YES HE DID! I came across this article today, read it, and realized that Barack Obama is a more brilliant manager and strategist that we even imagined. He once joked that he was from Krypton, the son of Jor-el, sent here to save the Planet. He may have revealed himself to us. His goal in this election was to get a filibuster proof Senate majority of 60. He has 58, and it looks like Al Franken will make it 59 in Minnesota. So what does our President decide to do? Read the article first and you'll see what I mean:
Jan. 30 (Bloomberg) -- Republican Senator Judd Gregg said he is being considered to lead President Barack Obama's Commerce Department.
“I am aware that my name is one of those being considered by the White House for secretary of commerce and am honored to be considered, along with others, for the position,” Gregg said in an e-mailed statement. “Beyond that there is nothing more I can say at this time.”
If Gregg is chosen and he accepts, New Hampshire’s Democratic Governor John Lynch could appoint his replacement. If Democrat Al Franken prevails in the disputed Minnesota race that he now leads, the party would hold a 60-vote majority in the Senate, enough to shut off filibusters that can delay legislation indefinitely.
White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said that, when he talked to Obama this morning about the commerce nomination, “a final decision had not been made.”
Gregg, 61, a former governor of New Hampshire and former chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, was elected to a third term in 2004. He would be Obama’s third Republican Cabinet appointment. Ray LaHood, a former Republican congressman from Illinois, was appointed to lead the Department of Transportation, and Defense Secretary Robert Gates is a holdover from the Bush administration.
Read entire article
The man is Brilliant! He endured dinner with those conservative columnists (can you imaging ANYTHING more boring?), meetings at the White House with so-called Republican honchos, a personal visit to Senate offices, anything, to prove his commitment to a bipartisan government. He got stonewalled -- NOT A SINGLE VOTE! Then, to show he bore them no ill will, he threw a cocktail party. So, instead of selecting the perceived favorite, Symantec Corp. CEO John Thompson, Obama is deep in thought and meditation: "Barack, Jor-el suggests replacing Bill Richardson with a Republican, specifically Judd Gregg. You will be demonstrating continued effort to work with the other side. Then convince Gov. Lynch to appoint a Democrat, and NOT a Republican simply because Gregg is his friend. You have your 60 Senate seats with the support of the Media and the American people."
I appreciate Obama's support of the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, his $500 credit against Social Security payroll deduction, his increasing Federal spending on education by 3X, his extended coverage to the unemployed, his strong support for labor unions, all in the first week of his administration, demonstrates a dedication I have not seen from any president in my lifetime, and I remember Truman. He has done everything he could to get the cooperation of the other party.
Now, in basketball terms, it's time to run it down their throats. He must pass whatever legislation will result in fairness and equity for the middle class, limit bailout salaries to equal to his own, and legalizing Industrial Hemp. It will not only revitalize this country's economy, it will spur a new era of prosperity not seen in this country in decades. It will enable us to help feed the world. Here is the evidence: SAVING AMERICA. (
Please take some time to visit this site)
My Final Thought
This nation owes President Obama a deep debt of gratitude. We never dreamed during the eight horrible years under Bush, that a man with the name of Barack Hussein Obama would come along and single handedly defeat the powerful Clinton machine, then not only defeat the Republican candidate for President, but have the seemingly all-powerful Republican Party hanging by their fingernails on the brink of political impotency. It couldn't happen to a nicer bunch. THANK YOU, BARACK OBAMA.
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