S. troops into the kingdom after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait -- a military presence that has become permanent.

In a 1997 CNN interview, bin Laden called the U.S. military presence an "
occupation of the land of the holy places." Immediately after the attacks that demolished the World Trade Center's landmark twin towers and seriously damaged the Pentagon, officials of Afghanistan's ruling Taliban said they doubted bin Laden could have been involved in carrying out the actions. The Taliban -- the fundamentalist Islamic militia that seized power in Afghanistan in 1996 -- denied his ties to terrorism and said they have taken away all his means of communication with the outside world.

Now we have a problem. Osama bin Laden and George Bush are telling different stories? Whom do we believe? bin Laden was on the United States' Most Wanted List after the 1993 World Trade Center bombings and certainly should have been the target of Bush's efforts to kill or capture him, but Bush's actions raise significant questions. This video shows him lying about seeing the first plane hit the tower (or was he lying?); stumbling badly when confronted with the question as to whether or not he knew in advance of the attacks; and attacking those who offer conspiracy theories.

Immediately after the attacks Bush said he wanted bin Laden "DEAD OR ALIVE". Here he is just SIX MONTHS after 9/11. In response to a reporters question, President Bush tells the world that he is "
truly not that concerned" with catching the man who murdered 3,000 Americans just six months and two days earlier because "we've marginalized him."

Please note that he ALMOST says "
I don't know where he is, nor do I... (really care)." but catches himself in mid-sentence. "He hides in caves while sending young people off to die."

It's truly amazing that a man that supposedly had bombed the World Trade Center not ONCE, but TWICE doesn't concern Mr. Macho, George Bush. Amazing! Why?

In our opinion, Bush was not concerned about bin Laden, 1) because he knew bin Laden was not the mastermind of 9/11; and, 2) because he knew that bin Laden had been near death just several weeks before. How did Bush know this?

A conservative French newspaper, La Figaro, reported that the CIA station chief in Dubai had met with Osama Bin Laden just weeks before the 9-11 attacks while Osama was being treated at a U.S. Army hospital in Dubai for kidney failure. Yet, even though Osama was on the CIA most wanted list, the CIA station chief did not only NOT arrest him, but met with him, then went back to the U.S. for high level meetings in Washington. This newspaper is well established and respected throughout Europe. It is not a tabloid.

These facts have never been addressed by our government. Why did the CIA meet with bin Laden just weeks before the attack and not arrest him? And, while we are discussing bin Laden, what about the connections that many have intimated between the Bush family and the bin Laden family and are they important?

Osama bin Laden's older brother Salem, once head of the wealthy Saudi family clan, was a former business associate of U.S. President George W. Bush. Salem bin Laden, one of 57 children their father Mohammed sired with his 12 wives, and Bush were founders of the Arbusto Energy oil company in Texas. He died in a plane crash in 1988, but not before the Arbusto Energy Oil Company, founded in 1978, had become hugely successful.

The bin Laden brothers inherited a fortune from their construction magnate father. He left millions to each of his many, many children after dying in an air crash in 1968. Salem put a large part of his money into business ventures, including Arbusto Energy. At the time, Bush was not long out of Harvard Business School. As he built his business empire, Salem Bin Laden had an intriguing relationship with the president-to-be. In 1978, he appointed James Bath, a close friend of Bush who “
served” with him in the Air National Guard, as his representative in Houston, Texas. It was in that year that Bath invested $70,000 in Bush's company, Arbusto. It was never revealed whether he was investing his own money or Salem's. The same year, Bath bought Houston Gulf Airport on behalf of the Saudi Arabian multi-millionaire.

Salem was the head of the bin Laden family as the oldest of all the brothers and sisters, and a man with a powerful presence. The FBI in Boston had long been aware of bin Laden's extended family and began monitoring their activities after the 1998 terrorist bombings of U.S. embassies in Africa.

So, to this point we have demonstrated that our government was incorrect in identifying the 19 hijackers and has done nothing to date to admit that at least some of those men had nothing to do with the attacks. We have also learned, probably for the first time, that Osama bin Laden adamantly denied any involvement in the attacks, and that he met with a CIA operatives at an American hospital in Dubai just weeks before the attacks. We have also demonstrated that the Bush and bin Laden families have had a long history of business dealings in oil. This is disturbing, but does not prove anything. Falsifying evidence to place the blame on bin Laden DOES prove something.

Was Osama Bin Laden responsible for 9/11?

The Bush Administration says yes, citing a grainy, badly-edited videotape that surfaced in December, 2001. In that tape, a fat guy who vaguely resembles Bin Laden chortles about the success of the 9/11 attacks. (In earlier interviews, Bin Laden had denied responsibility for 9/11, once even deploring the loss of civilian life in the attacks and calling them un-Islamic.)  Is the famous "confession video" genuine? Despite Bush's insistence that the tape is authentic, America's top academic Bin Laden expert has finally gone on the record, joining numerous other experts.

"It's bogus," says Professor Bruce Lawrence, head of Duke University's Religious Studies program. Lawrence, author of "Messages to the World: The Statements of Osama Bin Laden", offered his historic debunking of the administration's lie in an interview with Kevin Barrett ("Dynamic Duo,", 2/16/2007, first hour). The interview marked Lawrence's first major public statement since he made headlines last year by suggesting that recent Osama tapes are hoaxes and that the real Osama Bin Laden may be dead.

Why has Bush been lying for more than seven years by telling us that this preposterously bad hoax is a genuine "confession video"? Lawrence, citing informants in the US intelligence apparatus's Bin Laden units, said that everyone knows the tape is fake, adding that the hoax has been kept alive because it is politically useful to those who wish to deflect attention from "conspiracy theories" about 9/11.

If Professor Lawrence is right—and anyone with eyes can see that he is, simply by comparing the overweight impostor in the Fatty Bin Laden bogus confession video to other pictures of Osama Bin Laden—the Bush Administration, by repeatedly citing the tape as authentic, is clearly guilty of obstruction of justice at best, high treason and conspiracy to mass murder at worst. Since the FBI now tells us that Osama Bin Laden is "not wanted for 9/11" because there is "no hard evidence" connecting him to the 9/11 attacks, and since US intelligence personnel all know the "confession tape" is a Bush Administration hoax, it should not be difficult to nail the perpetrators of this outrageous cover-up of the crime of the century.

Where did this tape come from? Who was responsible for the administration's claim that it is authentic despite widespread knowledge in relevant intelligence agencies that it is bogus? If Bruce Lawrence is correct in asserting that US intelligence personnel know the tape is fake, we need to put them, along with Bush and Cheney, under oath and find out why our government has been lying so outrageously for more than seven years in order to obstruct justice by shielding the real perpetrators of 9/11.

The web of deceit continues . . .

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Saturday, February 14, 2009

9/11 Questions: What Did the Bush Family Know?

The Bush Clan

Now more than seven (7) years after the attacks on the World Trade Center of Sept. 11, 2001, it seems that we know less than we did then. The massive number of questions that have arisen continues to grow as the efforts of the Bush administration to portray anyone who questions the "19 Hijackers and a Cave Dweller" theory as a nut or worse, diminishes with Bush's departure from office.

Let's take a look at those questions and examine the actions and whereabouts of the Bush family on that fateful day.
I, personally, believe that Cheney and Papa Bush, along with their crew of Wolfowitz, Perle, Rumsfeld, Jeb, etc., knew well in advance of the planned attacks and carefully kept the loose cannon, George W, under careful watch. His vacation in August 2001 wasn’t a vacation, but a planning session to determine what to do about the impending terrorist attacks. Bush spent the month leading up to the attacks vacationing at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, under the watchful eye of Condoleeza Rice, hired prior to his son being elected by Papa Bush to keep an eye on W and make sure he didn't stray back to the darkness of substance abuse. It was important that W be kept out of the loop.

W's claim that he had been sober since 1986 when he had a religious experience and quit alcohol was disproven by his actions at a friend's wedding in 1992. This video of the event shows a boisterous Bush slurring his words and wisecracking:

There is another video taken shortly after the attacks in which W makes a careless admission.
We already know that George Bush and the truth seldom walk on the same side of the street as his lies continue to pile up ("we don't torture". However, it's the slips he made regarding the attacks that give credence to the conspiracy theories. On the morning of the attacks, nobody saw a video of the first plane hitting the WTC. It was the second plane that America watched as it crashed into the tower. But, not George Bush. He claims to have seen the first plane hit the tower while waiting in his limo prior to reading, "My Pet Goat" to young children in a Florida schoolroom. Unless he had some type of closed circuit television in his limo, that was impossible and contradicts Andrew Card, who advised him of the second plane hitting the buildings while our President was heavily involved in his interesting reading.

For instance, many people believe that the buildings could only have come down from bombs placed inside, rather from the almost laughable "aircraft fuel theory". No building before or since has ever come down from a fire or a plane hitting it. In fact, WTC 7 came down without being hit. In that case, however, we KNOW that this building was brought down by a controlled demolition. The term used when demolishing a building is to "pull it". Here is WTC 7 Leaseholder, Larry Silverstein, admitting that fact.

Bush also carelessly gave away some facts that the media has conveniently ignored,
the most damaging of which occurred in a statement he made on Sept. 15, 2006:

"For example, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed described the design of planned attacks of buildings inside the U.S. and how operatives were directed to carry them out. That is valuable information for those of us who have the responsibility to protect the American people. He told us the operatives had been instructed to ensure that the explosives went off at a high -- a point that was high enough to prevent people trapped above from escaping." This is an incredible admission.

Click to hear the audio of him saying exactly this.


But what about the other Bushes? We know that Jeb was babysitting the President in Florida but he did something on Sept. 7, 2001, that is very revealing. Just one business day before the WTC attacks, Jeb declared Martial Law in Florida. As part of this coordinated effort, Jeb Bush issued an executive order supposedly to encourage Florida’s children to read. This executive order (#01-260) was issued and announced to the public on September 7, 2001. The same day but without the fanfare, Governor Jeb Bush issued a second executive order which gave authority to the Florida National Guard to activate its membership. Among the reasons cited in the document for the action was “potential massive damage to life and property that may result from an act of terrorism” (Executive Order #01-261, Section 3). What did he know?


"We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a New World Order, a world where the rule of law, not the rule of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this new world order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the U.N.'s founders." 
- President George H.W. Bush 1991

TEN YEARS LATER TO THE DATE, SEPTEMBER 11, 2001, terrorist hits on the United States were used to start a pre-emptive Afghanistan invasion (troops were already in the area waiting, pre-9-11-01), and later used to frame the "Second Gulf War" attack on Iraq to complete the first. The decimation of the U.S. Bill of Rights (suspended under the Patriot Act) was unconstitutionally passed in the face of DOMESTIC TERROR THREATS, specifically, domestic military grade anthrax linked to Ft. Detrick, Maryland. Only Bush's Cabinet was on the anthrax-specific drug Cipro, a month before the domestic anthrax attacks. 

Not to be outdone, Papa Bush also served an important role on September 11. While planes (or missiles) slammed into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, George W. Bush's father and the Carlyle Group hosted a conference at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Washington, D.C. Among the guests of honor was a valued investor: Shafig bin Laden, brother of Osama, along with 15 other members of the bin Laden family. They were on Carlyle Group business just a few miles from where hijackers supposedly acting on behalf of Osama bin Laden would fly a plane into the Pentagon (or so the story goes). The chief financier of the so-called hijackers, Pakistan's Chief Spy General Mahmoud Ahmad, was meeting with Bush administration officials the week before 9/11.

This is confirmed by an article in a prominent Indian newspaper reporting that the hijacker mastermind of 9-11, Mohammed Atta, had been wired $100,000.00 by the head of Pakistani Intelligence weeks before 9-11, who oddly enough was in Washington meeting with top Bush Administration officials on 9-11-2001. He also met with Bob Graham and Porter Goss on the morning of the attacks, who would later go on to head the first 9/11 investigative committee.
The Bush senior/bin Laden meeting was reported on by CBC.

All 15 members of the bin Laden family were allowed to fly out of the United States without being interviewed by the FBI, despite a ban on all air traffic.


As we revealed in an earlier post, Marvin Bush, the unknown brother, was a partner in the firm hired to be in charge of security at the World Trade Center and Dulles Airport. How convenient.


Deep Affection

Osama bin Laden's older brother Salem, once head of the wealthy Saudi family clan, was a former business associate of George W. Bush. Salem bin Laden, one of 57 children their father Mohammed sired with his 12 wives, and Bush were founders of the Arbusto Energy oil company in Texas. He died in a plane crash in 1988, but not before the Arbusto Energy Oil Company, founded in 1978, had become hugely successful.

The bin Laden brothers inherited a fortune from their construction magnate father. He left millions to each of his many, many children after dying in an air crash in 1968. Salem put a large part of his money into business ventures, including Arbusto Energy. At the time, Bush was not long out of Harvard Business School. As he built his business empire, Salem Bin Laden had an intriguing relationship with Bush. In 1978, he appointed James Bath, a close friend of Bush who “served” with him in the Air National Guard, as his representative in Houston, Texas. It was in that year that Bath invested $70,000 in Bush's company, Arbusto. It was never revealed whether he was investing his own money or Salem's. The same year, Bath bought Houston Gulf Airport on behalf of the Saudi Arabian multi-millionaire.

Salem was the head of the bin Laden family as the oldest of all the brothers and sisters, and a man with a powerful presence. The FBI in Boston has long been aware of bin Laden's extended family and began monitoring their activities after the 1998 terrorist bombings of U.S. embassies in Africa.

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Thursday, February 12, 2009

9/11 Questions - Who Knew in Advance?

World Trade Center

9/11 rivals the Kennedy Assassination for the number of conspiracy theories, so rather than just introduce another one, we felt it better that we simply raise important questions and let our readers further speculate. The first that comes to mind is the fact that apparently there were many who knew in advance of the impending attacks.  We will examine a few who did.


Evidence to support the theory that U.S. officials had at least had some foreknowledge of the attacks comes from David Schippers, the chief prosecutor for the impeachment of President Bill Clinton, who reportedly received warnings from FBI agents about the attacks six weeks earlier. Other government officials, including Attorney General John Ashcroft, would not respond to the warnings.

There was the extraordinarily high volume of "put options" purchased in the three days before the attacks with investors betting that stock in United and American Airlines - the two airlines used in the attacks - would go down. There were also a suspiciously high number of put options for Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, which occupied 22 stories of the World Trade Center.

In a revealing article by Michael C. Ruppert, he states: FTW, October 9, 2001 - "
Although uniformly ignored by the mainstream U.S. media, there is abundant and clear evidence that a number of transactions in financial markets indicated specific (criminal) foreknowledge of the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. In the case of at least one of these trades -- which has left a $2.5 million prize unclaimed -- the firm used to place the "put options" on United Airlines stock was, until 1998, managed by the man who is now in the number three Executive Director position at the Central Intelligence Agency. Until 1997 A.B. "Buzzy" Krongard had been Chairman of the investment bank A.B. Brown. A.B. Brown was acquired by Banker's Trust in 1997. Krongard then became, as part of the merger, Vice Chairman of Banker's Trust-AB Brown, one of 20 major U.S. banks named by Senator Carl Levin this year as being connected to money laundering. Krongard's last position at Banker's Trust (BT) was to oversee "private client relations." In this capacity he had direct hands-on relations with some of the wealthiest people in the world in a kind of specialized banking operation that has been identified by the U.S. Senate and other investigators as being closely connected to the laundering of drug money."

This makes it clear that the U.S. Government, specifically the Securities and Exchange Commission knows the names of the investors who made millions through their foreknowledge of the attack.


The First Evidence of Planned Attacks
Following the PNAC Blueprint

Under the leadership of Paul Wolfowitz, the plans were laid for the attack on New York and Washington D.C., the psychological attack on the American people, and the diversion of billions of dollars from the American people to the defense industry, under the capable leadership of Halliburton (Cheney), Bechtel, etc. The group was called the Project for a New American Century. PNAC's ideology can be found in a White Paper produced in September of 2000 entitled "Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century." In it, PNAC outlines what is required of America to create the global empire they envision.
 This video describes the plan:
The Planning of 9/11 - The New Pearl Harbor.

Their plans are outlined in a document entitled, "Rebuilding America's Defenses", which has since been removed from the PNAC website. The plan shows Bush's cabinet intended to take military control of the Gulf region whether or not Saddam Hussein was in power. It says: 'The United States has for decades sought to play a more permanent role in Gulf regional security. While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification, the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein.'

The PNAC document supports a 'blueprint for maintaining global US pre-eminence, precluding the rise of a great power rival, and shaping the international security order in line with American principles and interests'. This 'American grand strategy' must be advanced for 'as far into the future as possible', the report says. It also calls for the US to 'fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theatre wars' as a 'core mission'. PNAC members include: Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Jeb Bush, Dan Quayle, and Lewis Libby.

The Illuminati Game

SPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE OF THE PLAN TO ATTACK ON 9/11 AND BEYOND WAS APPARENTLY WELL KNOWN AS FAR BACK AS 1995! Part 1 - Future Cataclysmic Events Accurately Foretold In 1995 Illuminati Card Game in nine pertinent playing cards of the "Illuminati New World Order" Game, how did the inventor know -- in 1995 – the specifics of the three events comprising the 9/11 attacks?


Many believe that Israel had knowledge of the 9/11 attacks before they actually occurred. The Associated Press has even reported that Mossad had foreknowledge months in advance. While it is possible that Israel may have been behind the attacks, it is also possible that they simply had knowledge of what was going to occur and let it happen so as to benefit their own interests. Odigo, the instant messaging service, says that two of its workers received messages two hours before the Twin Towers attack on September 11 predicting the attack would happen.

Zim American Israeli Shipping Co., Inc. broke the lease when it vacated the rented offices on the 16th and 17th floors of the north tower of the World Trade Center shortly before the Sept. 11 disaster. Zim’s WTC office space had been leased until the end of the year and the company lost $50,000 when it suddenly pulled out in the beginning of September. The parent company, Zim Israel Navigation Co., is nearly half-owned by the state of Israel, the other half held by Israel Corp. Zim is one of the world’s largest container shipping companies, operating an international network of shipping lines. An Israeli businessman from Australia, Frank Lowy, had acquired the 99-year lease for the 425,000 square foot retail portion of World Trade Center before the WTC attacks of Sept. 11, reported The Jerusalem Post on Sept. 12.

Lowy is chairman and founder of Westfield Holdings, and the manager of Westfield America Trust, which has a 57 percent stake in Westfield America Inc. In April 2001, Westfield America agreed to pay $400 million for the lease on the complex though only $133 million was paid; the rest was to be made in ground lease payments. Westfield was insured against terrorist attacks and its earnings not materially affected. In a statement to the Australian Stock Exchange the retail chain said that “investment in the retail component of the World Trade Center is fully insured for both capital and loss of income,” adding “the insurance coverage includes acts of terrorism.


Attorney General John Ashcroft

On July 26, 2001, cbsnews,com reported that John Ashcroft had stopped flying on commercial airlines. Ashcroft used to fly commercial, but stopped two months before 9/11.  The Justice Dept. reported that he did so because of a "threat assessment" by the FBI and upon their advice.
San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown 

Mayor Brown got a call from what he described as his airport security - - a full eight hours before the terrorist attacks -- advising him that Americans should be cautious about their air travel. It has been rumored that his "airport security" was actually an advance warning by his close friend, Condoleeza Rice, although this has not been substantiated.

Well, these are just a few of the literally thousands of questions surrounding the events of Sept. 11, 2001.   It appears that the attacks were not the best kept secret in the World.

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