4 Months Old!
C-dog is now 4 months old! (August 28th!)
(yes, tyler starting calling her C-dog, and now I catch myself calling her that all the time, how awful is that? Lucy even said the other day, 'Hey, C-gog!" shoot.)
Can you even believe I'm posting this picture without a bow on her little bald head?
I'm pretty sure she had just pooped all over everything and is now wearing the back-up jammies I keep in my diaper bag.
Anywho. Clara is just the sweetest little girl ever. I know I keep saying that, but she is such a little sweetie! She seriously smiles every time someone looks at her, and is such a good sweet little babe.
Here are her stats from Dr. Doug's office last week:
Weight: 14 lbs 5 oz- 67%
Height: 24.5 inches- 60%
Head: 41.6 cm- 68%
She isn't really that fat, but she is so chunky and has so many rolls I just love it! She has the most amazing chubby cheeks, and is just so soft and cuddly. I love my chunky babies.
Clara is now finishing off the rest of her size 2 diapers, and I am now buying size 3! I'm definitely moving up in size quicker this time around, because well- we don't like to have blow outs almost everyday like I did with Lucy. Apparently I didn't get the hint before-- blow outs = need bigger diapers! at least most of the time anyway....
Clara is still an excellent nurser, and eats so so fast. She nurses about every 3 hours during the day, and at night usually goes down about 9pm, and eats around 5-7am again. She loves her sleep, and frequently naps throughout the day. I still have no idea if she has any sort of schedule because we have been so busy playing this summer, but I try to usually at least put her down while little Lucy is sleeping.
We love you miss Claire-Bear! I never ever want her to grow up. Period.
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