
The cause of sin
Which is the cause of sin?
US: Catholic initiative to help undocumented immigrants
A telephone line will advise undocumented workers and their families.
If you pray, why do you pray?
The life of prayer is a matter of identity, it comes from our condition as children of God. It goes much further than the need or the problem of the moment.
The universe in and out of us
Otherworldly Stories.
10 Sentences of Young Saints that Show that Holiness is Possible at Any Age
Holiness is not a prerogative only of some: Holiness is a gift that is offered to all, no one is excluded, so it constitutes the distinctive character of every Christian
Purity, a very strange virtue...
Do I Answer or Not?
Law and human rights
Reflection on issues related to human rights and their relationship with Christian anthropology and faith, directed by Rafael Navarro Valls, professor at the Faculty of Law of the Complutense University of Madrid, and secretary
speak of the existence of a "practical humanism
New stage: young adults
What the Church says ... of the solidarity economy
Fragments of Papal messages that speak of the Social Doctrine of the Church and insist on supporting and stimulating solidarity economy organizations, with which our peoples try to respond to the distressing situations of poverty.
The Family, an antidote to stateism
Within the stateist mindset it is easy for strong opposition to family education to arise
For the bishops of the United States, it is a duty to reduce the debt
For the bishops of the United States, it is a duty to reduce the debt It's not about what political party wins, but about treating the poor well
An overview
There are times when we would like to come to an overview of our planet and the millions of human beings who populate it.
A Corner to Calm the Soul
From a humble prayer to God, we will find words not to hurt the other by exposing unmissable truths.

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