Thursday, December 29, 2011


As most people do this time of year, I’ve thought a lot about 2011 (do you say 2 thousand 11 or twenty eleven) and the things I have accomplished and then looking forward to 2012. 

I started out the year with a bang, accomplishing a lot in my studio.  Here are a few of my fave projects!

03 butterfly girlI’m just in love with this little butterfly girl and those Prima papers!


03-01 Anya's bunnyI love me some of The Greeting Farm stamps.  They are so much fun to color!


she art girl 1I took Christy Tomlinson’s She Art Workshop and loved my first attempt at one of her girls!

art journal coverI took Soul Restoration I (twice) and Soul Restoration II (which I haven’t finished yet and intend to repeat in 2012).  This is my art journal cover from SR2 that also includes a She Art Girl that I made to look like me.  I love the colors, words and texture in this one.  If you could see it in person, there are so many little hidden treasures with meaning to me in the background.


as you areThis is a canvas I made just for me and it includes a quote from Brave Girls Club.  It says, “You are just right exactly as you are.”  I met up when some friends to take them to the airport after they returned from Brave Girls Camp.  A few of the campers accompanied us for lunch.  I had this canvas in the car with me and one of the ladies wanted to buy it.  Of course, I couldn’t sell it to her.  I told her to just pickup my lunch and it was hers!!!  The quote had special meaning for her! 

cretive girlI learned all about Suzi Blu in late 2010 and this year I purchased some of her Unity Stamps.  This is just one of them that I got.  Suzi is now working with another stamp company and I can’t wait to see what she comes up with next year!  I’m also registered for Suzi Blu’s art journaling class but have not started it yet.

I also did some art journaling and some canvases that I haven’t photoed.  Maybe I’ll share some of that with you next year!

Next, I’m going to talk about the things that I want to do next year!  I did this at the end of 2010 and then again about half way through the year.  I got some of the things done but didn’t accomplish nearly as much as I wanted to.  I kind of lost my motivation as the year went on.  I plan to get myself out of that slump and get on the creative path again!!!



Thursday, December 8, 2011

Happy New Year (a little early)

I know, it’s a little early to wish you all a happy new year but it’s not to early to make a card!

This card just took me a few minutes to make and you could send it out this year in lieu of Christmas cards.  That’ll give you an extra week to get your cards out!!!

Here’s what else is being released this week.

Peppermint JPG and PNG
2012 JPG and PNG
A New Years Rhyme JPG and PNG

Delivering Roses JPG and PNG

I Will Sing JPG and PNG

For more details on the projects above, visit the Design Team blogs! (Links in my sidebar.)

Monday, December 5, 2011

Sweet Daisy

Well, I seem to have found my muse again!  I’m here with another card.  I’ve scheduled this post for Monday evening but I made this card on Sunday.  That means I’ve made three cards in less than 24 hours.

sweet daisyI won this stamp from a contest that Elizabeth Bell did on Facebook.  I was so excited to get it that I inked it up the day it came in the mail.  Isn’t she cute!!!

I have several images that I have colored but just didn’t have the inspiration to put the card together.  I’m going to be working on those this afternoon.  Who knows what else!!!



Medium-Copics; Image-Elphine House-Elizabeth Bell; Paper-Basic Grey; Ribbon-PTI; Lace-Girls Paperie; Buttons-PTI; Cuttlebug-Nestabillities; Other from stash-pearls colored with Copics.

Flutterby Wednesday--Blue, lace, 3 or more flowers, at least one butterfly
Simon Says--Anything goes
Inspirational Card Sketches—sketch
Moving Along with Times--sketch

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Spider Mouse

spidermouse 2This is the other card I made for my sister’s Sunday school class.  I use this cute Whiff of Joy digi image quite often for her because it seems that a lot of four year old boys love Spiderman!!!

Very simple card here—colored with Copics and used cardstock and string from my stash.  I added a red button (PTI) and it’s simple as that!

I hope you’ve had a wonderful weekend and that you are ready to start a brand new week!  I know I did and am!!!



Card Patterns--sketch

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Cupcake Fairy

Hi all!  I hope you’re enjoying your weekend.  I needed to make a couple of cards for my sister’s Sunday school class of three year olds turning four.  What a fun age, huh?

cupcake fairyI’ll start with the little girl card and post the boy card tomorrow. My sister said she is a girlie girl that loves pink and purple.  There’s only a little purple in their but a lot of pink.  Love this image by Mo Manning and the DP is a rak.  I tied a bow with some ribbon from my stash and added some buttons (PTI).  I also added a bit of sparkle by coloring parts of the image with my Spica pen.  Simple, but I think it’s quite cute!!!

Be back tomorrow with the little boy card!



Dutch Dare--Sketch

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Bling on the Holidays

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!! My favorite time of year. Tim Holtz posted his first of the 12 tags of Christmas a few minutes ago and now it’s time for me to post this weeks card and go to bed so I can get up in the morning and make my card!

I LOVE Shawne’s Lou-Lou the flamingo character so had to color this one up. She’s such a flamboyant flamingo!!!  I used Cosmo Cricket Jolly by Golly paper, some KaiserCraft pearls that I colored with Copics and added some sparkle using my clear Spica pen, Stickles and some sugary glitter.

We’re taking it kind of easy this month so the release is kind of small.  We will have another release next week and then off until after the holidays.  What will I be doing you ask?  Tim’s 12 Tags of Christmas!!!

Calla JPG and PNG
Lou Lou - What A Girl Wants JPG and PNG
Silent Night JPG and PNG
Please visit the Design Team blogs who have made projects this week!



Challenge:  Papertake Weekly—sketch

Friday, November 25, 2011

Breast Cancer Awareness Collage

At McMahon Five Designs, Shawne (Studio 313) drew our BCA image for this month.  I feel in love with it the minute I saw it and new that I wanted to make a collage with it using some batik type paper that I had in my stash.  This is the result.

11-25 bca

Remember, if you promise to do your monthly self check, this image is free in the store!

I used a few collage techniques on this one.  I cut a piece of DP from the same stack the batik paper was in for the background and then covered the whole thing with a very light coat of soft pink paint.  I then stenciled butterflies onto the background with a sand colored paint.  While waiting for that to dry, I printed the image on the batik paper and on music paper and cut them out.  I podged the images to the canvas and then started shading and highlighting the image.

Although I use music or book paper on my She Art girls, I didn’t like it on this one so I ended up coloring over it for her skin.  After painting, I re-drew the lines with a Micron pen.

I used some spackle compound, with acrylic craft paint added for color, and a stencil to make the little doily designs and then did an image transfer with the sentiment that I had printed out in reverse.  After all that was dry I added a few rubons to complete the look.

I didn’t do as much to the background as I  normally do because I’m giving this to my mother, who is a breast cancer survivor, and she likes a cleaner look.  While working on this, I got the idea to make some of these using this and some of the other BCA images from M5D and take them to the Cancer Center where my mother went for treatment.  She thought that was a great idea.  I think that they would be a wonderful addition to the packages that they give the patients when they come in for their first treatments.  Maybe give them a little strength to get through the procedures.

For those who might be wondering, my mother is almost at the 5 year mark so that’s all great news!!!

I hope you enjoyed my creation today!!!



Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  A fellow heart transplant patient wrote this post in 2008 while he was recuperating from his transplant and I asked if I could share.  He said he would love if I shared the laughs so here you go.  It’s kind of long but well worth the read.  You’ll be laughing your head off!

It’s holiday time again – Happy Thanksgiving to all in North America – all others – try it. I have written out a sample menu and some simple instructions. As per any food that you eat – the slow food method is better – that is – locally grown, organic, no antibiotics, no pesticides, freshly prepared, homemade, cooked from scratch, no artificial ingredients… Of course buying this kind of produce will mean that you then can’t afford to celebrate Christmas, but life is full of trade offs. There is only one exception to the above rule – the ingredients for Campbell's Green bean casserole must be pre-packaged with extra salt and preservatives.

Go out to the market and buy a turkey, potatoes, sweet potatoes, bread, cornbread (again if you can make it or grow it yourself…) white onions, baby onions, garlic, baby carrots, baby corn, sugar, poultry seasoning, fresh sage, thyme, rosemary, basil, Parmesan cheese and sweet Italian sausage. Go back to the produce aisle and get green peppers, red peppers and celery. In the dairy aisle get butter, milk, heavy cream, orange juice, eggs and sour cream. Go back to the produce aisle and get cranberries, oranges and walnuts. And lemons - and limes. And a turnip. Find cans of green beans, Cream of something soup, and dried French-fried onion rings (in the pop top can) (more about this later.) Ask the sales clerk if there is frozen pumpkin. There won’t be. Go back for the canned pumpkin. And flour. Don’t worry if you’ve forgotten something – you will have to come back to the market at least twice before you finish. Amounts to purchase depend on the number of guests. Just guess.

frozen Turkey, herbs, salt, pepper, butter, olive oil (back to the grocery store – stop at the beer store on the way home and buy brandy and wine and dark rum). Thaw turkey in refrigerator for days. Roast un-stuffed until very dry, then roast more. Do not, under any circumstances, attempt to deep-fry a turkey unless you are already looking for a new house to live in after you burn this one down.
Dressing: bread, Cornbread, chicken stock or apple cider or both (back to the…) herbs, onions, celery, cooked sausage (or oysters, or chestnuts, or walnuts or apples and raisins (oops – back to). Bake it in muffin tins so that everyone gets some of the crunchy stuff.
Twice baked potatoes: Potatoes, parmesan cheese, milk, cream, butter, caramelized onions, garlic, sour cream.
Mixed baby vegetables: self explanatory
Baked Squash: … nutmeg, cinnamon, butter, rum, brown sugar
Bread: to eat
Cornbread: Ditto
Turnip: Mashed with butter
Sweet potatoes: Just bake ‘em with butter. If you want them candied –look up a recipe - I'm getting tired.
Savory bread pudding: Milk, cream, eggs, herbs, peppers, onions, garlic, bread, brandy (since you had to open the brandy you may as well have a glass).
Green bean casserole: (No one really eats the – but you have to have it). Cans of green beans, Cans of cream of something soup, sprinkle top with cheese and canned onions when it is hot but not yet brown – let brown.
Cranberry sauce: cranberries, sugar, walnuts, orange slices, grated orange peel, rum and orange juice. (Now that the rum is open you might as well try that too)
Pumpkin pie: pumpkin, eggs, milk, cream, flour, butter, sugar, spices
Apple pie, mince pie, squash pie, and others all also acceptable substitutes
Cheese and crackers for hors d’oeuvres: (oops – back to…)
Gravy: Make it from the pan drippings, with butter, cream salt, pepper, flour. Forget the giblets – they are gross

Take the turkey out of the oven and tent it – make room for all the other stuff. Open the wine to let it breathe. Since it’s open…you may as well … use it to deglaze the roasting pan. Whip some cream. Start the coffee. Put the desserts on the sideboard. Be sure that everything is hot - cooking times vary. Put it all on the table. Let someone else carve the turkey – you’ve had at least three drinks already and shouldn’t be handling sharp objects.

Go back to the market and buy plastic containers to put all the leftovers in so that you can make turkey croquettes and turkey sandwiches and turkey a la king and turkey hash and turkey soup. Any ingredients that you haven’t used in making the dinner or forgot to put in while you were cooking you can use with the leftovers.



Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans’ Day

Thank you to those like my father and many generations before him on all sides of my family (yes, I have more than 2, lucky girl!!!), thank you to our Veterans who have served with honor and bravery, and especially to all those who have given the ultimate gift.

In Flanders Fields

In Flanders Fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

By: Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918)
Canadian Army

To my American friends, if you see a Vet this weekend selling poppies, please give a donation.  I do every time I see one and carry one of those poppies attached to the mirror in my car to remind me of the sacrifice that they have all given!

Blessings and this special day,


imageI found this image on a coloring page on the internet for those who would like to make a project in remeberance or to have your children color a page to remember our Vets!

If you use the image in a project, please remember to give credit to the creator.  You can go to their website by clicking on the image.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Puppy for Christmas

My project for today is of a little puppy that Santa is dropping off for a little girl on Christmas night. The puppy was so cute that he couldn’t help but sit down on his bag (Don’t worry, he didn’t crush any presents!) and playing him a little refrain of We Wish You a Merry Christmas!

11-10 Santas puppyYou can get this image, and the others being released today at the McMahon Five Designs store. I colored the image with Copics on Nennah Classic Crest paper and used a K&Co. mat stack and sticker to finish off the card.  The border is cut with a Spellbinders die!  Love it!!!

Do you get the M5D newsletter? Sue, the owner, took a Copic class this past weekend and the teacher gave them a demo about the types and weights of paper to use. Sue wrote about it in the newsletter today. I’ll be placing an order for some new papers soon. I’ve been trying out new papers lately anyway so this will just be part of the test!!!

Okay, here are the rest of the images for this months release!

Hanging Out For The Holidays JPG and PNG
Funny Little Christmas JPG and PNG
Hello My Friend JPG and PNG
Purrfect Stocking JPG and PNG

Santa's Song JPG and PNG




Thursday, November 3, 2011

Puppy Gifts

I totally forgot to do my post last night. Have any of you been watching My Craft Channel? They add a couple of new videos each day and I’m loving them. I hadn’t made the time to which them before last night but I decided last night that I didn’t want any mindless TV and so I watched some of their videos.

Well, I’m sold!!! I watched all of Christy Tomlinson’s videos, all of Ella Publishing videos and then moved on to the videos that are done by the people behind the Dollar Store Crafts blog.

Of course, I loved Christy’s projects and learned a lot about collage techniques.  Collage is my new favorite thing to do.  The Ella Publishing videos had so many great ideas to alter books.  That’s another one of my fave projects.  I got so inspired I sat down at my desk to work on a couple of swaps that I’m behind on.


Now on to this weeks release from McMahon Five Designs. M5D is in the full swing for the holidays!!!

My card uses the adorable My Letter for Me image. Isn’t he cute? I think my pup would do that is she could reach the mail box. Especially if that gift contained doggy treats!!!

Now here are the rest of the digis in the release.

Merry Penguin JPG and PNG
Merry Christmas Deer JPG and PNG
Eat Corn, Not Turkeys JPG and PNG
A Letter For Me JPG and PNG
Ready For The Ball JPG and PNG
Happy Thanksgiving JPG and PNG

Thanks for visiting!

