Gizmo and Denali

Gizmo and Denali
Showing posts with label curious. Show all posts
Showing posts with label curious. Show all posts

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Sundays are for snoozing in sun puddles, sleeping in hammocks and snuggling humans

Through Gizmo's Eyes

I love Sunday's. I've been spending today lying in sun puddles, sleeping in my hammock and snuggling my humans. I've also spent Sunday on the other side of the laundry door sniffing out the enemy. Mum says she is not the enemy and her name is Denali, but I hissed at her yesterday when I first saw her anyway. She didn't even seem scared of me. I could only see her through the crack in the door cause mum and dad say she's in quarantine and I'm not allowed near her for at least a month.

She is annoying already. She kept crying this morning, I wanted her to be quiet so I could enjoy my Sunday, but then I realised she was probably lonely cause she has to spend all her time in the Laundry by herself cept when mum goes in to feed her. I meowed at her through the door to let her know she wasn't alone. Only mum goes in the Laundry to see her cause she has had ringworm before so the vet said she might be immune to it, but dad hasn't had it. Now mum always smells like disinfectant.

Anyway back to Sunday Fun... I thoroughly enjoyed my time in the sun, and even more so cause mum and dad went shopping this morning, and they came home with chicken necks. Mum says its good for my teeth, but I don't care about that.. I think they taste yummy.

Anyway I will be sharing this blog soon with Denali cause mum says I need to learn to share. So I said mum could include some photos of her on here too.
I hope you all enjoy your Sunday as much as I do.

Monday, 1 August 2011

Gizmo Goes Fishing (and gets very wet)

Through Gizmo's Eyes

I've been eyeing off the fish in the fish tank on the counter top for weeks. When the light hits them they flash silver and gold like the medals hanging around the house. They are so shiny, and I just have to have one.
While my people have been sleeping I have been sneakily jumping onto the table and from there to the counter top, then I can jump on top of the fish tank. There are holes on the top of the fish tank just big enough to fit my paw into and if I dangle the tip of it into the water, the fishies come up to visit it...silly fishies. When they swim up to my paw i make a quick swipe and try to catch them, but they are just too fast.

So yesterday I decided I am not going to let the fish get the better of me and any time my people weren't looking, or when they went into another room, I decided to go fishing. I got to the top of the tank and dangled my paw into the water... here fishy fishy fishy... pow, crash, splash eek... I was sliding into the fish tank, the lid on the fish tank flipped into the tank and took me with it... just when I almost had one too. Help I can't swim! I clawed my way out of the tank, luckily finding a rock in the tank to push off. I could hear my people coming to see what the commotion was, I had to get out of the tank, or I knew I would be in big trouble... I'm not allowed to go fishing. Luckily I made it out just in time. I think my people knew what happened anyway. there was water everywhere (and I bet the fishies told them). They were very nice to me though, and dried me in a fluffy towel, and let me sit on a heat pack because I was cold. I don't think I want to go fishing again... it wasn't a very fun experience.