Our Family

Casey and I have been married over 12 years! Casey still loves to cheer on his BYU Cougars and the Utah Jazz and I have time I love to squeeze in my Photography and running. These are some snap shots of our busy life with our 4 children. 2 girls and 2 boys!

November 05, 2011


When I was 7 I found what I thought was my mom’s sewing marker. The kind that disappears after a few minutes. So I had this wonderful idea, I would draw tracks all over my brothers carpet so we could drive his hot wheels around on them. I had to work fast so we could drive on them before they disappeared. I was pretty excited that we got the whole room done before they disappeared. But after 30 minutes of driving on them and the marker not disappearing I started to get worried. Needless to say, it wasn’t the disappearing marker. Mom and Dad were NOT happy, and worked for hours trying to get it out of the carpet. I’ve never lived it down.

Fast forward 26 years, and this is what I found in my boys room this morning.


No one will fess up to it. Is this karma?


Carrie said...

I am so sorry... that bites. I wouldn't fess up either. Goes to show how much your kids got each other backs and won't rat each other out.

Steph said...

Ha! So funny! Not about your carpet, but about what you did when you were 7. When I was about the same age, I wrote with a chalk rock on my parents van. I thought it would just brush off, but it was a ROCK! HELLO! It scratched my name into the van. Needless to say, it didn't take a genius for my parents to figure out who done it! :)

Vancouver Washington East Stake said...
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Vancouver Washington East Stake said...

Pay back is terrible. We still love you, and now when we look back it is very funny.