Showing posts with label back to school. Show all posts
Showing posts with label back to school. Show all posts

Monday, August 20, 2012

Work in Progress and kindergarten ahhhhhh

work in progress by Carrie Waller original watercolor

Hi Everyone,

As you can see I haven't progressed as much as I would have like too, but this was the last weekend before school starts and we had a family weekend.  We did all kinds of fun stuff in Little Rock.  My baby starts kindergarten Monday morning and I'll probably be a big, teary, mess!  Sam (my 3 year old) and I will have lots of quality time together while big brother is at school.  Steven goes to school from 7:45 until 3:20, seems like such a long day.  I'll let you know how it's going on Wednesday:)

Steven at his kindergarten desk:)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Work In Progress Wednesday

work in progress, original watercolor 18" x 24 "
close-up of my wip

Hi Everyone,

I'm plugging on through my large version of Lumos.  I will say after having painted a lot of ball jar paintings, I've lost count, that practice sure does help.  I'm almost on auto-paint.  I've worked most of these problems and solutions out on other paintings so this one is really a no brainer.  I can see now why people to studies. Oh and I took these pics with my ipad, not to bad!!  I have the hardest time taking pictures at night with my big camera.

On the home-front school starts next week for Steven.  He'll be in kindergarten.  I can't believe he'll be at school all day everyday:(  I have Sam going twice a week to a preschool program, hopefully I will get a lot of painting done on those days.

See you on Friday for another new Friday Feature:)
