Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Samuel Alito; All Quiet on the Western Front

There has been little discussion of Judge Alito in recent weeks. We should not be deceived by this period of relative calm. The left is preparing its attack at this very moment. The smear campaigns are being readied and should explode on our television screens next month (if not sooner) when the confirmations hearings begin.

We should be readying ourselves for this battle. The Box of Docs research program is one example that worked with the Roberts confirmation and should work with Alito. There is more here on the contrast between our lack of preparedness during the Bork battle and our preparation for the Roberts battle. Let's push for a repeat of the Roberts battle.

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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Did you think I was kidding?; Alito accused of mob ties.

Yesterday I listed some of the tactics that the MSM/DNC might use against Judge Alito, the second of which reads as follows:
Or how about a New York Times investigation into Alito's family, neighbors, etc? He sounds Italian. Maybe he has mob ties.

Little did I know that the Dems were at that moment preparing a talking points memo, the very first point of which implies that Alito let mobsters off the hook in 1988. nails the culprit that circulated this anonymous memo.

P.S. Don't soften on Chris Matthews just because he failed to take the bait on this one. He knows that the blogosphere would roast him alive if he joined this mob-smear.

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Election fraud and MSM/DNC thuggery

In my previous post, I argued that election fraud and MSM/DNC thuggery go hand-in-hand. As if to prove my point, The Detroit News reveals that 380,000 absentee ballots have been sent to dead people. H/T Debbie Schlussel. Many of the ballots already had the votes filled in. The rest will undoubtedly be filled in by individuals resembling the folks in these mugshots.

If Michigan's Democrat machine has a data base of 380,000 names with which to pad the vote every time there is an election, how did that database impact the Michigan election in 2004? When I have a moment, I will research Kerry's Michigan margin of victory (and Gore's in 2000).

At the same time as the Democratic Party's election strategy kicks into high gear in Michigan, the left trots out their analysis of Judge Alito's nomination:
You've just stepped in it now, ****. This one's personal -- ***** everything else written on this site, and on every other site, about Alito for the time being.

See, here's the thing. I'm Italian American. I'm also an at-this-point-happily-lapsed but still **** respectful Roman Catholic.

And I will be *** *** *** Dead And In a Hole In The *** Ground before I let you claim "Italian American" OR Roman Catholic as a *** code phrase for bat*** conservative reactionaries whose dismissal of womens' ***, civil rights, worker rights, and pretty much everything else that has made America great make it clear they think all those things are akin to something they would normally scrape off their shoes.

There's nothing *** "Italian American" about being an ultra-far-right conservative ***. You will not drag my heritage into this like you shoved Alito's well-groomed hand up Rosa Parks' ***, or I will bury you, you loathsome little egg-*** ***. And unlike most of the victims of your only-like-a-minority-when-they're-dead *** huggings, I'm still very much alive.
edited for content

If the thugs that carry out Democrat strategy could write, their writing would look like the above quote. In fact, it is only for the purpose of inciting the animals that commit election violence that the weasels in the "intellectual" wing of the Party produce such vitriol.

Thanks to Brain Droppings for the following research on Kerry/Michigan 2004:
Per CNN, Kerry was credited with 600,047 votes in Wayne county. His Michigan vote total was 2,479,183; his margin of victory 165,437.

So if even half of the 380,000 phony absentee ballots were used in 2004, the Michigan result is invalid. If all of those phony ballots were used, then Bush earned a decent victory in Michigan. In a way, this is good news. A few high profile prosecutions could place Michigan back in the Red column where it belongs.

another update. I have done some research of my own. According to CNN, Gore beat Bush in Michigan in 2000 by a margin of 194,721 votes. There are many unanswered questions. We don't know how many years the Michigan authorities have been using absentee ballots in the name of dead people. We don't know how many of the ballots mailed to dead people were actually counted in the totals.

But all of these questions can be answered with some grand jury proceedings and a few subpoenas. A high profile prosecution would begin to expose this practice. If we can ensure that only the legitimate votes were counted, there would be no reason for Michigan to be blue.

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Quote of the day - Ted Kennedy

"You [Alito] have obviously had a very distinguished record,
and I certainly commend you for long service in the public interest. I think it is a very commendable career and I am sure you will have a successful one as a judge."

(Sen. Ted Kennedy, Committee On The Judiciary, U.S. Senate, Hearing, 4/5/90)

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Monday, October 31, 2005

MSM/DNC opening salvos in the war against Alito

Chuck Schumer apparently has this morning invoked the name of Rosa Parks to imply that Judge Alito seeks to impose racial segregation.

We knew that it would start sooner or later.

Within seconds of the President's announcement CNN went on the air with the following remark from page one of their well-worn playbook:

"I think what you're going to see is some disappointment that this is obviously a white male replacing a female, leaving just one female on the Supreme Court.”

NewsBusters also quotes the Today Show's practice of making "conservative" sound like Alito's first name. I am sure there is more to come.

  • I am still waiting for the first accusations that Alito is gay.

    Or how about a New York Times investigation into Alito's family, neighbors, etc? He sounds Italian. Maybe he has mob ties.

    What did Alito know and when-did-he-know-it about the Plame leak?

    Did he ever live in or near a neighborhood that used to be all-white?

    Did he ever own stock in a tobacco company or an oil company or Halliburton? Or any company at all?

    Did he fulfill his duties in the Texas Air National Guard?

    Let's find out what Anita Hill thinks.

    Did he ever have a nanny?

    Why didn't he stop Bush from supporting torture at Abu Graib and Guantanamo?

    Why didn't he get the federal government to rescue the millions of people who died at the Superdome after Hurricane Katrina?

    Has he no shame?!?!

As Euripides wrote, "Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad." The members of the MSM/DNC have always thought of themselves as gods (which helps explain why they cannot acknowledge the real God). But in their coverage of qualified Supreme Court nominees, we learn their strategy for destroying the rest of us.

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Judge Samuel Alito

President Bush has shown that he trusts us (the new media, the conservative movement, his base, etc.) by nominating a qualified and controversial conservative to the Supreme Court. He trusts that we will fight the good fight and help carry the day. It is our turn to justify that trust.

For those of you that are bloggers, please don't forget about this battle and get distracted by other issues after today. Blog about Alito tomorrow and the next day, etc. Blog in favor of Alito every day until he is confirmed. The MSM/DNC is already working overtime to plan strategy to derail this nomination.

We have to be prepared to:

(1) explain, promote and defend Alito's writings and opinions;

(2) anticipate the obligatory leftist accusations - racist/sexist/capitalist etc.

This effort will take constant work over the next few weeks.

But it will pay off over the next 20 years.

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