Chase No Face on Facebook

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Q & A

Q: Isn't she more succeptable to illnesses though because of this disfigurement?

A: That was the thought originally. But other than having to sneeze more frequently than other kitties to clear her nasal passage she has never had any illnesses in 3 years. She has been healthier than my non-disfigured feline. (Knock on wood)

-Chase's owner


Boy said...

That is gweat to know, Chase!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I wanted to leave a comment to say how much your blog touches my heart and makes me feel happy. Thank you so much, Chase!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Oh, Chase is such a happy, healthy kitty!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I just got this link on my local message board. You are so, so wonderful for caring for this sweet little cat! I tried looking around to see what happened to her, but couldn't find anything. I wish her, you and the rest of your family MANY years of happiness and health!!

Anonymous said...

I love Chase and love the fact there are wonderful people there to love her. I rescue cats/kittens and Chases story is very touching.

sarahann said...

Chase, you rock! I'm sure Taco would like to play with you!

Unknown said...

I would like to hear more about Chase's story - I read the introduction and understand she was hit by car but I am curious - did you or the clinic working with her ever consider putting her down? TWO plastic surgury attempts? I admit to being fascinated by Chase's story - my great grandmother lost the lower half of her face from cancer and I have always thought how incredibly difficult it would be to live with a dramtically disfiguring injury. How wonderful Chase has the temperament to be a therapy cat.