Showing posts with label Steampunk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Steampunk. Show all posts

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Steampunk Days are Back at Pixie Dust Studio!

I LOVE Kathy's Steampunk images, so I was thrilled when I saw this challenge! This image is "Steampunk Debutante". How did I make this project? I bought a $1 vase at the Dollar Tree. I printed the image on Translucent paper that I bought in a pack at Michael's. Then it was trimmed, and "glued" to the vase with clear nail polish. Then several coats of nail polish were painted over the image. I tied on an Organza ribbon (My Favorite!), added a flower, and a MS shell border. Tags are from Graphic 45. Easy Peasy!

 I hope you'll join us for this week's challenge. Make something with a Steampunk theme. You could win a Pixie Dust image of your choice and a Pixie Star Badge for your blog! Enter your project HERE for a chance to win. Need more inspiration? Check out the Pixies' Blogs! Their links are in my sidebar. Need some cute images? Stop by the Studio!  There are so many to choose from! We can't wait to see what you create!
Delicious Doodles- Try Something New

Friday, June 24, 2011

It's Steampunk Release Day at Pixie Dust Studio!

It's finally here! You can find the entire Steampunk Collection in the Pixie Dust Studio today!
I have two more peeks using these adorable images. I think these two are my favorites.

This is "Miss Studio Priss".
 I found a spool of Vintage ribbon in the Dollar Bin at Michael's.  I tied a knot in the end, twisted the other end of the ribbon and glued it to a CS circle. Then I took another length of ribbon, gathered it into a ruffle, and attached it to the CS circle. Next I cut a butterfly from the Graphic 45 tags, glued it to a stick pin, and stuck it in the flower. I think it coordinates well with the flower on the tag.

This is Sir Studio Punk. Don't you just love his outfit! I found a Vintage button at Michael's and attached it to one of the Graphic 45 tags. Stop by the blogs of our creative DT and see the images they are showcasing today. Their links are in my sidebar. Stop by the Pixie Dust Studio and make your selections for this release, and see the special price you can get when purchasing the entire collection!