
Showing posts from September, 2011


so sorry for picture overload... but Taylor Swift was seriously AMAZING!! Greatest concert I have ever been to, by Far!  My dad got us amazing seats--12th row, and I am still SO mad I didn't bring my good camera-- so the pictures are awful, but the show was just so awesome. Seriously every song was like some huge production. Loved it! The crew- My dad, Kyle, Candace and her friend Baylee, me and my mama. Loved this set! how cute is she? and how amazing is her stage? AMAZING! Thanks again dad!  and huge thanks to tyler who drove me my glasses so I could actually see the concert! =) True love right there... (2 days until marathon! AH!!)

5 months. I think I'll eat her for dinner she's so cute!

no really- she's so cute i could totally eat her up! And all of her little rolls too! My little claire-bear, clara mae, c-diggity-dogg, or the latest.... 'lil-C' will be 5 months on the 28th! and she is just so cute I can't even stand it. confession: I love babies. really though-- I have always always loved babies, and i remember why now! they are so cute and so funny, and squishy and they play with their toes among all their fat rolls, well- at least my babes do! Clara is the sweetest little thing. She laughs and talks ALL the time.  She is so great at going to sleep, she usually spits her binky out and ends up just 'singing' to herself until she falls asleep. She has the brightest blue eyes and loves attention. She started eating oatmeal this past week, and Lucy got very involved in helping her. Clara was starving, so she ate it right up. Still trying to figure out the whole spoon thing though.... she mainly just drools it all out. anywho....

little updates.

 cute clara and callie- aka, twins, playing at amy's house today so. in case you didn't know, i am running the st. george marathon next saturday. holy freakin cow. that is in like a week. i keep having this vision of me being one of those people who has a heart attack and dies while running the marathon. it would make for a great news story- 23 year old girl dies while running first marathon. i hurt my i.t. band after running the half at the end of august, so i took it really easy the first few weeks of september and this last saturday ran my farthest of 17.5 miles.... yes, that is far. BUT, a marathon is 8.7 miles longer than that! Freak! Here's to hoping I don't die... other than that.... Lucy started a little playgroup with her two cute friends izzy and macie--- we are just rotating at our houses once a week for 2 hours! We had it for the first time this last week at our house, and the girls had a blast! Oh, and my mom and I went to t...

Blake's 3!

my cute niece Blake, showing me how old she is now! Little Blakey had her 'horsey-party' last week on her birthday, the 16th, out at the farm. you would think Lucy had never been there, or ever seen a horse with how excited she was... she is so funny, and seriously loves Papa's horses to death! The kids had a blast, and amy did an awesome job putting together such a cute party! apparently the sun was in their eyes... haha. all the kids at the party... Lucy really was the first one to sit on the hay and pose for a picture, but by the time all the other kids got there. Well, it was a different story! =)

the fair.

tonight we went to the state fair with our good friends quin and heidi... and here was our attempt at a family picture.  Love it. that describes little lu's personality perfectly! =) nothing like some good people watching, some hogs & cows, a navajo taco, and of course some mint chocolate chip ice cream. yum! heidi takes care of my children so well. thanks heidi! =) i love her! 4 1/2 months old already. she is starting to 'really' play with toys now, and giggle. Love my little pumpkin! Lucy loves quin..... and dancing to the bands playing! until next year....