Friday, April 23, 2021

National Poetry Month : Rebecca Rustin,




that one time rashid took me to the mall after work
in his car he said buick is the best car even though
his car wasn't a buick it was something else i don't

remember this was after he tried to start drama
about how bad i was at being a cashier for a while

i told cashiers whenever there was a glitch what a
bad cashier i used to be one time at the library

building tim horton's i fixed the cash register
and the manager offered me a job the manager

who'd watched me come and go over the course
of three degrees even part of a PhD but i had to

let that one go a move applauded by my therapist
under a buick sky the parking lot at the mall is so

wide and bucolic when rashid says buick it's 'bweek'




Rebecca Rustin is a Montreal writer and translator with work in Pioneertown, PRISM, where is the river and elsewhere, and a chapbook, Mercy Tax, from Rahila’s Ghost (2019).

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