Tuesday, April 30, 2019

National Poetry Month : Jane Virginia Rohrer,


there is snow
          are trees wiped upward
   as if with fingers
nail beds caked
with froze-dirt out here
there is human skin
          human forehead
   human nose human eyes closed
are human words saying
   stand for just     
          a moment longer
let me draw your shoulders
          right and I am
  allowed to be
    in the snow human feet
mouth turned maybe-happy

Jane Virginia Rohrer is a writer and teacher from Southeastern Pennsylvania. She holds an MFA from the University of North Carolina, Wilmington and is currently pursuing a PhD at the University of Pittsburgh where she studies sound, radio, and contemporary poetry and poetics. Her creative work has appeared or is forthcoming in Peach Mag, Metatron, Bone Bouquet, and others, and a chapbook forthcoming with above/ground press.

1 comment:

muse_at_large said...

Lovely, I love to read snow poem during the summer.