Welcome to Boxwood Cottage!

So glad that you found me! My blog is about everything I love like gardening, decorating my home & garden and crafting. Although I'm from Germany I write my blog in English so that hopefully every visitor can read it. Hope you'll stay a while and will leave me a comment so that I know that you were here! xoxo Carola

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Studio painting & flea market trip!

Hello and welcome back to Boxwoodcottage on a sunny Wednesday everyone! I'm so glad you came by to see what's new and hope you'll let me know you were here by posting a comment!

Today I like to show you what I found at our trip to the Bremen flea market last Sunday. I wasn't to our flea market for ages because I don't really like to get up this early on a Sunday morning while having to get up early for work all week long, but after all the successful flea market trips of my blogging friends I read about the last few month I decided that this Sunday I'll make it and with the help of my daughter who told me to hurry up the whole morning we actually hit the flea market in Bremen city at exactly 10.00 am lol I know it's late but I really did my very best for a Sunday morning. It was all worth it because I came back with this vintage case full of vintage goodies, what a pleasure! :)

I found lot's of gorgeous old German photos & prints from the 19th century as well as rolls of vintage satin ribbon in pink and vintage mother of pearl buttons:

But the best part were 8 old cardboard boxes full of vintage Christmas glass baubles in different forms, sizes and colors for just 15 Euros including the vintage case! :D

I felt and still feel like having found a treasure! :D Christmas in April yippieh!

I especially love this old fashion catalogue print, don't you? Click on pictures to enlarge and see more details!

Well like I hinted to you already in my Sunday post below, on Friday we decided that our loft room with my studio is too white and boring so we went and bought some turqouise and pink color (the colors my daughter loves too!) to give it a fresher feeling. Further I've painted this little kitchen table in a shabby white last week to have another little work space in my studio:

It really is just a small new space but I love it's new fresh look & colors:

Our cat Sammy loves to have a nap on the big cushion which I've put on our other big vintage case. So she can be around and close to us while we are doing some creative work, or blogging, surfing the net or whatever.

A few of my favorite tin boxes in the studio:

Can you spot them under my big working table?

I posted pictures of my space behind the wall back in January here for those of you who haven't seen the post yet and are curious what's hidden there!

I hope you enjoyed my blog today and I'll come around to check your's now!
Laters! xox
P.S. I've noticed a lot of quiet french readers recently that I can see on my "recent visitors counter" in the sidebar of my blog and that I'd like to welcome now.
Bienvenue les blogger et lecteur francais!
Je sais lire le francais aussie et j'aimerais bien trouve vos commentaires ici et faire la connaissance de vous et lire votre blogue si vous avez un !
Merci beaucoup et j'espere a bientot! :)
Il ne sont pas des accents sur les mots francais que j'ecris ici parceque "blogger" ne les aime pas!


Anonymous said...

Hallo Carol, das ist ja ein tolles Flohmarkt Schnäppchen! Ich schaue hier täglich schon mehr - immer in der Hoffnung wieder schöne Fotos zu finden! Besuche mich mal auf meiner Page....LG Chrissi /Fiene aus Schl. Holstein p.s. auch mein Garten fängt mehr und mehr an ein Paradies zu werden....aber deines ist unschlagbar!

Jen Kershner said...

That was at least 2 posts worth of beauty! I love what you've done with your studio and I am green with envy about the treasures you found. What a bargain!

Barbara said...

Some good and pretty finds at the flea market. Enjoyed seeing your studio and the boxes hidden under the desk.

Sugar Bear said...

What a lovely bright studio! So inspirational. It must be such a joy to work there.

Sonia said...

Hello Carol,
This is my first visit to your blog and I love it. You have a nice studio too. I'm jealous because I do not have room for one in our house. Maybe someday...I will be back to check your blog again.

OhSoVintage said...

I bet you are glad you made the effort to go to the flea market having found such treasures. I do like your studio, how lucky you are to have such a space to pursue all your interests.

Lis vom Lindenhof said...

Da hat sich der Flohmarktbesuch ja wirklich gelohnt. Bei den Christbaumkugeln hätte ich warscheinlich auch zugeschlagen, normalerweise kosten die erheblich mehr.
Dein Studio wirkt jetzt mit der neuen Farbe viel fröhlicher, sieht das eigentlich immer so aufgeräumt aus? lol
LG Lis

Anonymous said...

What treasures you've found Carol. I love the look of your cottage but have yet to get that look at my own home. I'll be back to read and study! Please keep up the blogging. It's now on of my favorites.

~B --working to reclaim women's dignity www.pinktruth.com

Niki Fretwell said...

Lucky, Lucky Carol!!!
I LOVE the suitcase of goodies that you found!! If only I could have come shopping with you!....I am always looking for vintage xmas baubles to make another wreath.

You studio is wonderful too. Love what you have done - wish I was as tidy as you!
Enjoy your new crafting table and surroundings,
Niki x

Margrit said...

Hallo Carola,
da hast Du ja ein schönes Schnäppchen gemacht. Ich glaube, den Koffer hätte ich auch genommen.
Die Farben in Deinem Zimmer finde ich sehr mutig, aber auch schön. Auf diese Farbkombination muss man erstmal kommen.:)
Viele Grüße

Erin Earls said...

Flea markets finds are the BEST! Your studio is very nice, what a great space to create, I envy you! (I have taken over the dinning room. and still have to share it. lol)

Anonymous said...

Carol, that vintage case is wonderful. The ornaments will certainly be a nice addition to your collection at Christmas time.

oldflowers4me said...

mmm, i would just love to go flea marketing with you at 10. oclock wow your christmas tree will be so dreamy, go girl.

Anonymous said...

Lucky you with your finds! I really like your space, so cheery.

nicol sayre said...

What wonderful flea market finds! I love the ornaments!

a woman who is said...

Glad I stopped by here. Lots of fun going on!

Anonymous said...

Oh Carol, I am so thrilled to know that you have such a lovely studio - what a perfect, pretty space for you to create! I love the suitcase and vintage ornaments too - what a find! I really love these pictures - keep 'em coming! And keep creating - you are such a gift!

ShabbyInTheCity said...

Whoooeee! Glad I came and saw all of this today! What a treasure trunk you have there and I love your studio so much! I don't blame that cat at all...

Anonymous said...

LUCKY duck!! I am happy for you, gee lucky !! I would love to find a box full of vintage Christmas decor for 15 euro!!!!!!!!!!!! That is fantastic Carol!
Promise you are going to wake up early and go to the antique market more often????

Verena said...

Hallo Carol,
der Besuch hat sich ja wohl wirklich ausgezahlt! Die Christbaumkugeln erinnern mich an den Baumschmuck meiner Eltern, eine richtige Kindheitserinnerung. Und den ganzen Koffer um nur 15,-- Euro ist wirklich ein echtes Schnäppchen. Ich bin gespannt, wie sich die Kugeln auf deinem nächsten Christbaum machen werden!
LG, Verena

Deb said...

Your flea market finds are wonderful as is your studio space!!
Beautiful post.

Naturegirl said...

Carol I would say that you won the award for ~beginners luck~ at the fleamarket! Cannot believe what you came home with! WOW! Right down your alley! Wonderful treasures!
I love your workspace so inspiring and filled with so much Love! I'm still in Arizona..temps. are 90+F and the desert blossoms breathtaking! hugs NG

Nicole - Small Treasures said...

haha wir haben sie angesteckt ;-) Tolle Schätzchen und die alten Christbaumkugeln..tssss typisch Carol! Bin auch dabei mein kleines Studio etwas umzugestalten. Schön ist es geworden, deine Eckchen! Richtig gemütlich. LG*Nicki

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, Miss Carol!! I can't believe that trunk of goodies! You really scored on that one. Now I need to figure out how muc 15 Euros in american cash converts to. That case is just beauuuutiful.
again, your work space is just magnificent!!!
I can't wait to see your Xmas tree next year cholk full of all those delicious glass baubles. Lucky girl!

MariaJ said...

Its like you won in a lottery. Wonderful, wonderful finds. I'm sure you have fun with all this stuff. I like old suitcases too. I have one of my fathers and I have my scarfs there. Your studio is like a beautiful candy store!

Reflection Through The Seasons said...

Hi Carol...
Well, your effort of getting up earlier was certainly well rewarded. What treasurers you found, I love the old suit case and its vintage contents. Is this going to be a regular outing on a Sunday morning now I wonder?

What I like about going to such places as flea markets and car boot sales is that you just never know what unexpected treasure you’ll find there and of course the earlier you get there the better bargains you can bag.

Our car boot sales have recently started up again for the summer period in town and although I’m generally an early riser, I make a more special effort on Saturday mornings.

I have so much enjoyed the peek around your studio, how interesting to see all your crafty bits and how tidy you have everything. I love your wooden floor too. Marion

Anonymous said...

What wonderful treasures you found at the flea market and my doesn't your studio look great in pink and turquoise.

Yolanda Elizabet Heuzen said...

Hi Carola,
What a lovely treasure you found at the flea market. Love those christmas decorations, very pretty. You struck a very good bargain there for only 15 euro!!!! I see that I'm not the only one who's been painting these last few days! :-)

Paul said...

Looks like a lot of fun. I was fortunate enough to grow up in the same house with my grandparents - my cousins and I were always finding interesting things in the attics of the house and barn.

My grandmother also had a Cottage at Wells Beach Maine that meant a lot to us.

Carol Soules said...

Beautiful finds at the flea market- well worth the early rising I would say! And that studio space!!! Woo wee!!!! I am green with envy. lol

Carol (in Massachusetts, USA)

Garden Cats + Crafts said...

Wer hätte da schon widerstehen können. Super Schnäppchen die Christbaum-Kugeln. Dein Studio, Dein Garten alles total kreativ, wie immer. Schönes Wochenende. Hier ist es sehr heiß seit vielen Tagen und der Feierabend besteht aus Gießen. LG Birgit

lauren said...

Such bold color choices! But they look so great--bravery paid off. And! What great treasures you found at the flea market. I'm always a late arriver too, fooling myself that no one wants the things that I want so it will all still be there no matter what time I arrive! ha!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful treasure you found at the flea market. Happy Christmas in April :-)

Sigrun said...

Hallo Caro, Mensch, du hast ja wundervolle Sachen gefunden! Meine Jüngste kauft auch alte Bilder und zeichnet sie dann.
Hast du all die Weihnachtssachen auf einen Schlag gekauft? Das muss ein Vermögen gekostet haben!
Schönen Sonntag


Anonymous said...

Oh my, oh my! What wonderful finds! I'll bet you will be more motivated to go to the flea market now. I love your studio and your blog!

Anonymous said...

I love the suitcase full of amazing goodies. What a treasure chest! And your studio is incredible. I'll bet you love being in there. Love the table too.


Ragged Roses said...

You certainly picked a good day to go to the market - what fantastic finds! So much to look at in your post, thank you! Love the tins and the colours in your studio.
Kim x

Clare and Mike said...

What some really wonderful finds, you are lucky!

I love the new colours, so bright and cheerful. I'm sure you will create some lovely things in such great surroundings!

Heather - Speckled Egg said...

wow!!! you hit the jackpot at the flea market! those christmas ornaments are gorgeous!

and your studio is beautiful!!!!

Cape Cod Washashore said...

Carol, what delightful treasures you found in Bremen! I love all of those ornaments, and pictures, and ribbon... and the case, too! You will have fun with those for a long time! And your loft is beautiful - I do love those colors together! =)

Darla said...

Oh my, I'd get up early to score all the wonderful goodies that you did.

Your craft space looks so bright and cheery. Inspiration is everywhere.


xxxxx said...

Happy May Day! Joyeux 1er mai!

Mia said...

WOW, what a fantastic workroom you have! I just love all the fresh colours, both on the walls and on all the lovely things surrounding you. It is so nice to see such delightfull colours around, after the recent trend in all white interiors. I love colours myself ond need to have them around. Your workroom must be an inspirational and creative place to work in.

Anonymous said...

Ton atelier est absolument magnifique ! Je rêve d'y passer un moment à fouiner dans tous les coins ! Bravo

annemary said...

oh avec plaisir !j'adore ton blog et je suis en train de le regarder du haut en bas complètement ça me plait tellement !!!!!je vais essayer de t'envoyer des messages ...gros bisous pour toi et à + je 'ai mise en lien sur mon blog !à+


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