When I saw the Tag Tuesday challenge was to make a tag using the provided Mannequin template (from the guest hostess, Sarah of Vintage Figments), I knew I wanted to combine it with the Compendium of Curiosities challenge hosted by the wonderful Linda of Studio L3. After I got it made, I decided to use it on one of my Brave Girls Truth Cards.
This one says, “Dear Christine, Pain is often a gift…look for the gifts wrapped up inside it.” Butterflies have always been a source of strength for me. When I added the butterfly wings to the mannequin I knew it belonged on this card! This was a good one for me to do this week because I have had a lot of pain this week. I had a migraine on Thursday and Friday and am just very, very achy today. But I’m not complaining, mind you. It’s part of my life, and I love my life (and my pain killers)!!!
I liked the mannequin template so much that I decided to make a card with it.
I think this mannequin will show up again. I really love the sewing trend in crafts right now. I’ll be doing more and more of it! I even bought a package of mini spools to use as embellies on these cards. I glued one to the bow on this card. As usual, this card really does look better in real life!!!
How’s your weekend going so far? I hope your having some fun. It cooled down a little; our temps are in the low 90s but it’s on it’s way back up again. By the end of summer, I’m really ready for some fall weather. Let’s hope it comes soon.
I’m going to try to get a little better about posting regularly. It’s been kind of sparatic lately, huh? I think I’m going to try to put my Brave Girls assignments away for a while and make some more cards and other art!!!
Truth Card
Medium-mixed (paint, stamping, paper, grunge board, ink); Stamps--S.E.I., Stampabilities, See-D’s, American Crafts, Girl Paperie; Ink-Distress Inks, Paper-GCD Studios Melody Ross; Flowers-; Pearls-Kaiser Kraft colored with Copics; Other from stash-wire.
Maniquen Pattern
Medium-Stamping; Image-Hero Arts; Ink-Distress Ink, S.E.I.; Paper-October Afternoon; Ribbon-May Arts, EK Success; Buttons-Papertrey Ink; Punch-EK Success; Other from stash-wooden spool.
Compendium of Curiosities challenge--Pg 39 Inking Grunge
Tag Tuesday--Mannequin template
Cupcake Craft--distressing
Get Sketchy
Friday Sketchers