Saw the whats new on Nettie and their is now a classmate feature.
To be
honest I have not gone in to the programme... BUT,,,,,,,,
is it a good
idea for Nettie when so many members are 'under age'? FRom SAfe Haven RAC etc
the safety on line tips are about limiting info that will make you an ' easy'
I befrieneded someon on here who was at riskl and her school
details were on her prodile. From her photo plus profile info he could have
easilt waited outside the school gates fo her!
Nettie is a community
site and does not have to compete with FReind Reunited! Aftter recent Nettie
poll showing people were scared about paedophiles is the latest Classmate
feature going against on line safety tips and a feature not really required????
Here is a link to the discussion - which Netlog admin will probably kill within 24 hours.
After all, they would HATE for anyone to have an opinion contrary to their own.
So, in order to preserve it for future generations to see how a social networking site should NOT be administered...
storm_ryderz Trust (6 days ago at 08:04)
classmates feature stinks, its asking for trouble for the underage members, and if im right im sure i read somewhere that online sexual comments aimed at anyone under 18 is not allowed, if anyone could clarify this please do so.
CrispyREDHOTOREDuck Trust (6 days ago at 08:10)
Cheers Kat!!!!! I know where I don't get on much now I can be short and to the point and appear bolshie.... but I think Nettie could be better investing money and time into dealing with keeping their under age members safer on line rather than adding another data collection angle for paedophiles!
smileysoo Trust (5 days ago at 19:08)
I agree with you two ..altho Ive added my school n college on my bit I didnt give a thought about under 18's tbh ...but thats not because I dont care its because I have too much on my mind n in my life to a thought to others right now ....
tomek2006 Trust (5 days ago at 19:19)
I do not agree. Netlog should develop and adding classmates is one of the features that makes the website more versatile. It is just as dangerous as publishing any other data in your profile. Plus, it is not obligatory. Combined with privacy settings I think it is safe.
You forget, you inexperienced little money grubbing idiot - as much as you trumpet the "report abuse" button on every page of the site (which is an outright lie) - you can't report abuse from your own profile and reporting the sorts of comments leaves is a convoluted, time consuming and confusing affair. Most adults, let alone kids just can't be bothered. THOSE are the ones who need safety systems put in place that actually work. Just because they're too lazy or too inexperienced to follow your stupid procedures doesn't make them any less deserving of the sorts of protection the site should be offering. Oh HEY!! Don't you imagine for one instant that a SAFER site might be MORE attractive than a site that generates the bulk of its income from sexual predation of minors?
TheWrightStuff Trust (5 days ago at 20:10)
Wow dya know what, now that ive read your blog i totally agree with your comments. At first i thought it was pretty good, but now after reading what you've put i have to agree. For tomek to turn round and not see this well, what can we say, except to say it doesn't surprise me.
The_Great_Writer Trust (5 days ago at 20:35)
mmmm difficult one. It worked on FriendsReunited as I had met my long lost friend on it. They uses the "leaving year" function where you put a date when yoiu had left the school, and you can match who has left, then they will be at the same age. I am unsure it will work on HERE because FriendsReunited has a different purpose and functions than here. However, I don't think its a good idea for classmates functions for the youngers to use, but, if Tomek said that it is not obligatory and combined with privacy settings he think it is safe. Perhaps we can give it a trail basis for 6 months. If it works....keep it, if not..bin it.
You mean, bin it if you can't find kids in your area, Wayne? Scumsucking toerag that you are.
fryboy420247 Trust (5 days ago at 03:01)
used as intended ..good probally seen by those with ill intentions also good -which spells bad ,sadly tho tomek sez "no dangerous than listing anyother data concerning onesself" -bad -alot of people really have no idea that sum things ( especially those that may allow a stalker or a ped to hunt u ) are clues to ur realtime whereabouts and alot of folks have no idea how to keep urself safe on the web and finding out the hard way in this case isnt good at all.... miss storm_ryderz has published some sensible thoughts on how to keep one's self a lil safer on the web - i note that this feature violates most of that common sense ..............
CrispyREDHOTOREDuck Trust (5 days ago at 06:52)
Yes Tomek!!!! Nettie should evolve!!!!!!!!! But it should evolve on what is asked for and what people have concerns about! Was there a poll on a ClassMates feature - no. Was there a poll on online concerns - and was the highest answer paedophiles?
I would like to know the business strategy for Nettie is and what plans it has for expansion/diversification. Us who have left school may want to get back in contact and we use Friends Reunited for that. Those at school - well they know each other....... the danger is they may reveal personal information which along with name, picture etc may put them at higher risk.
Anyone can choose what info they put online. But we have constantly seen examples of young adults putting themselves at risk due to them not thinking how data can be cross matched and accumulated.
I have a good friend on here who was shocked that I was able to tell from her Nettie poprfile and some checks on to find her address and phone number. She has since modified her profile. Is it all about adding features????????
Or does Nettie have a responsibility in adding features that have inbuilt safety. As an aside can one buy Nettei shares? Cos I would love to buy a few so I have access to Nettie accounts and forward business strategy!
storm_ryderz Trust (5 days ago at 07:23)
tomek as you send a welcome message out to all new memebers now, wouldnt it be an idea to send them the stay safe advice that a few members have said i have on my profile, if you havnt seen it
1 - Remove your email addy, home fone number, school/college attended from your profile page/blog, in fact any information that may give your location away, it is not just for you but your family member’s safety as well.
2 - Do not post your MSN/Yahoo/Email addy in anyone’s guestbook - you don’t know who will see this info and try to make contact with you, Absolutely anyone on site and any anonymous surfers can read this
3 - Never give this information out unless the person is totally trusted. .
4 PLEASE think first before agreeing to cam chat to anyone, you do not know who it is at the other end or if they are taking pictures of you , especially if they say you cant see them coz their webcam is broken.
5 - Do not post any unsuitable pics of yourself, if you are not sure what is acceptable for each site please read the code of conduct
6 - If any adult you do not know regularly visits your page, tries to chat to you about anything rude or indecent or asks for pictures, blacklist them, report them and tell your parents immediately, DO NOT delete any comments left or messages until admin have had a chance to check the report
7 - Change your security settings to friends only/or private, if once you accept friends and find unsuitable information on their page in g.b. comments/blogs, or clans, cancel the friendship immediately, blacklist and report them the site administrators AGAIN DO NOT DELETE until admin have checked.
8 - They may be posing as someone your own age, so be careful, people are not always as they seem. (See points 2/3)
I love you Kath, you rock.
tomek2006 Trust (5 days ago at 08:20)
What about websites devoted to classmates only? Would you like them all blocked? The way you put it must be the ultimate evil.
When you offer kids up as fodder for pedophiles, Tomek, can you think of anything worse?
I know where you are coming from but what about common sense: this message takes more or less the same space as the welcome message that is sent. Would you like to receive such a message when you log in? Another question, have you taken the readability of the message into account? How many people do you think would read this? This is not an attempt to escape from your questions. We try to introduce everything very sensibly.
No you don't. The message you send out to all new users is absolutely shite. Unmitigated commercial spin: PURE BULLSHIT. Build that advice into the welcome message for everyone under 17 years of age Tomek, you coward. We know you're trying to disguise the fact Netlog is just a hive of pedophiles with a few decent people sprinkled here and there. Your way of dealing with those decent people is to argue with them and block them for no reason except some vaguery about abuse or inappropriate behaviour - unspecified of course. Good thing you quoted fry's next message because you deleted the original shortly afterwards. Coward.
tomek2006 Trust (4 days ago at 14:59)
- fryboy420247:- used as intended ..good probally seen by those with ill intentions also good -which spells bad ,sadly tho tomek sez "no dangerous than listing anyother data concerning ones self" -bad -alot of people really have no idea that sum things ( especially those that may allow a stalker or a ped to hunt u ) are clues to ur realtime whereabouts and alot of folks have no idea how to keep urself safe on the web and finding out the hard way in this case isnt good at all.... miss storm_ryderz has published some sensible thoughts on how to keep one's self a lil safer on the web - i note that this feature violates most of that common sense ..............
What about websites devoted to classmates only? Would you like them all blocked? The way you put it must be the ultimate evil.
i suppose u could interpret what i said that way if u was a mind too matter of fact u could interpret it many ways ,the ultimate evil will always be ,ignorance......simply not knowing ....i could paint many many scenarios amigo ,good bad beautiful beyond ur worst nightmare , one thing the classmate sites have in their favor is that most link u to no one but ur classmates -everyone else u add or they dont even see ur profile period ,that pretty much says it all no matter how u decide u want to interpert it ....there are no millions of user's scannin the profile at will ,indeed knowledge is the greatest thing ....mix with a bit of common sense ,sadly that lacks -do u think the 15 year old girl postin her pix in her underwear is using common sense when she publishes those foto's here ? but bet ur bottom dollar ignorance is indeed the ultimate evil ....
Here I must say that not all girls add provocative pictures and I would not reckon them to be totally innocent. They surely know what effect this causes and I believe that a lot of them does it deliberately....judging by the letters I receive at the Helpdesk.
- fryboy420247:kids flock to facebook and bebo because it is safer for them -the rippling undercurrent is that netlog is a haven for pedo's ...i didnt put this thought in kid's head,they aint blind they aint stupid ,they maybe ignorant on some things but they are still learning ... and considering who netlog supposedly aims it's self at failing toprotect them now means they wont be here when they get older -that's pretty much basic knowledge ,sum -like hollowinside leave because she was approached by dirty perverts askin for naked pix etc and netlog failed to protect her or even seriously addressed her concerns in the two blogs she wrote in this very clan( along with her reports of abuse ) those two blogs and proof that netlog doesnt protect the teenagers have now been deleted from here -hiding it doesnt make it go away...
CrispyREDHOTOREDuck Trust (yesterday at 01:21)
If it was an adult side I would say all well and good. But Nettie are constantly telling us it is aimed at teens to 21 years old. We respect that. And then a feature that puts them espIecIally at risk despicable AND AGAINsT ALL ON LINE GUIDES FOR ON SITE SAFETY!
Now, has hit the alarm button and stuck his tongue WAY down the pants of the admins at Netlog in a bid to clear his extremely tarnished name - and has claimed I have been trying to "wreck his life".
All I did was point out in a non-public clan of which he remains a member with his clueless girlfriend that he has 1200 friends in his myspace profile all of whom are between 18 and 25 years of age. Apparently, that was enough for him to be "forced" to make his MySpace private.
That's only the tip of the iceberg of what we know about
It's the relationship between Harry and Netlog Admin that has us intrigued, frankly.
One of the nicest blokes you could hope to meet has had his account at Netlog blocked for "inappropriate behaviour" "abusive behaviour" and "offensive behaviour" yet not one of those worthless maggots at admin has been able to shed any light on just what messages are deemed to be abusive, inappropriate or offensive.
The answer to that question is: They're pointing the accusatory finger at
Your Netlog account has been blocked.
Hello j. (scribble,scribble),
Your Netlog account has been blocked by a Netlog moderator.
The moderator gave this reason:
inappropriate behaviour
His answer to admin...
bluntly i was blocked , though the only warnings i had was one long ago (concerning foto's) and a very vague non-descript one the other day( stating that i , had offended someone,not knowing the offense -and not being informed of it -other than the fact that if was some kind of offense ( personal in nature i am assured though of what i have no clue ) my profile wasnt abusive nor was it attacking
people unless they had attacked me first and generally speakin my profile was well liked by the masses,so now please list the offenses of why i was blocked etc and i dont mean by a generic canned reply that only states that offending people is against netlogs code of conduct ,and scince i am blocked please send the reply to my mail address that is on file as it it apparent that i will not be loggi
logging in to my netlog account ,ermm sorry -ex netlog account
sincerly , j. ( fryboy420247)
yesterday at 13:51 ania_jod Hi,
Your account has been blocked because we received several reports on your abusive behaviour on Netlog.
the first was offensive then inappropriate
now abusive
well thanx for the generic and very vague answer that i explicitly asked not to receive considering that i am usually polite to people when they are ( and anyone on my long friend list can verify this ) and that i dont resort to name calling etc and that most people found my profile refreshing in such a veritude of fakes i still have no choice but to wonder what these "alleged abuses" are and
well thanx for the generic and very vague answer that i explicitly asked not to receive considering that i am usually polite to people when they are ( and anyone on my long friend list can verify this ) and that i dont resort to name calling etc and that most people found my profile refreshing in such a veritude of fakes i still have no choice but to wonder what these "alleged abuses" are and if the reports came from the same person or two with nothing but vengeance for some slight or imagined offense ? i recieved one warning that being offensive was against the "coc" but no mention as to how i was being "offensive" or even what the offense was ,sadly also with no idea how to even identify that offense and take the steps to correct it ,so may i please be informed of what that
offense was so that in the future if i chose to come back to netlog ( and netlog lets me ) that i may not be found offensive with out a reason ? because yes i believe that this was indeed a mistake .
ania_jod has sent me : Your account has been reactivated. Please re-
yesterday at 14:49 ania_jod Hi,
Your account has been reactivated. Please re-review the code of conduct to prevent your account from being blocked again in the future.
Notice they have not told him what the offending messages were or where they were posted. I surmise they've got it in for Fry purely on the basis that he's a friend of mine and because I have expressed my distrust and distaste for and he's sucked up to admin like a nuclear powered hoover, they love him and will protect him.
The fucking sinister maggot has fashioned his Netlog profile to make it look like he's an employee of Netlog, quoting the terms and conditions etc. etc. etc.
Even had to warn him to clean up his Netlog profile because it was all 13 and 14 year old girls.
The message posted by in the Pervert Alert clan has mysteriously disappeared.
Netlog is a shithole.
It is dangerous for kids and now that Admin are taking active steps to stop people like me from bringing the truth to light, I have started taking my own to make sure as many people as possible learn the dirty truth about that site.