Saturday, July 21, 2007

Bob Casey votes to deny protection to anti-terror whistleblowers; I am John Doe

The Senate has voted to kill a measure designed to protect those that report suspicious activity aboard public transportation and elsewhere. The measure was proposed after 6 muslims filed suit following their own suspicious activity in Minnesota (described by Doug Ross):
According to police reports, the imams were asked to deplane a US Airways flight in November after reportedly requesting seat-belt extenders; invoking the words "Bin Laden", "Saddam Hussein", and "terrorism"; shouting "prayers"; and generally acting in a disturbing and suspicious manner. Three of the six had one-way tickets and between all six, only one checked a bag. Once seated, they spread out in the plane in a pattern similar to the 9-11 hijackers. Two sat in the front, two in the middle, and two in the back.
The imams, backed by CAIR, subsequently sued US Airways, passengers, and crew who had reported their activity. The lawsuit against the "John Does" was apparently intended to "discourage passengers from reporting suspicious activity in the future."

Wizbang publishes the roll call and following comments:
What is going on inside the Democratic party that its members are so united against protecting the American people from another terrorist attack? And as I noted in an earlier post, they are completely committed to this even after an intelligence report said that al Qaeda is working harder than ever to get their operatives into this country to commit terrorist acts.

If you check the roll call, you will see that those Senators with 2008 aspirations either voted for the measure or abstained. That includes Senator Clinton. Even Senators Schumer and Specter voted for this measure. Many red state Democrats voted for this measure. But Bob Casey opposed it.

What am I voting on, again?

When this bill was first proposed, I noted that if we let CAIR silence those who would speak out, we are endangering innocent people in buildings. The people who leaped to their death from the WTC had no idea that Mohammed Atta and his gang of Muslims had boarded a plane unopposed an hour or so earlier.

Silence has consequences.

Bob Casey may be feeling special because bought him a Senate seat, but the rest of us have to make sure that he is aware of the consequences of his actions.

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Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Which promises will Casey break?

The Harrisburg "Patriot"-News has reminded us of some of the promises that Robert Casey (and other Democrats) made to the voters during the election - and the impossibility of fulfilling these promises:
WASHINGTON - On the campaign trail, U.S. Sen.-elect Bob Casey Jr. and other Democrats called for fully funding the federal No Child Left Behind education program and increasing spending for veterans programs, and advocated the need to expand health insurance for all Americans, especially children.

"You're talking billions of dollars, at least," Casey said in October during the heat of his election fight with U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa. "When I talk about health care for kids and health care for small business, and we talk about investments in education, all of these things, I think, are important investments."

Such promises proved popular with many voters but could come back to haunt lawmakers such as Casey as they grope with limited resources to implement proposals, keep supporters happy and keep spending in check.

"They're going to face some very difficult choices reconciling their rhetoric with the budget realities," predicted Tim Penny, a former Democratic congressman and deficit hawk from Minnesota.

It is inconceivable that the Democrats were not aware that they would never be able to keep their promises without increased deficit spending or tax increases. They simply didn't care. It is even more inconceivable that the MSM/DNC could not foresee this scenario one or two months ago. Instead of questioning what the Democrats would do and how they would do it, the MSM/DNC focused on polls and fulfilling its own role in securing the Democrats' victory. Now that it is too late for a meaningful discussion of the Democrats' promises, the MSM/DNC is free to discuss the full implications a little more deeply. Having seized power based on lies, it does little good simply to expose the false promises. It does little good for us to be right in hindsight. As I wrote last week, "being right in hindsight is not good enough."

Daddy never told me I would have to KEEP my promises

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Monday, November 06, 2006

Faux moderates; Bob Casey

Manuel Miranda nails the Pennsylvania Senate race in this Human Events column:
Pennsylvanians may think that voting for Bob Casey Jr. is a viable alternative to Santorum because Casey is Catholic and pro-life. You are wrong. Casey has already told you that. He said the life issue will not be central to what he will do in the Senate. New York’s Sen. Chuck Schumer’s has told you also. Schumer told big liberal donors that Casey would vote with him to block judges. And as Schumer added, “that is the whole ball of wax.”

While some Pennsylvanians may feel comfortable voting for Bob Casey because he appears to be pro-life, the truth won't come out until it is too late. Democrats are starting to realize that they can't win by running obvious leftists. They have to win the Bill Clinton way. They must pretend to be conservative until they are already in office. Bob Casey is not only a faux moderate, he is a faux Catholic if he remains true to his word and helps Schumer and the Democrats block pro-life judges.

As Joe Sobran might say, Bob Casey will never give the pro-abortion lobby reason to demand the return of their thirty pieces of silver.

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Saturday, November 04, 2006

Bob Casey investing Pennsylvania pension money in Iran, Syria

Youtube has not yet censored these videos -

A Santorum ad:

WTAE-TV news report:

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Friday, November 03, 2006

Bob Casey, NAACP, Obama

It is beyond dispute that the Democrats take the Black vote for granted. Bob Casey has learned to take the Black vote for granted before he has even achieved national office (H/T Santorum blog [not affiliated with the Santorum campaign]):
Bob Casey has an interesting relationship with the NAACP.

He’s currently a member, which is fine. But that doesn’t really exempt him from skipping out on their events, like a candidate forum. The other three statewide candidates where there. But he claimed he was too busy with Senator Barack Obama in Pittsburgh.

The only trouble is that Obama was in California.

The man who’s schedule is tightly held secret had something else going on. More important than trying to earn the black vote.

And if you’re going to lie about where you were, why would you lie with a very famous Senator who’s on a book tour? Dumb!

In any case, Bobby Casey’s personal financial disclosure form states that he was a member of the NAACP starting in 2000. He let it lapse in 2002, the same year he lost the gubernatorial primary.

But lo and behold, he’s running in a high-profile statewide race again, so he decides to rejoin.

Despite the treatment that Casey gives to his would-be constituents, the NAACP remains in Casey's corner. The NAACP does or says nothing that would make Casey demand the return of his 30 pieces of silver.

"I was with Obama bin Laden - I swear!"


Betsy comments also.

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Thursday, November 02, 2006

Bob Casey, Ted Buckland or John Kerry?

"I'm Bob Casey and John Kerry has approved this message."

Click here for more of the Casey/Kerry connection.

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Kerry distanced from Dems only in tight races; Casey; McCaskill, Ford

The MSM/DNC would like to put John Kerry's remarks behind us, as it attempts to refocus the nation's attention back to Mark Foley.

MSM/DNC outlets are quick to point out that numerous Democrats have repudiated Kerry's insult, while also insisting that it was nothing but a joke. The Democrats that called for Kerry to apologize include McCaskill, Ford and Hillary Clinton. A campaign appearance with Bob Casey in Pennsylvania has been cancelled. See also Michelle Malkin.

In fact, McCaskill, Ford and Casey are locked in tight races with incumbent Republicans or for open seats. Hillary, of course, retains Presidential ambitions.

Those Democrats who are safe have not repudiated Kerry. They have not repudiated him because they agree with him. The Democrats have not dropped their anti-troop animus. They merely hide it when they have to. Kerry is less skilled at hiding it than most of his party.

Bob Casey, while cancelling a campaign appearance with Kerry this week, has nevertheless appeared with Kerry earlier in this campaign. Yesterday he continued to defend Kerry notwithstanding the canceled appearance. Casey dismissed the comments as a mere joke. If the comments were only a joke, then why cancel the joint campaign appearance? Casey wants to have it both ways. He wants to defend Kerry as much as he can get away with while pretending to distance himself from the slur on the campaign trail.

The Democrats who are trying to keep Kerry in the closet remind me of Bill Clinton's faux conservatism during the campaign of 1992, promising a middle class tax cut, running as a southern Democrat with a southern Democrat running mate, putting his wife in front of the cameras with a fake southern drawl, etc. Only after the election did we discover that the tax cut promise was nothing but a head fake, as our taxes were raised almost immediately. We still haven't discovered the full extent of Clinton's sellout to China.

If we allow the country to let down its guard and elect faux moderate Democrats because they joined in the criticism of Kerry, we will discover too late that the Democrats will undermine our defense and leave Iraq at the mercy of Al Qaeda.
count Jon Tester of Montana among the tight race hypocrites:
"Senator Kerry's remarks were poorly worded and just plain stupid," said Democrat Jon Tester, in a tight Senate race in Montana.

John Kerry on Bob Casey:
“You and I can actually make this an outstanding day in Bob Casey’s Senate campaign to defeat Santorum”

John Kerry wrote an email on June 14, 2005, asking Pennsylvanians to make donations to the Bob Casey for Senate campaign. Kerry writes, “Bob Casey was there for us and Pennsylvania Democrats in 2004. Let’s do it for him in 2006.” (Email, John Kerry, June 14, 2005) He also writes “Join the community in Pennsylvania as we kick off a special one-day campaign to give Bob Casey a strong grassroots boost.”
Also - Casey refers to Kerry as a "great leader . . . patriot" - Allentown Morning Call - November 1, 2006.

"I'm Bob Casey and John Kerry has approved this message."

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