Always start at the beginning. You WILL need a good, fully charged battery to get things going. If you aren't sure of yours; bring it in and we can test it and charge it for you. If it is past it's prime we will have one in stock for your bike. We stock batteries in for ALL BIKES, even Harley Davidson.
The second thing you will need is fresh fuel. An easy way to keep your fuel fresh is with some K100 fuel stabilizer. We now stock quarts, too.
When you stop by to pick up the K100; we can share a few tips and tricks we know for getting the fresh fuel into where it needs to be on the bike.
Most of the time a fresh well-charged battery and some K100 will do the trick. If your bike still doesn't want to get going you may need new spark plugs.Luckily, we have you covered there as well.
If you have a carbureted machine you may need to clean that too. Usually, if fuel stabilizer was added in the fall, this step this will not be necessary. But, if it is, we are very experienced with carbs and know how to diagnose and clean them. We can take your carb, clean it, and give it back to you ready to go onto your bike for a reasonable price. We are not consulting yahoos on youtube for the carb cleaning process. We have the proper tools and experience. We have done hundreds, if not thousands of carbs. So, we know how to get it RIGHT.
When you are ready to get it running; come by and see us. We can help. Remember, as soon as the warm weather hits. We WILL get backed up very quickly.