Chase No Face on Facebook

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Sweet Liz

Thanks Liz for the box of goodies. My siblings and I enjoyed playing with the toys and eating the treats!!

A fluffy little toy that I just can't swat fast enough.

A nice traveling water and food dish!
So many new toys!!

Thank you liz for the wonderful gifts! Me and my siblings love the toys and treats!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Small Kitty in an even Smaller Bag

My mom was cleaning up and placed this bag on the steps and was planning on throwing some trash in it... but before she knew it she heard a loud crinkle.. HAHA! I jumped into it from the step above and curled up in it for a little nap. I bet she didn't think I could have fit in this bag but I did- by golly!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday. Best wishes and lots of love!
Chase the Cat

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thanks Frankie!

We had another surprise gift on our doorstep. It was a beautiful package from our new friend, Frankie. She is serving in the Army overseas and sent little me a sweet gift. But really, I should be thankful for you for serving our country. Thanks Frankie! You are too sweet.
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. We will keep you in our prayers.

Mew Mew

My current favorite spot is guarding the gifts. I do enjoy chewing on the paper so I have already helped my Dad open one gift already... I am so thoughtful! (:

Monday, December 1, 2008

Early Christmas Gift

Thanks Bella and Dude!
My wonderful friends sent me a sweet early Christmas gift. A very cute festive necklace and some catnip toys. Thank you so much!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Lovely Picture

A new blog viewer sent me this hand drawn picture! how sweet...  Thank you so much!

Gift Idea from a Furry Friend

Hi guys. In case anyone wants a good gift idea.. My friend, Quasi, sent me the information on the book he is the author of: The World is Your Litter Box. It is only 9.95 at Barnes and Noble or and looks to be really fun for us and our people friends. Maybe if I put if on my list and am REAAALLLY good I will get one for Christmas in my stocking.

Q & A

Q: I don't want to be silly but... Why didn't you try a skin recostructive surgery?

People do it, why cats don't? =D

People inclusive can get a new face!! Ask your doctor for that posibility

A: Actually. I DID have a skin reconstructive surgery. I went to the University of Tenn when I was a few months old and they attempted to do that and it failed. They started a second attempt but it was not going well so we opted out because in the end I would be fine and Am fine with out fluffy fur on my face. But I really wanted eyelids but after many doctors and even people doctors looked at me - they said it was just not going to be possible. But I manage and do just fine (:
Thanks for the question!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Not me... but still a cute cat.

Ninja Cat

Q & A

Q: Does she have any artificial lenses for protection or is that something that would be practical for her?

A: No Chase does not have any lenses. She has a third eyelid on the bottom of one eye that is an amazing help for that eye. I think if I could put contacts on her it might help a bit but she would still have the same issues of getting dust and other things in here eyes and then she probably would try to remove the lenses. With the application of her eye medicine throughout the day her eyes stay really moist and I am able to flush off most random particles of dirt or hair. Thanks for the question - it would be a good idea in theory but I don't think it would work now that we have waited over three years to start.

Best Wishes,
Chase's Mom

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Chase's Eye Specialist Visit

I went to visit an Eye Specialist today. She said I look GREAT! And pretty much did not have any changes for my mom to imply on her daily routine. So we stock piled on more eye meds since we aren't making any changed in that regard. The Dr. said my retinas look great and I look to be producting a great amount of tears still and my eyes look healthy overall. YEAH! So, I was very happy. I just sat in my carrier the whole time and caught a few ZZZs while my mom and the vet chatted. The Dr. said I was a very sweet cat and was kind enough to give my mom a discount on the bill. I then came home and curled up on the feather blanket on the sofa and slept the rest of the afternoon. What a fabulous day!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Mouse Attack!

Sorry the lighting was bad and you can't really see me well. But you can tell I am having fun!!

Cat Versus Mouse

Ooooh. Purse straps- what fun!
I decided to play with the computer mouse. It was even more fun than the purse!

Eye Specialist

Woo hoo. So my mom is going out of town and I am staying at the vet's office for the weekend. And then next week I have an appt with an eye specialist! It has been a while since I have seen an eye specialist and the last time I saw one it was in another state. I am hopeful she will have good ideas and good things to say about my eyes. I will keep you informed on how it goes. By the way, I added the post's subscription links to the left. Is that how I set up an RSS feed? If not will someone email me how to do that? thanks!!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

I'm a construction worker this year!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Mew Mew Mew

Just saying Mew! 

Monday, October 13, 2008

Sunday, October 12, 2008

That's not a lint ball on the's me!

If you could squeeze into a tiny area and hide (i.e. behind the sofa)... wouldn't you attempt this all the time? (can you see my tail peeking out from the side of the sofa?)

I really really love this spot on the stairs. I can see everything on the floor above me and below me. However, the downfall is there are no crickets nearby... they are close to the garage door.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

All in a Days Work

This is my new favorite spot to sleep starting at around 7pm. I go and sleep in the darkness! The wood floor has not been put in yet in this area and so their is a small crack in the doorway that my mom says bugs sometimes crawl in from... I get to see them first hand. I'm such a great protector.

Again, who doesn't love a warm bed?
Oh! Look a Mouse!!
My mom caught me mid-lick in this picture. Ha!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

updates soon

hi friends. sorry i havent blogged in a while. i will do my best this weekend to post some new pics.
mew mew

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Post Bath Warm Up

So my mom gave me a bath today. ARG! I really don't like them, but I get lots of medicine on my fur from the eye drops so I usually get at least one bath a month. Well, I decided to warm up afterwards by laying on her laptop. Ahhhhh. That was great!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

That's MY BED

I was sleeping just fine but Parker insisted on getting some of my attention... Geez!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Therapy visits

Well, I have had a harder time in the past year finding places to visit than I thought I would. It is hard to find places that accept cats due to the increase in allergies. I have no problem getting into retirement homes but I really would prefer to work with impressionable children and help show them some life lessons on acceptance and compassion. I have been able to visit children with special needs and that was awesome but I am still searching for more opportunities- so wish me luck!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Brotherly Love

So, I know this is not as amazing for most of you, but Zooey has not EVER groomed Chase since she became a part of our family in 3 years... All of a sudden , (shortly after the lion hair cut) Zooey has begun licking her like crazy! I am in total shock. And he knows when I have a video camera around because he stops licking her. He doesn't want proof! Anyways, I was finally able to get a clip of the action. He really does love her!
~ Chase's Mom

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Kitty in a Shelf

Did you know that heat is emitted from those boxes under the TV? It's like a personal bed heater. How awesome- I can not believe it took me this long to figure this out!

Q & A

  Q: ...when Chase sleeps does her second eyelid still come down? Or are her eyes uncovered even while she is asleep?

A: Chase's right eye has no eyelids at all. Their is no coverage. Her left eye has the bottom eyelid, however, it does not function as a normal one would. It stays in place. So when she does sleep she rolls her eyes downward and that covers her left eye and her right eye just stares off. She really has no concept of what it is like to close her eyes since her accident was at such an early age- so she has just adapted.  But she does enjoy sleeping under a blanket or in a dark corner too where she wont wake up if someone makes lots of movement in front of her. (: 
Thanks for the question!
Chase's Mom 

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Hypothesis: The higher the bed= better sleep

I climbed on a box of wood panels and attempted to catch some z's.

Then I found a great spot on top of  a sofa pillow.
Silly Zooey! He is so big he can't fit in the bed... but it doesnt stop him from trying!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Summer Cleaning

Parker is the dog that enjoys being groomed by me. However, today Spider enjoyed a good bath.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Wood Floors

We just put in wood floors. It is definitely more fun now to pat toys around.

BUGS...don't taste like chicken

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Malaysian Paper

Does anyone have a copy of the newspaper article that was posted in a Malaysian paper about Chase? All I know is it is written in Chinese and in a newspaper. I would LOVE to have the actual paper mailed to me.

Just email me at and I will send you my address.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Q & A

Q: I would like to hear more about Chase's story - I read the introduction and understand she was hit by car but I am curious - did you or the clinic working with her ever consider putting her down? TWO plastic surgury attempts? I admit to being fascinated by Chase's story - my great grandmother lost the lower half of her face from cancer and I have always thought how incredibly difficult it would be to live with a dramtically disfiguring injury. How wonderful Chase has the temperament to be a therapy cat.

A: Honestly, no, we never considered putting her down. The plastic surgery attempts- the first was attempted to cover her face with skin and it did not work. The second, they started and it was just not going to work so we decided not to go through with it because I didn't want to put her through any more.

Special Deliveries

I received some wonderful mail this week. I just want to thank my special friend Liz who has been so sweet to me for the last 2 years. She sent me a nice birthday package with a really cool bunk bed (seen above). I can sleep on top of it and also inside! It is my new favorite spot to snooze.

Also a new friend, Mollie, sent me this awesome hand decorated card and lots of cool new toys. Thanks so much!!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Q & A

Q: Isn't she more succeptable to illnesses though because of this disfigurement?

A: That was the thought originally. But other than having to sneeze more frequently than other kitties to clear her nasal passage she has never had any illnesses in 3 years. She has been healthier than my non-disfigured feline. (Knock on wood)

-Chase's owner

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Keep Sakes

Hi Friends,
If any of you have seen an article of me in a paper newspaper, please let me know if you have a copy and could mail it to me. I would love to see what was written.Contact me at my hotmail account for an address.


Princess and the Pea

Ok, so maybe I did not realize that my sister, Parker was under the blanket... but I was shortly thereafter joined by my other dog sister, Spider. Eventually Parker couldn't take it and left the party.


Ok, my parents were moving furniture and they left a mattress against the wall while they moved other objects. Guess what? I climbed it every time they left the room.

They were able to catch me on video only climbing up half way but here is a pic of me on the top too.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Art work

A very nice person sent me this lovely picture. Thank you!
They have beautiful art all over their blog :

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Hide and Seek

This is one of my most favorite games. I love to play hide and seek. I will chase my mom around the house and try to catch her. It is so much fun! She thinks I make silly noises when I jump onto things. I just get really excited and purreow.

Kitty Alarm Clock

I decided to be an alarm clock this morning. I meowed frequently and I don't have a snooze. I think I did a GREAT job.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Snuggling under covers

I decided to relax under the blanket on the sofa. My mom is well trained and knows that when I walk up to blankets and paw at them- that means I want under them. So she let me under the orange fuzzy blanket and I was able to do some grooming and then cat nap.

Wonderful Letters

Thanks to everyone for such wonderful comments. I started this blog orginally just to keep in contact with the people that knew me from my time at the vet clinic. For almost 2 years I went to work there with my mom and then we would go home at night. I made lots of very nice friends. I never expected to have friends from all over the world. But I do very much appreciate the kind words that I have received. I will hopefully post more pics this weekend.

I received this comment and could not reply so I am posting a reply at the bottom of this blog.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Who's the Cool Cat?":

My heart broke when i first saw a picture of chase and then as I read the blog I could feel the smile growing across my face.

Chase you are one cool cat :-)

Only one thing!! We need an address so we can send chase presents!!!!

I don't feel comfortable giving out my home address on the blog but if you want to email me at we can work something out.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Who's the Cool Cat?

Now that I have the cool new hair do' - everyone wants to be my friend.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Hair Cut

I went and had my hair cut for the summer today. It was getting matted and really dirty from all my medication goo. Even though I allow my mom to bathe me she decided this was a needed fresh start for my fur.