Sunday, September 30, 2012

Breast Cancer Awareness Bundle from McMahon Five

If you have been with us since October, 2010 you have
had the opportunity to receive each and every one of our
for FREE.
But if you have recently joined us,
we are offering you a
Special Deal for the first time EVER! 
Each of our Breast Cancer Awareness images
created and released since August, 2010
87 images for ONLY $9.99.
$34.50 current value!! 
If you'd like to know a little of my life history and breast cancer... 
My mother is a survivor, her best friend is a survivor however my mothers mother
(my grandmother) did not survive her breast cancer. :( 
It's important ladies to do your monthly exams.  Do it TODAY! 
to receive all 87 jpg and png images we have released
in our BCA line since October, 2010! 
It has a $34.50 value for only
All Profits are Donated!!
Be sure to post your cards to our
(use keywords: M5D, mcmahonfive, mcmahonfivedesign )
so we can see your creations!!!