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Showing posts with the label reading challenge

YALC 2018 Challenge!

Hello! YALC 2018 is coming up this month - who's excited?! I sure am! To celebrate (and also to prepare because I am very organised and like to be prepared) I am setting myself my own little YALC challenge. It's very simple and you can join in too! It's easy: read as many books by YALC authors as you can before Friday 27th July, ie, Day One of YALC.  If you don't know, YALC is the Young Adult Literature Convention which happens at LFCC in London. It's the fifth year this year, and it's always great fun so I can't wait. I like to have read as many books of the authors who attend every year and so that's how this challenge was born. Read on for a list of what I'm gonna try to read before the weekend! In no particular order (because I literally never stick to it): 1. All These Beautiful Strangers by Elizabeth Klehforth - This is published on 19th July and I'm half-way through now and really enjoying it! It's very intriguing, ...