you and me


we're traveling through time, brutha!

two of us

Friday, December 29, 2006

Five Things You Don't Know About Me.

Ok, so I've been doubly tagged by both Maggie and Steve to do this. I've been mulling this over for a few days now, and am afraid I don't have too many sordid secrets, but I think I managed to come up with a few things.

1. I am constantly choreographing dances in my head- I listen to a lot of music, and I often choreograph dances in my head while I’m doing so. This can manifest itself in a number of ways: tap dancing with my fingers, zoning out in the car when music’s on and ignoring Paul. It’s my favorite way to pass time when on the treadmill at the gym, and therefore I have to be careful that I don’t accidentally break out into dance or fall off the treadmill. Current favorite songs to dance to? Fidelity and My Love.

2. I wanted to be a writer when I grew up – For most of high school I had the intentions of being an English professor eventually, which is slightly ironic, considering that practically everyone I hang out with are writers or English instructors. I excelled in English in school always, and my sisters were working on their PhDs at that time, so I thought that I’d do the same thing but with English or poetry when I grew up. I took a summer long creative writing course after my sophomore year in high school, and my junior year in high school I won the third place Lit Mag prize for a dream poem I wrote about vampires in that writing class. I still have journals filled with poems in boxes deep in closets, and when we’re cleaning or moving and Paul starts reading them, I wonder why I never burned them long ago.

3. I am horribly versed in film – I’ve never seen the Godfather; I only saw all of the Star Wars films in the last 3 years; the first Kubrick film I saw was Eyes Wide Shut (and only, if you don’t count AI); I’ve never seen Citizen Kane, Casablanca, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Apocalypse Now, Taxi Driver, Goodfellas, , The Deer Hunter, Clockwork Orange- the list goes on. I keep meaning to rectify this, and have slowly been working on it, but lately I’ve been having a hard time keeping up with current movies. So go ahead- point and laugh…

4. I was scared of dogs for most of my life – My most terrifying moment was when I was around 4 or 5, playing in my turtle sandbox, and I turn around unassumingly and my neighbor’s giant dog was standing right behind me, excited and slobbering and jumpy. I believe I screamed bloody murder and cried for my mom. This event was highly traumatizing and I was never really comfortable around dogs, especially big dogs, until my adult life. I don’t remember exactly when the turning point when, but eventually I got over it.

5. I used to be a thumb sucker- I sucked my thumb a lot when I was young, and it went on much longer than it should have. I look back on this now and figure it can be explained by my having a bit of an oral fixation growing up. I recall sucking my thumb when I was reading or watching TV, but eventually I phased it out until only sucking my thumb when I was falling asleep. I eventually quit due to fear of ridicule during sleepovers or school camp. And now you know my secret shame…

So, that's it. There's not many people left for me to tag, but I say any of my sisters or Miss Abigail should do this.

Carrie at 12/29/2006



at 4:37 PM Blogger MB said...

It's funny that I could use 4 of your 5 in my list... I'm sure you can figure out which 4.

I thought about this on the way home from BG yesterday. It's hard to think of things that my family doesn't know about me. Michelle was with me for the first 27 years of my life!! So, I'll list things that perhaps have been forgotten.

- My first concert was Lionel Ritchie's Dancing on the Ceiling tour. Sheila E. opened. It was at Cobo Hall.

- Whenever I get nervous, I start reciting the Guardian Angel prayer that Sr. Regina Marie taught me in first grade. I still do that to this day - it's kind of a superstitious mantra type thing.

- I sent in drawings of President Reagan to Cobblestone Magazine and they printed them!

- Once in a while, I like listening to easy listening radio stations. It reminds me of listening to Pillow Talk in highschool.

- I still dream of being able to cause real change in the world - curing poverty, improving health care around the world, helping inner city kids get a chance... To do so, I'd have to have some position of power and authority. I haven't figured it out how, but I still dream of achieving that.

at 1:37 PM Blogger Michelle said...

Hmmm...I could use things off both of your lists...and, I already knew those things about you two!

Here's my attempt:
1) My first "date" was a double date with MB; she was trying to help me find a date to our Winter dance. She was going with John Suggs and he brought along his friend, Greg White. He went to Kettering, was on the swim team and was kind of odd looking. He had shaved his head for swimming and wore big horn-rimmed glasses. That combined with the floods and the short sleeved oxford he was wearing wasn't particularly attractive. Anyway, we went to a movie (some Eddie Murphy flick--Golden Child, maybe?) and he started getting fresh. He held my hand, but then started sucking my fingers!!! YUCK!!!

2) I want to be part of a Dragon Boat team, but I'm not good enough at swimming.

3) I wrote an email to John Kerry during the 2004 campaign because I was so frustrated with him.

4) I'm still scared of escalators.

5) I fell asleep standing up at the British Museum. (Jet lag).

at 2:09 PM Blogger Abs said...

Have you ever almost gotten in an accident while you're choreograping in your head, Carrie? Also, I've found that my Shuffle makes it all even more drastic for me. I catch myself walking with some sort of floaty motion because in my head I'm rocking out somehow. I'm glad I'm not the only one with this "problem."


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