Chase No Face on Facebook

Friday, June 8, 2012



Unknown said...

love ya girl.. stay cool1

Anonymous said...

Hi Chase,
The picture of you and your little human is too sweet.
Love from your friends,
Bella, Dude and Jack

Anonymous said...

so cute!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Such sweet pictures, especially the one with the little kid snuggling Chase. What a lucky cat and human ^_^.

Anonymous said...

You are beautiful Chase. God bless the human beings around you. Do not let the negative people affect you with their negativity. Love and xoxo.

Anonymous said...

Poor baby <3

Anonymous said...

people like you give me hope and strength

i am a german soldier and i salute you !

Anonymous said...

I'd like to know how does it do to sleep? It's so nice to see how Good people can be! Congratulations!!!

Anonymous said...

omg, he's so sweet. It's really beautiful and inspiring see people who care and love animals and that you give him a good life and a good home with much love. This is what every animal in this world should have! I really hope that your example reach the world out there and that many people copy it. Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Tim Kaiser's comment hurts my heart. Its not nice in any way and precious chase does not deserve such negativity.. I wish it could be removed.

lihaag said...

Tim Kaiser may be 'normal' on the outside but he's got a cold black heart on the inside.

Anonymous said...

Seriously unnecessarily mean. It hurts my heart too. Can we please have mean comments like that removed? How can people be so heartless?