Saturday, March 03, 2007

Quote of the day - Maureen Dowd - Hillary's cookbook

Simon & Schuster announced that Hillary Clinton -- she who bridled at the term First Lady, she who bristled at the thought of staying home and baking cookies, she who preached two for the price of one, she who brazenly reverted to Rodham once the coast was clear, she who insisted on being in the West Wing with the boys, she who went boldly where no President's wife had gone before and hijacked vast precincts of social and legal policy -- will produce a book on the joys of entertaining and decorating.

Maureen Dowd - 4-18-99

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Monday, August 29, 2005

Quote of the day - Mark Steyn

Remember the Afghan war? On Nov. 7, 2001, the New York Times' Maureen Dowd was sneering at the Northern Alliance for being a lot of useless layabout deadbeats. "They smoke and complain more than they fight," she scoffed. A couple of days later, Kabul fell so swiftly that on Nov. 14 Dowd switched smoothly -- with only the mildest case of columnar whiplash -- to whining that the hitherto layabout Northern Alliance had "embarrassed" us with their "savage force."

Mark Steyn

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