Friday, November 25, 2005

Two protests: Sheehan and Jordanians against Zarqawi

The MSM/DNC news outlets have spent much of the day focusing on Cindy Sheehan's latest protest, even though her protest features only about a dozen protesters.

Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of Jordanians take to the streets to demand Zarqawi's head, and the MSM/DNC falls silent. Mark Steyn sums up the anti-Zarqawi Jordanian protests:
True, he did manage to kill a couple of dozen Muslims. But what's the strategic value of that? Presumably, it's an old-fashioned mob heavy's way of keeping the locals in line. And that worked out well, didn't it? Hundreds of thousands of Zarqawi's fellow Jordanians fill the streets to demand his death.

Did they show that on the BBC? Or are demonstrations only news when they're anti-Bush and anti-Blair? And look at it this way: if the "occupation" is so unpopular in Iraq, where are the mass demonstrations against that? I'm not talking 200,000, or even 100 or 50,000. But, if there were just 1,500 folks shouting "Great Satan, go home!" in Baghdad or Mosul, it would be large enough for the media to do that little trick where they film the demo close up so it looks like the place is packed. Yet no such demonstrations take place.

So what is the difference between the Sheehan and the anti-Zarqawi protests? Sheehan believes that America is "not worth dying for", while the Jordanian protesters are demanding the head of one of America's leading enemies. So naturally the MSM/DNC provides free publicity to a dozen people who follow an America-hater, while ignoring hundreds of thousands who wish to eliminate one of America's enemies. Draw your own conclusions.
previous - AP lies in support of Cindy Sheehan.

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Saturday, August 27, 2005

Quote of the day - KGO-TV

"Cindy Sheehan kneels before a cross with her son's name on it, touches his picture, wipes her tears. It's an outpouring of emotion that is part of a scheduled news event organized daily for the television, radio and print reporters who crowd in to capture a mother's grief." [emphasis added].

KGO - TV, San Francisco

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Friday, August 26, 2005

MSM Lie #43 of 2005 - AP lies in support of Cindy Sheehan

On August 24th, Associated Press misrepresented the Cindy Sheehan story, falsely claiming that Cindy Sheehan became anti-war only after her son was killed and only after reports of faulty pre-war intelligence. In fact, Sheehan was anti-war before her son reenlisted.

AP also added the line that Casey was misled by a recruiter before reenlisting. This line was quietly dropped from subsequent versions of the story.

This behavior is not surprising from an organization that helped terrorists win a Pulitzer Prize.

H/T Powerline.

The full list is found here.

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Thursday, August 18, 2005

The latest leftist meme and what lies behind it.

Leftist anti-war protesters have become quick, like trained seals, to respond to any logical argument about the war with one response: "Why don't you (or your children, or George Bush' children) join the Army if you are so pro-war?"

- Leftists are quick to say this even though they called Pat Tillman a "sucker" for doing just that.

- Leftists are quick to say this even though they will make every effort to prevent military recruiters from talking to you or your children (or, presumably, George Bush' children).

- Leftists are quick to say this even though most of the people who have joined the military are in favor of the President's decisions in defending this country.

- Leftists are quick to say this even though they voted for the man (Kerry) who opposed additional armor and equipment for our troops.

- Leftists are quick to say this even though they believe that the only good U.S. soldier is a dead U.S. soldier (and even better if the deceased soldier's mother has no shame).

Remember where the protesters' hearts really lie when they accuse real Americans of shirking military duty.

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Quote of the day - Cindy Sheehan

"This country is not worth dying for."

Cindy Sheehan

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