Showing posts with label Courage of the Heart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Courage of the Heart. Show all posts

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Heroes of Both Sexes

Several years ago I made the astonishing discovery that I liked putting my book’s heroes in the hospital… well maybe not liked, but I did it anyway. I even wrote a blog about it. Lately I have been giving my inclination to make my heroes suffer some more introspection.

While I admit I like to see all of my characters with a little touch of vulnerability (males and females) I have discovered what I enjoy more is the opportunity for one, or more, of my characters to step up, step forward, and shoulder some of the strength that is needed for everyone to pull through okay. 

Coming from a family filled with first-responders and military personnel, it is not strange at all for me to see courage, compassion and outright heroics from both the men and women that surround me. My close friends and family have displayed pure compassion, generosity, nurturing, encouragement and unbelievable skills in the face of any crisis, in response to any person (or animal’s) needs, and true caring (both emotional and physical) when someone needs the kindness.

I have tried to show both my heroes and heroines with strength and courage when their own partners need them or as an invincible team. The blurb for my book Annie’s Karma reads, “Annie Furman moves on from her past and into her future with Undersheriff Dave Turner. Her gifts – or are they her curse? – grow stronger, and she finds out that she is not alone in the realm of astral travel. Dave saved her life, now she has to fight another ‘traveler’ to save Dave… if she survives.” This is the story of a strong man AND a strong woman.

I have several stories where the WOMAN steps up to save the day and her big, strong hunk can rely on her strength. In Within the Law, when Tom is accused of murder, the important lady in his life, who just happens to be a lawyer, defends him even risking her own professional reputation. In A Chaunce of Riches Ben finds out just how far Samantha was and is willing to go to save his life and protect him. Then there is Courage of the Heart where Davie’s love, trust and commitment to Adam saves him and gives him the ability to save them both.

I could tell you more but I think you get the point — I like strong men AND strong women. I like it when the ‘hero’ in HEROine does describe her. It’s okay to throw in a touch of damsel in distress, but it is also pretty wonderful when it is her man in distress and she is there to save the day. It is really great when two people are there for each other, it’s just that simple. Be a hero with your love, your attentiveness, your commitment and your courage. Be a hero for the people who depend on you most.

Please share some of the heroes in your life.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

A Rose by any other name

Vanilla Heart Publishing is the second publisher to publish my story Courage of the Heart about two-star crossed lovers and secrets. The first imprint (purposely not including the publisher’s name) was POD (print-on-demand). When I submitted my manuscript to them and they accepted the deal was no cost to me and they even promised a “small amount” of editing and marketing; yes they did offer marketing packages for a fee but those were optional.

Somewhere between my signing with them and the actual publication date they changed their business, they no longer accepted manuscripts without some kind of payment, they even sent me a pricelist of services and tried to bill me. I made them stick with the terms of the contract, they did, but they also said that they no longer offered any marketing assistance (those terms were not as specific) and no special cover design. Long and short, the original Courage of the Heart sold less than two-dozen copies (almost half of which were family and friends).
the 1st Courage of the Heart
 Since I was such a newbie to the fiction world (I had been writing for newspapers and magazines on and off since I was 19) I had no idea how to promote my book. Oy, if I had only known them what I know now. Down the road a few years… I met Namid, an author with Vanilla Heart Publishing and she was very excited because the managing editor had just accepted one of her books. Namid bragged how wonderful VHP was and that it was a traditional small press publishing company. I brazenly asked Namid if she would mind if I contacted VHP with a manuscript of my own, I had written Bartlett’s Rule (having given up on Courage of the Heart).

To my delight and surprise Bartlett’s Rule was accepted! I was ecstatic. Kimberlee, VHP’s owner and managing editor was phenomenal with support, guidance, cover design and even did an on-air launch. Eventually VHP and I joined together to produce several more novels: His Lucky Charm (originally named Forgotten), Within the Law and THEN, Courage of the Heart — this time an attractive cover and dual efforts at promotion made a huge difference. By the way, Courage of the Heart is now available in Print, E-book, and Audiobook editions.

 To purchase:

Saturday, May 12, 2018

What is a MOM?

In the literal sense a MOM (Mother) is a female parent, traditionally it is assumed she is the woman who gave birth to a child although she may also have adopted a child. A mother shows maternal tenderness or affection to her child, she nurtures and helps care for a young human being to bring him/her into adulthood.

I would say it’s much more than that. There are blended families and step-moms, there are godmothers, aunts, grandmothers, and even sometimes older sisters who helped to raise a child. All of these roles can also nurture, show affection and tenderness, and all can raise a child.

In today’s world there are also some men who can and do raise children nurturing them, holding them and showing them tenderness, Single Dads. Same-sex couples. Two Moms, two Dads, it could be only one… EITHER one.

As a matter of fact card-producer Hallmark has put out cards that say Happy Mother’s Day, Dad and Happy Father’s Day, Mom. Gender and roles are not nearly as specific anymore. Several years ago artist Marshall Davis Jones introduced an expressive poem called I Spell Father M-O-T-H-E-R.  

A few more observations about Moms, I object to the idea that they are only involved in raising their children into adulthood. Yes, Mothers have to learn that their children be on their own when they become adults, begin jobs, and married; if they did a good job guiding them through adolescent and teens, they are probably pretty capable of living productive lives on their own. Still a Mom’s love never ends no matter what age their child is.

Finally let’s not discount Moms who care for and LOVE cats, dogs and other companion animals. There may be a difference between human and animal children, no one pretends otherwise, but there is still true love, concern, and nurturing — and that spells MOM in my book.

Sending you Happy Mother’s Day wishes to all Nurturers from the Moms and others in my books. With love from Sudah (Hyphema), Deanna (Hostage Heart), Davie (Courage of the Heart), Alli (Within the Law), Sam (A Chaunce of Riches), Layne (Common Bond, Tangled Hearts), and, of course, ME.

Hostage Heart
Courage of the Heart
Within the Law
A Chaunce of Riches
Common Bond, Tangled Hearts

Thursday, October 30, 2014

#TBT - Previously published on Romance Junkies in 2008

“Hi, my name is Chelle and I am a romance writer.” I receive a round of applause and several personal shouts of “Hi Chelle!” And over milk and cookies, we discuss the 12-steps towards REAL writing… (the preceding is a dramatization and should not be attempted, etc and so forth)
Why is it that many writers in the romance genre feel that they must announce their forte in clandestine meetings and apologize for their behavior?
Hey all, I write romance. I am not ashamed of the stories I weave. Yes, there is sex and sometimes I may even find myself blushing as I read aloud at an author event. I have oft been the recipient of “tsk, tsk” and “I’m sorry, I won’t read romance books.” And men, oy, they won’t be caught reading a romance novel, no matter how good a story you may tell. My son-in-law teased me that he planned to cover my first novel with a cookbook cover so he could read it on the train while heading in to work!
The romance genre has gotten a bad rep and romance writers are regarded with condescending amusement. And yet, Romance Writers of America has the following statistics on their website: “Romance fiction: $1.375 billion in estimated revenue for 2007, Religion/inspirational: $819 million, Science fiction/fantasy: $700 million, Mystery: $650 million, and Classic literary fiction: $466 million. Of those who read books in 2007, one in five read romance novels.” Impressive.Often referred to as escapism or fluff, the romance genre is known for the “formula” – boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl, boy loses girl over some stupidity that can’t be helped, boy wins girl back, and they live happily ever after. But if all writers followed the “formula” without a real story plot, do you honestly believe that $1.375 billion would have changed hands in 2007? Romance has many sub-genres as well and contemporary romance (the here and now, situations the average reader can relate to) remains the leader of the pack.
During a recent discussion with my editor/publisher, I asked for her definition of romance, erotica and porn – all too often used to delineate categories of romance. Her response was simple, the focus of the story and whether the plot and love came before or after the sex in the book. This put it all into perspective for me. Just like the ingredient label on our breakfast cereals, which comes first?
To date I have written four contemporary romance novels; three have been published and the fourth, Courage of the Heart (actually a modernized re-release from 2001) is due out in February. The ingredient labels on Bartlett’s Rule, Forgotten, Within the Law and the aforementioned Courage of the Heart would read: Love story. Sub-plots and twists, Sex – yep, they are romance novels. A fifth novel, due out in the summer, is called Final Sin. Final Sin’s ingredient label would read Crime-Suspense story, sub-plots and twist, love story and sex; while there is certainly sex involved, it is more relevant to the crime than to the love story. (I have been assured by the haters of romance novels that they are looking forward to reading my NON-romance.)
Some of the most popular stories throughout time have involved intricate love stories although some do not have happy-ever-after endings: Romeo and Juliet, Gone With the Wind, West Side Story, Guys and Dolls, Gift of the Magi, and more. Many modern day movies and box-office hits illustrate the theme of love and sex: 27 Dresses, Pretty Woman, Love Story, Casablanca, Sleepless in Seattle…
It seems that the story of romance is here to stay. And if you decide to pick up a romance novel, you just might find yourself intrigued by the story.
Romance Novels by Chelle Cordero

Thursday, October 16, 2014

#TBT: Author Spotlight – Chelle Cordero

Author Photo Chelle
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
I love the idea of people reading the words I write and considering the ideas I pen. I feel a literal thrill every time I see my name on a book or as a byline to an article. It is an astonishing feeling to get people thinking and feeling.
What do your fans mean to you?
My fans and all of my readers are the people I reach out to every time I write. They are the people I look to communicate with, they are the people I write for.
If you were to write a series of novels, what would it be about?
I would probably write a series of novels about Emergency Services, especially medical. I spent nearly three decades myself as a volunteer NYS Certified Emergency Medical Technician responding via an ambulance to all forms of medical and traumatic emergencies; my husband has also been a volunteer EMT and both of our offspring are career EMS. I also spent several years as a volunteer with the NYC Auxiliary Police (where I finally got together with my husband) and I have a lot of folks I care about in fire services. Emergency responders (paid or volunteer) put their own lives on the line constantly and have my complete admiration, respect and gratitude – they help to ensure the welfare of our homes and communities. I’ve already written two EMS stories, Final Sin and Hyphemaand I probably will write more.
ten clip 1
Karma Visited
Do you believe in karma? Annie Furman has a gift that allows her, while she sleeps, to visit people in their time of need – but who will be there for her when she needs help? Undersheriff Dave Turner is investigating a series of home invasions and homicides. He has no idea that solving this case will lead him to the woman of his dreams.
Hyphema: Bleeding in the eye caused by trauma… Matt Garratti, a paramedic from New York, moves his wife and son to North Carolina to work at his dream job as a flight medic. Pakistani born Sudah, his wife, receives frosty stares and insensitive comments from their new neighbors… Matt wonders if he is pursuing his dream or bringing his family into a nightmare from which they may never wake.
His Lucky Charm
What happens in Vegas doesn’t always stay in Vegas… this time it follows Brandon and Caitlyn across the country and into a world of espionage and danger. The one thing that Brandon knows for sure is that he can’t afford to lose his lucky charm, Caitlyn.
Common Bond, Tangled Hearts
Layne Gillette’s world is turned upside down when a man she has never met shows up to lay claim as the father of her 6-year old son. When Layne’s abusive “ex-husband” shows up, they are torn apart by danger, kidnapping and lies.
A Chaunce of Riches
Ben Johnson was hired as a bodyguard for a rich widow and her kid, but he never expected to be working for the woman who had abandoned him just when he had needed her the most. Damn it all, he still wanted her. Samantha Chaunce never thought she would have to explain why she married the rich man instead of Ben. Or that her husband had been murdered…and Ben was the prime suspect.
Hostage Heart
Life was hard after the hurricanes swept through, destroying her parents’ home and livelihood… An errand for her boss – a chance encounter with a crew of bank robbers – a kind man who tried to help her … a man who isn’t all he seems…no, he is so much more
Final Sin
Deputy Sheriff Commander Jake Carson has his hands full… investigation of a brutal multiple homicide, a troubled son and a vindictive ex-wife. He meets young, free-spirited paramedic Julie Jennings. When Julie becomes the subject of an obsession, it puts both of them in danger…
Courage of the Heart
Sometimes love is the only cure for the very deepest of emotional wounds. The story of the two lovers takes a series of unexpected and fast paced turns where lives, sanity and love are put in jeopardy. Their commitment to one another results in a spirit that binds them together and helps them to overcome physical and emotional dangers.
Within the Law
Tom gave up on ever falling in love again the day that he buried his high school sweetheart and fiancé. He started a career in law enforcement just so that he could find her murderer and rapist. Just when he is about to see justice done, he meets Alli Davis-the defense attorney for the murdering rapist who took his love from him.
Bartlett’s Rule
Bartlett’s Rule shares the story of Lon and Paige’s love affair; a romance filled with hardship, emotion, danger and triumph. Falling in love was never the challenge; being there for each other, knowing just what to say and making it work is the real test. Paige and Lon are real; they are human, they cry and they laugh. Paige has to learn to trust. Lon has to learn to be patient.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Playing my song ~ #MondayBlogs

Music has always played an important role in my life, it's been a boost to my ego and a respite during troubled times. The words of a song have often helped me find clarity. And in recent years, songs have proven to be a trigger for unleashing creativity. Key scenes of more than a few of my novels have been written while specific songs have blasted over and over... and over again.

As for me, I sing without shame in the privacy of my shower or in the confines of my car (always alone) and I am always woefully off-key.

I dated a young man whose dream was to become a famous singer and entertainer and at 14 (me) and 15 (him) he would play his guitar and sing to me. We belonged to the local community center and there was a teen cafe where he often headlined the evening's entertainment - one night he dedicated a song to me, in front of everyone, and it was one of the most romantic things to ever happen to me. The song "Wild Thing" has never sounded the same ever again.

Since then there have been other songs sung to me or dedicated on the local radio station - Do You Love Me, The Worst That Could Happen, Lady in Red, Close to YouThrough the Years, Have I Told You Lately... The day I was married our first dance was to We've Only Just Begun. Each time I hear one of these songs, or a few others I equate with significant events of my life, I feel flooded with nostalgia, happiness and a little bit of a return to my yesterdays.

When I wrote His Lucky Charm (originally titled Forgotten) I played Kenny Chesney's Because of Your Love on a continuous loop; for Courage of the Heart it was Once in a Lifetime by Keith Urban; currently I'm playing Kenny Chesney's (again) I Lost It for my present WIP (a sequel to Karma Visited). Music seems to reach right down, grabbing my emotions and shaking them up so that I can pour words onto paper and hopefully connect with my readers' emotional intellect.

What about you? Are there any songs which have special meaning?

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Get a FREE Sampler of My Novels - the first 4 chapters of each!

This Chelle Cordero sampler is free for your enjoyment. All of Chelle’s great books are available in both print and ebook editions for every reading device, through online retailers and in select bookstores around the world. Audiobooks available at Amazon, iTunes, and Audible. Four chapters each of Ten Chelle Cordero Novels...
Karma Visited ~ Do you believe in karma? Annie Furman has a gift that allows her, while she sleeps, to visit people in their time of need - but who will be there for her when she needs help? Undersheriff Dave Turner is investigating a series of home invasions and homicides. He has no idea that solving this case will lead him to the woman of his dreams.
Hyphema ~ "Bleeding in the eye caused by trauma..." Matt Garratti, a paramedic from New York, moves his wife and son to North Carolina to work at his dream job as a flight medic. Pakistani born Sudah, his wife, receives frosty stares and insensitive comments from their new neighbors... Matt wonders if he is pursuing his dream or bringing his family into a nightmare from which they may never wake.
His Lucky Charm ~ What happens in Vegas doesn't always stay in Vegas... this time it follows Brandon and Caitlyn across the country and into a world of espionage and danger. The one thing that Brandon knows for sure is that he can't afford to lose his lucky charm, Caitlyn.
Common Bond, Tangled Hearts ~ Layne Gillette's world is turned upside down when a man she has never met shows up to lay claim as the father of her 6-year old son. When Layne's abusive "ex-husband" shows up, they are torn apart by danger, kidnapping and lies.
A Chaunce of Riches ~ Ben Johnson was hired as a bodyguard for a rich widow and her kid, but he never expected to be working for the woman who had abandoned him just when he had needed her the most. Damn it all, he still wanted her. Samantha Chaunce never thought she would have to explain why she married the rich man instead of Ben. Or that her husband had been murdered...and Ben was the prime suspect.
Hostage Heart ~ Life was hard after the hurricanes swept through, destroying her parents' home and livelihood... An errand for her boss - a chance encounter with a crew of bank robbers - a kind man who tried to help her ... a man who isn't all he, he is so much more
Final Sin ~ Deputy Sheriff Commander Jake Carson has his hands full... investigation of a brutal multiple homicide, a troubled son and a vindictive ex-wife. He meets young, free-spirited paramedic Julie Jennings. When Julie becomes the subject of an obsession, it puts both of them in danger...
Courage of the Heart ~ Sometimes love is the only cure for the very deepest of emotional wounds. The story of the two lovers takes a series of unexpected and fast paced turns where lives, sanity and love are put in jeopardy. Their commitment to one another results in a spirit that binds them together and helps them to overcome physical and emotional dangers.
Within the Law ! Tom gave up on ever falling in love again the day that he buried his high school sweetheart and fiancé. He started a career in law enforcement just so that he could find her murderer and rapist. Just when he is about to see justice done, he meets Alli Davis-the defense attorney for the murdering rapist who took his love from him.
Bartlett's Rule ~ Bartlett's Rule shares the story of Lon and Paige's love affair; a romance filled with hardship, emotion, danger and triumph. Falling in love was never the challenge; being there for each other, knowing just what to say and making it work is the real test. Paige and Lon are real; they are human, they cry and they laugh. Paige has to learn to trust. Lon has to learn to be patient.
Buy Links for my Novels

Thursday, August 7, 2014

#Throw Back Thursday - reposted from May 4, 2010

an interview by Kathryn Attalla

Author Chelle Cordero

as interviewed by Kathryn Attalla

Chelle has written some memorable stories over the years. Her books include Bartlett’s Rule, Forgotten, Within the Law, Courage of the Heart, Hostage Heart, A Chaunce of Riches & most recently Common Bond,Tangled Hearts. Her murder-mystery thriller, Final Sin, was published in May 2009.
I was lucky enough to steal her away from her very busy schedule to answer a few questions..

How long have you been in the business?
  • It’s hard to decipher which part of “the business” started when. For a few actual dates, I had my first published newspaper article when I was just 18, but I didn’t pursue writing on a full time basis until I was pregnant with my first child; luckily since I freelanced I was able to work from home. I always said that I wanted to “grow up and become a novelist” but I didn’t have my first book actually published until 2001.
Are you a plotter or pantster?
  • Definitely a pantser – I’m much too unorganized and random to do anything by outline. Besides I have a tendency to allow my characters to make their own decisions and write their own stories.
Do you write multiple drafts or barely need revisions when typing The End?
  • I usually have to do only grammatical and spelling edits on my manuscripts. Since my characters write their stories I find that I rarely have much to say, I just make sure it flows.
What's a typical writing day like for you?
  • Very random. I always start my day (whatever hour that may be) by checking and responding to email. Next I move on to social networking and blog updates – this takes me a few hours between email and blogging. That’s when I finally start writing, but if I am working on a deadline (most often for my non-fiction work) I deal with that first. During the “work day” I go in and out of each project as the brain functions – if I am stymied in one project I move to another to keep the words flowing.
What kind of promotion do you do and why?
  • I blog, do social networking (FaceBook, Twitter, MySpace and forums), send out press releases and participate in several events which promote writers as a group (hand-outs of promo materials like cards, brochures, etc.)
How do you balance writing with the rest of your life (i.e., day job, family, etc.)?
  • Ah, but that would be implying that I have balance in my life… Since my “day job” is a full time freelance writer, my romance writing fits in very well. As I said above I flit between writing projects as ideas strike. My husband’s work hours vary (he is a freelance photographer and AV technician) and my kids are independent adults and not demanding of my time – I can decide to “work” whenever I feel around the clock.
Where do you get your ideas for a romance novel?
  • Life. I look around me and observe people and I let my imagination run wild. I use my own daily experiences (not necessarily all romantic!) and build on little bits. I naturally like to embellish events and stories – if nothing else, everyday becomes very interesting.
How important is it for you to have a critique partner?
  • I don’t really work with a critique partner for the most part. I enjoy having someone I can bounce ideas off of – like my sister – because talking out loud sometimes brings that “aha!” moment.
If your book was made into a movie, which actors would you like to see play your characters?
  • I almost always cast my characters, especially my heroes, while I am writing because it helps me to focus on the person – in A Chaunce of Riches I would want Ben to be played by Galen Gering (he plays Rafe on Days of Our Lives) and Samantha by a young Mary Page Keller.
What do you know now about writing/publishing that you wished you knew before The Call?
  • I wish I had known more about marketing and promotion – my first book (the original version of Courage of the Heart) published in 2001 sold very few copies. I didn’t know how to get my name out there nor did I have a realistic expectation of what publishers and authors do to promote the stories. I’ve made it a point to learn and between my new-found knowledge and a very supportive publisher, I can certainly see the difference.
*special note: Kat interviewed me on the Hudson Valley Romance Writers website in January 2010, she's given me permission to re-post this interview here.
Thanks Kat!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Skeletons in the Closet

     I just had a really good chuckle reading a quote from George Bernard Shaw,

"If you can't get rid of the skeleton in your closet, you'd best teach it to dance."

This particular phrase has a funny, special memory for me...

Just weeks before my wedding, my then fiance and I were in my bedroom in my parents' Bronx apartment - he was sitting on my bed while I was packing clothing and getting ready to move into OUR new home, a one bedroom and overpriced apartment in the Hudson Valley.

Mark thought he was being cute when he said, with a straight face, "Well I guess I should have asked before, but we're getting married soon so I can't put it off any longer. Do you have any skeletons in the closet I should know about?"

I looked at him and then at my CLOSED wardrobe door (actually two sliding doors), he couldn't understand my surprised expression. Before he could reassure me that he was only joking, I slid one of the wardrobe doors open - and there, hanging carefully on the closet rod, was a life size cardboard Halloween skeleton! He almost fell off of my bed.

What Mark didn't know was that my parents always allowed me to set up the entry hallway for Halloween. I had rigged this skeleton to come rushing towards the door when I opened it - it always elicited excited shrieks from the little trick-or-treaters. LOL, I never expected to shock my future husband!

We all have some kind of skeleton in our closet - everyone has something to be embarrassed about, some have regrets, and a few have outright horror at the thought of discovery. It's the same for each of my characters - take Tom Hughes from Within the Law for instance...

Tom is easily my favorite hero from any of my books because he is soooo human. He is endearing, a truly good guy, but he is certainly not an angel! Tom has things in his past that he would prefer not having to admit to, things that get broadcast in a packed courtroom when he shows up to TRY to put his high school girlfriend's murderer away. And he has a temper, oy such a temper, that he manages MOST TIMES to control, but loses it during a face-to-face with the lowlife who took the girl away from him.

Tom is not the only one of my characters to have something to hide: Brandon Price in His Lucky Charm wants to hide his privileged upbringing and estranged relationship with his father; in A Chaunce of Riches Samantha Chaunce has to hide the reason she left Ben and married Julian; Adam Sherman in Courage of the Heart is ashamed of his past and worries that he is going to lose Davie once she finds out about it; and in Karma Visited Annie Furman needs to keep her unique gift hidden for fear of ridicule and worse.

Do you have a skeleton in your closet?

Please don't post any true confessions, lol, but think about it; what secret do you have in your past that you would really rather be kept as a buried secret? Was your secret ever exposed and if so how did you cope with it - with a head held high or a face redder than cherries?

And if you really, really need to share, please feel free to comment below.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Adam is ready to talk - Weekend Writing Warriors / #8sunday / June 22, 2014

Hi! Welcome to another Weekend Writing Warrior round. Every week writers post 8 sentences on their blogs from a published or unpublished book. Then we "hop" around and leave comments on each other's snippets. Whether our work is already published or in progress, the helpful comments help us become stronger writers on our next WIP. We welcome EVERYONE's comments.

See more at the WeWriWa blog

Welcome to a snippet from Courage of the Heart. Courage of the Heart was originally published by Xlibris in 1999 (BEFORE they went full vanity press) - with no real marketing efforts from the publisher and before I knew much about the subject, it didn't do very well. However it was revised slightly and republished by Vanilla Heart Publishing in 2009 and has enjoyed a healthier reception.

Davie comes back from her father's to find Adam in the hospital with a serious case of pneumonia. When he is released, she stays with him to nurse him back to health.

This will be the final snippet from Courage of the Heart, next week I'll move on to another story. Your comments have helped me see different views of my writing and it's been really helpful. I used creative punctuation to make this fit:

"You said earlier that you wanted to talk."
"Yeah, Davie, this is really important…"
Davie knelt on the carpet next to the couch, "I'm here."
Adam twisted to face her, he realized he was having difficulty finding the right words to start, "It's about us, I want there to be an us, I don't know where this relationship will wind up, but suddenly I find myself thinking of tomorrow…with you. I never meant for that to happen."
"Why does that scare you?" Davie spoke softly.

"It scares me that you might not want to be a part of it," Adam swallowed and looked uncomfortably around the room; he realized that this could be the most important thing he ever had to say. His eyes finally settled on her, "Davie, there are some things I have to tell you about my past, some things that may make you walk out and never look back."

 For more WeWriWa snippets, go to
Sometimes love is the only cure for the very deepest of emotional wounds. The story of the two lovers takes a series of unexpected and fast paced turns where lives, sanity and love are put in jeopardy. Their commitment to one another results in a spirit that binds them together and helps them to overcome physical and emotional dangers.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Seeking comfort ~ Weekend Writing Warriors / #8sunday / 06/15/14

Hi! Welcome to another Weekend Writing Warrior round. Every week writers post 8 sentences on their blogs from a published or unpublished book. Then we "hop" around and leave comments on each other's snippets. Whether our work is already published or in progress, the helpful comments help us become stronger writers on our next WIP. We welcome EVERYONE's comments.

See more at the WeWriWa blog

Welcome to a snippet from Courage of the Heart. Courage of the Heart was originally published by Xlibris in 1999 (BEFORE they went full vanity press) - with no real marketing efforts from the publisher and before I knew much about the subject, it didn't do very well. However it was revised slightly and republished by Vanilla Heart Publishing in 2009 and has enjoyed a healthier reception.

Feeling rejected by Adam - again - Davie takes a bus to visit her father in time for the anniversary of her mother's passing. It's always been her habit to be with him to remember her mom together, but since she was busy the night before taking care of the very sick Adam she never got around to calling her dad about her visit. Spurned by one of the men in her life, she was ready to be comforted by her father. Imagine her surprise when she walks in on him and his special lady-friend. (btw, "Gizzy" is her childhood dog that still lives at home.)

Davie stared out the bedroom window into the dark night, she couldn’t sleep; there were so many things running through her mind. Gizzy was snoring as he lay at her feet. She was still upset that Adam had forced her to leave and she was confused to find that her father was moving on with his life without her mother and without Davie’s blessing if need be.
She had been surprised to see her father's tears at the cemetery; her father's grieving over the loss of her mother comforted Davie, at the same time she felt terrible seeing his pain. They had gone to church together and she sat with his arm around her shoulders, it was good to be with him and just him. Davie was grateful that Elizabeth understood that she would only be intruding.

On the drive home from the church, he told her that they would be having dinner with Elizabeth and that's when the fighting started.

 For more WeWriWa snippets, go to
Sometimes love is the only cure for the very deepest of emotional wounds. The story of the two lovers takes a series of unexpected and fast paced turns where lives, sanity and love are put in jeopardy. Their commitment to one another results in a spirit that binds them together and helps them to overcome physical and emotional dangers.