you and me


we're traveling through time, brutha!

two of us

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Click your heels and make a wish...

Last night, we started to watch Sci-fi's new miniseries The Lost Room. Basically, the premise is that Peter Krause is given a magic key by a dying kid. This key, when put into any lock in any door, turns that door into an entrance to a magical hotel room. If you enter said "lost room", you can exit to any location you think of, making the room a kind of portal to places worldwide. Anyway, it seems like there's a lot more to it than all that, including magical objects and crap, but we only made it through an hour of the show before I fell asleep on the couch. Anyway, the show got me thinking- if I could instantly transport myself to any location on earth, where would I go? Two dudes in the show chose to go see Penn State play, which is cool in some regards, but kinda lame in others, given the possibilities. So, what would I pick?

So that's my list, today at least, and I thought I'd share it with you all. Where would you guys pick to visit with a hypothetical magical key?

Carrie at 12/12/2006



at 5:02 PM Blogger MB said...

What an interesting premise for a show... Will they repeat it? I didn't watch it, but I'd like to based on what you wrote.

As for where I would go, that is a much more difficult question to answer than I thought it would be. It's not quite just a location question. There is an implication of time too. (I'm sure that Carrie is imagining Seattle in the summertime, not this overcast, drizzly time of year.) Hmm... where would I go?

- Paris and then a bunch of European cities. Paris is my favorite city on earth, so that would be the first on my list. After that, Rome, Florence, Prague, Budapest, London...

- New York. I haven't been since the 4th grade.

- Seattle in the summertime. I love living here, which is why this question is so hard to answer. I do prefer the summer months, though.

- Glen Lake. I will always want to go back there. That is the most magical place on earth for me.

If I answered the question based on visiting people, I'd have an entirely different list. I tried to answer based on places I want to go, not who I am with or who I could see.


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