you and me


we're traveling through time, brutha!

two of us

Thursday, May 18, 2006


Dear Chauncey, Sheed, Tashaun, Rip, Ben, Tony, Lindsey, et al,

So that really really sucked. Many people agree. What gives?

I don't know if you guys really know what's at stake for me personally here. I know you probably have a lot of other things to worry about, but I thought I'd give you a little bit of personal perspective because, let's face it, anything can help at this point.

As far as this series is concerned I am living in the belly of the beast. I live in Ohio and though technically closer to Detroit than Cleveland, I'm an old school badboy surrounded by new school "witnesses." I get dirty looks when I wear Pistons swag to the gym. Here, they burn effigies of you, Sheed, and according to my neighbors Lebron James has special unique basketball genes that make it impossible for him to travel with the basketball. Ever. No matter what it looks like. That's what I'm dealing with.

Up until now, I had history. Before the playoffs, you beat the Cavs 7 of the 8 last times you played them. You were unstoppable at home. All season you haven't lost three games in a row (let alone to the same team). What gives?

It's sad because up until yesterday at around 9:30pm or so I wouldn't have been satisfied with anything less that a championship. Now I don't care if you win the whole thing or not (well, that's not really true). Just don't lose to Cleveland.

The good news is that you are the Pistons. Obviously, your shit isn't together and everybody (even Cleveland fans) know that when you do get your shit together you are easily capable of beating this team 2 games in a row. And we are Pistons fans. We can handle the drama.

So, umm, let's do it.

Or else I have to hear about it all summer.


Paul in Ohio

paul at 5/18/2006



at 1:09 PM Blogger Carrie said...

Ummm, word. And ditto.

This may make you feel better, hon. I really hate that damn Brazilian.

at 1:13 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I need to witness tonight are 5 players playing with passion and without fear. I have decided to forgoe witnessing tonight's game in HD. Rather, I will witness Piston announcers on FSN pumping up Pistons and not cloying NBA flacks telling me about the next coming of basketball Jesus.

I want to witness Chauncey playing like Chauncey, instead of some middling player on a lottery team. I want to witness Sheed playing like Sheed and not some dog's ass player.

I am guardedly optimistic about a Piston win. They just can't lose, can they? If they lose I will not witness anymore NBA games until Jesus is crucified. I need some respite as I mentally gear up for the next 15 year resurrection of Jesus.


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