Tuesday, April 05, 2022

National Poetry Month : Margo LaPierre,




I have always hated yellow

frog guts, intestines, slim tongues
cut grass and the faint honey fun of clover

my breath a dirge, chronic childhood constipation
pee in the seam of the crotch of my jeans 

Kraft dinner butter and bright melts orange
bike bell, bring metal to metal, palms to pavement

gravel pockmarks skin like citrus
compost lemon rind, bell pepper seeds, warning

kola nut weeps at the bottom of the tea

lawn mower blade
like the slice of caesarian knife
slipped a child into the world

yellow baby
yellow underleg seam at the tail

yellow pancreas burst on the lawn
frogs everywhere

kitchen wall on fire
one hundred grams of honey ham
slug of bug bite

enclosed hand, grasshopper inside
fist into concrete

            collection of slim scars
faint with age



Margo LaPierre is a bipolar Canadian freelance editor and author of Washing Off the Raccoon Eyes (Guernica Editions, 2017). Her work has been published in Arc Poetry, filling Station, CAROUSEL, PRISM, carte blanche and elsewhere. She is completing her MFA in Creative Writing at UBC. Find her on Twitter @margolapierre.

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