Showing posts with label etsy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label etsy. Show all posts

Friday, September 02, 2016

Getting Back in the Groove!

After being the child care provider for my little granddaughter for the past 5 years, Miss Lily started Kindergarten! That has freed me up to make a heck of a lot more effort towards my art adventures.
Hooray! I will miss my daily dose of Lily Rain, but I still get to see her a lot as she lives right above my place.

A few years back I joined a facebook group called 29 Faces with Ayala Art. Currently there is a September Challenge to paint a face a day. I painted one yesterday but didn't get a chance to post it.
So here it is.... I love challenges because they help me to paint daily and explore mediums.

A Few More Days of Summer

One thing I wanted to experiment  with is painting on a DIY absorbent ground.
I had a book of watercolor paper that I didn't like the way it absorbed the paint, so I decided to paint the ground on it and see what happens. The ground is not as absorbent as paper of course, but I liked the way I could lift off the colors. I think I will paint all my 29 faces with this ground and see where it goes and what I learn about it. I am also trying to paint a bit more loosely.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Watercolor Studies Continues; The Midnight Bunny

Today I completed another study, this time of a bunny. As I am doing these studies, I am trying out different kinds of paper, graphite pencils and color palettes. The bunny today was painted on 90 lb. Arches Cold Press. It is too thin for my liking, but wasn't too bad to paint on. Because of it's light weight, it absorbs the water like a sponge all the way through. That can result in a unflat painting when you are finished painting. Last night I put weights on the 'Vintage Lady' Painitng which I mentioned in my previous post. It was painted on this same arches 90 lb. paper. I sprayed the back of the painting with water, put a paper towel over it, then a heavy book with 2 three pound exercise weights (gotta use those weights for something!)

This morning I looked at the Vintage Lady painting to see if it was dry. It was and it was pretty flat. not perfectly flat, but reasonably flat and ready to mount in a mat.

Ok, so back to Midnight Bunny. As mentioned I have been trying different graphite pencils to do my sketch for the painting. This time I used a 6B. I liked it, you could get a nice dark if you want. On Vintage Lady I used a HB. Which is very hard. It was a lot lighter lead color and didn't smear much.

If you don't want your lead to show up in your watercolor, the HB is pretty good for that.

On Midnight Bunny, I used the same color palette as I did on "Vintage Lady". Three colors; cobalt blue, rose madder genuine, and azo yellow. Although I used a lot of layers on this painting and it has some darks, it still has some luminousity in places. I guess that's what you get when you use transparent paint, right?

In this painting I lifted color out on the bunny, the grass, and around the moon. A few years ago I took a workshop from Joseph Alleman, and he lifts color out. His work is wonderful and he has the awards to show fpr it. Here's his website:

Look at Joe's paintings, especially those that have darks in them and see if you can see where he has lifted the paint out. If you are new to watercolor, you may not know what this means. When you put several layers of color on the paper, you can go back after it's dried with a wet brush and lift out spots. I you look at the bottom of my bunny painting, you can see blades of grass that I have lifted out.

I am finding as I am doing these studies, that I have picked up and implement some things from the people I have taken workshops from. I hadn't realized that I had done this till now as I am re-evaluating my painting skills.

I have to admit that as I got into this bunny painting, I wasn't liking the way it was turning out, but committed myself to finishing it. Lifting really saved it. It's not a great painting,but it is ok and was a valuable study. The purpose of doing studies is not only to practice, but to also find what techniques and color palettes I like and don't like. So I am satisfied with what I learned today.

How's your painting coming along?

Thursday, January 01, 2015

New Year, New Ideas!

A new year is always refreshing, it seems to be a start over for many of us. Although today is probably not much different than most days. It's just how we think about it.

This Christmas I made many gifts for my family. One of them was a portrait of my son. He loves the Green Bay Packers and has since high school. So it seemed appropriate to reflect that in this painting of him.

It is done in watercolor on Arches hot press paper. It's not very big, an 10" x 8" painting. I often use my kids as models in my paintings and Brock has been known to complain that I have never used him. So it was time to paint him!

Today being the first day of the new year, I have been planning what I would like to accomplish this year. I paint a lot in acrylic, but I thought I would like to improve my watercolor techniques for 2015. I belong to the Utah Watercolor Society, and it is a wonderful organization with many talented painters. I hope to benefit this year by participating more in the paint-outs and workshops they hold.
If you would like to join us, here is the link to the website;

The meetings are the first Tuesday of each month and they are held at the Sons of the Utah Pioneer Building. Here's the address:
Sons of the Utah Pioneers Hall, 3301 E. Loiuse Ave (2920 S.) Salt Lake City, UT, 84109

I also am planning on writing on my blog more often and sharing my artistic process.Comments welcome!

One more thing I would like to say on this fresh new day in 2015... I am full of gratitude for my life, and my family. I am so thankful to be an artist and through my talent am able to show appreciation for the beauty of this earth. May we all be blessed with a happy and prosperous New Year!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Another Small Painting

Painting art cards is a challenge. The 3.5" x 2.5" canvas makes it difficult to get the detail you are able to get with larger painting surfaces. I have been trying different mediums so see what gives me the detail I would like to have. Yesterday I tried pen and ink and watercolor. Still not satisfied with the results.

 As I paint these art cards, I've been drawing from my head without reference. I think the artist is the biggest critic of their artwork. That's me for sure! I find I am not satisfied not only with the way I am painting but I am not happy with just painting what I see in my head. I am going to keep going with my experimentation with art cards until I am satisfied with what I produce. Anyone want to join me painting art cards? It's a great exercise that I think will benefit my larger pieces.

"Planting Seeds of Faith", pen/ink and watercolor.
My critique is that it is too cartoony for my taste :-) I like it for what it is however,
and it was fun to try. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Painting Small

The last week of March and throughout this month I was away from home for a little over three weeks. Because of different restrictions I packed up the smallest amount of art supplies I could. This has led me to working on a series of art cards (mentioned in my previous posts).

Painting small or perhaps 'miniature' is a better description - brings a whole lot of new challenges. The main challenge for me is what medium best expresses what I want to accomplish? I have tried pure watercolor, acrylic, acrylic with colored pencil. Today I will be working on a piece with watercolor and pen and ink.

My 3.5" x 2.5" paintings have been divided into two main subjects, portraiture and whimsical illustration. I have enjoyed doing the portraiture in watercolor - even though the 'canvas' is small, it is big enough to get the detail in that I enjoy. Doing a little illustrative scene is a whole other story. To get all the details in you have to paint VERY small. I am not sure I am satisfied with what I have come up with to this point.

I am going to post a couple of recent illustrative pieces and would appreciate your critique of them.

"Bunny Serenade" is done in acrylic and colored pencil on paper.

"Catching Falling Stars" is watercolor and watercolor pencil on paper

"Little Red Riding Hood" (SOLD) Mixed - watercolor and acrylics on paper.

I would appreciate any comments. If you want to see more of my art cards, visit 

Monday, March 31, 2014

Painting in Portland

I am in Portland to help take care of my grand-daughter Lily. A couple of weeks ago a dog bit her in the face. :(
I packed up the biggest suit case we had. Not just for my clothes, but for the inflatable mattress. My daughter had just moved to Portland the month before leaving her furniture behind. We were worried my suitcase would go over the 50lb. weight limit, but it weighed in at exactly that... 50lbs!

I came out on Jet Blue and they have a policy of no oil or water based paints, so I packed up my watercolor palette (dry) and brought along mini watercolor paper to paint art cards. An art card is 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" so I could pack a lot of them!
So far I have only painted 2 cards, they are in my whimsical style.

 This one (above) is titled "Breakfast at Tiffany's, 
Pupper's and Miss Pretty Kitty's. 

This art card is titled "Finding Spring". 

It is fun, experimental and a good exercise to paint this small. I will continue to paint while here in Portland. It rains a lot and often cancels my daily walk... I thought my waterproof windbreaker would be sufficient but I was wrong... so I will happily paint when it rains.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Summer Bunnies

Marketing art online has become quite a good venue. I have been selling on ebay since 2001. After much study and learning how to sell there, I finally started on Sept. 11th. However I had a free dial-up connection and a very slow computer and my first auction didn't go live until about 10 minutes after midnight on Sept. 12th. It took all evening to get everything loaded up and ready to go. I was also watching the horrific events on TV and I am sure that slowed me down a bit.

So here I am almost 12 years later still selling on ebay. Because of my gallery connections and other online venues I have decided to make collectible art cards (ACEOs) my main product for this venue- tiny paintings for tiny prices. I am also in the process of cleaning out my studio and offering art at clearance prices. They need to find a new home.

I have a set of auctions that will be ending this evening for Bunny art cards. They are in watercolor and are 3.5" x 2.5".

Check them out before they are gone! 

Thursday, May 02, 2013

Update on My Activities

I have been working hard on my art lately. The past two years I have been tending my baby grand-daughter who is just turning 2. My grandmotherly duties have been relieved a few days a week as little Lily Rain is going to pre-school to expand her social  skills.

That means I have more time to work on my art! I am working on my watercolor painting currently. 

I was recently juried into Xanadu Gallery of Scottsdale AZ as one of their online studio artists. 
You can purchase my work there at:

I was also accepted into the Trodden Path Gallery; You can purchase my work at this link:

If you are live in Utah, you can find my art at Local Colors Gallery  1054 E. 2100 So. Salt Lake City, UT 84106 Or visit their website:


Also in Utah you can find my whimsical art at Paisley Pomegranate of Park City, and Salt Lake City.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Snow Girls

I love creating art. I love dabbling in all kinds of mediums. My latest venture is creating art on the computer. This month I bought the new Photoshop Elements 11 and have been creating little paintings for my etsy shop. Actually I have been making clip art! I am sharing a little Cathy Darling art in e-files. It's all so brand new, that I only have couple of sets done. The first set was for Thanksgiving titled 'Gather to Gobble'. The second set is more winter appropriate and is called 'Snow Girls'. You can find them in my etsy shop:

This set is full of whimsical Snow Girls and includes all of these snowy gals.
I am having a Cyber Monday Sale - all items in my shop are 20% off!  Happy Holiday Shopping!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Life is Just Beachy

A couple of days ago, I came across a fabulous watercolor artist by the name of Charles Rennie Mackintosh. He was an artist/architect from Scotland around the early part of the last century. His lovely work made me want to get my watercolors out and paint! I have been painting in acrylic for the past year, but there it is nothing like the delicacy of watercolor and it beckoned to me.

I am a bit rusty, but I did a little 7" x 5" painting titled "Life is Just Beachy". With summer coming on, and peaches not quite in season, I was imagining bare toes in warm sand and a feeling of how great life is. I really love painting in watercolor.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My Mini Studio

I have a mini studio, and a mini nursery, all in my mini bedroom. Or I should say it's not a very big bedroom but that didn't sound as good. I like mini.

I am becoming quite productive now that I can paint in my bedroom (see previous entry for why I paint in my bedroom instead of the studio).  I have a show opening on March 17th so I have to be productive if I want to have something to hang.

I have attached a couple of images so you can see what my mini studio looks like. Sorry they are not great pictures. On my desk I have two monitors because I am still planning on doing some illustrations in photoshop for an app I am making with my sons. It's a lot easier to work on two monitors when you are doing stuff like that. At least that's what my boys tell me. However, I have found that I quite like it for watching Netflix on one and working on a project on the other. Netflix also keeps me very entertained while I am painting too. But ocassionally I let Lily watch Barney on it while I paint. Sometimes it more important to keep the baby entertained so I CAN paint.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Missing in Action...

If you read my last entry, it was dated back in September. I have been missing in action from my blog and most things internet related! I mentioned previously that we were moving our gallery. It's a co-op gallery and we moved it into storage til our new space was available. Once in, we had to fix up the new gallery. We opened mid-November, ready or not. To make a long story short I have been spending my extra time working on things for the gallery thru January. Thanks to all our members we are now organized with all kinds of committees and we have a lovely gallery.

During February, I turned my attention to some painting and organizing my house. Since I started tending my baby grand-daughter Lily full time, I have not been able to get down to my studio much, even though it is in my basement. It's unfinished and kind of cool (not in an awesome way, just temperature-wise). Not a place for a freshly made baby.

Now I have reorganized my bedroom to accomodate a playpen and make my desk area more functional so that I can paint small paintings there. I have a highchair in there too. I am finally painting again, hooray! It's about time since Lily is now 9 months old. Where did the time go? Tomorrow I will take some pictures, for a small space it's pretty functional.

In March I am one of the featured artists at our gallery Local Colors, so for the next few weeks I will be posting some new pieces for my show. The image here is one from a series of dancing dogs that I am continuing. It's called 'A Dance With Dogs'. It's one of those small paintings I have been talking about. It's actually about 4" square, but it's in a wooden frame which I have painted, so the whole thing is 8" square.