Showing posts with label valentines day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label valentines day. Show all posts

Monday, February 13, 2012

Love Letters

Hi Everyone,
"Love Letters" watercolor on paper by Carrie Waller 12" x 12"
This week's painting is the answer to the February Cook/Waller challenge.  The theme was "love letters", appropriate for Valentine's Day!  My painting may be a bit unconventional.  The "love letters" in my still life are from my husband to his little boys.  The photo in this still life is from the day that Brian left for his deployment.  I'm so glad I captured this moment.  Any time I looked at this photo during the first month Brian was gone I cried.  I'm very proud of my hubby sending is boys a letter, letter writing is not a strong suit of his:)  The glass globe is positioned to Afghanistan, and one of my favorite parts of the painting are the reflections of the star on the chrome airplane.  When I was drawing the composition, I was so caught up in capturing the shapes, I didn't even realize that the stars where there, a happy little revelation that came through as I was painting.  Painting this piece was a therapeutic experience, I was able to finish in one day, it really flowed quickly and I was focused the entire time. 

On a funny note, I set this still life up in my dining room, which has the perfect window for capturing afternoon sun.  I set it up and was waiting for the perfect light.  I sporadically would check to see if the light was right throughout the afternoon.  I know after setting up many a still life that around 4 p.m. this time of year is when the sun comes pouring through my window.  So about that time I went into the dining room and noticed something white billowing from my still life.  It took my brain a minute to process what was going on.  The glass globe was acting as a magnifying glass and when the sun hit just right the flag started smoking.  The thought never crossed my mind that I might burn my house down setting up a still life.  I'm so glad that I was right there when it started to catch fire!!!  So during the process of trying to capture a heart-warming, patriotic moment, I did the most un-patriotic action, tried to burn a flag.  Happy to report that the damage to the flag minimal, I don't think I'm in danger of imprisonment:) 

"Love Letters For Mom" watercolor by Crystal Cook 6"x6"
Visit her blog here:)

Here is Crystal's brilliant answer to the Cook/Waller challenge.  There is such a wonderful and emotional moment captured in this painting!  I just love her warm, glowing, beautiful colors.  The way Crystal manages to capture the pure joy a mother has for her children is amazing!  I just marvel at her paintings:)  Pure and simple, she's awesome!!!!

See you Wednesday,
