Showing posts with label kidney donation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kidney donation. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Paying It Forward


My family experienced a wonderful miracle this past week. My brother (in-law) was hoping for a new kidney, he’s been on the transplant list and going to dialysis three times weekly for the past seven years. He had received a few calls from the hospital to tell him of “possibilities” over the past few months (he was high enough on the list), but unfortunately these calls wound up not being fruitful.


However last week he received yet another phone call about a possible donation; the donor was being kept on life support but had sadly lost brain function. Her family made the absolute most generous decision, they authorized organs for transplant — they decided to allow their loved one to save the lives of others in need. I can’t imagine how difficult this decision must have been and I am in total awe at their generosity.


My brother arrived at the hospital late at night and received his new kidney the next day. He is home now and healing from this prayed for surgery; he will have to be monitored to ensure that everything is “in working order” but this is the first bright light we have had in seven years. We will never forget this woman and her loving family and will keep them in our prayers as they mourn their loss.


It is because of this generosity that I will maintain both our FaceBook page and our website as a place for other hopeful kidney recipients to post their names and contact info; I will also feature some of those on the website. We understand so well what this donation has meant to us and we would love to help others find their prayers answered as well.


Please share this information and visit our sites frequently and perhaps we can help another family to find their lifesaving hero.


Our FaceBook Page – Del Needs a Kidney

Our Website — A Kidney for Del

Sunday, February 2, 2020

I’m keeping busy with my blogs, yes I maintain a few, I’d love it if you could take a look and let me know your thoughts…

Please stop on by at The Official Website of Author Chelle Cordero for lots of information about my books, who I am, and links to my non-fiction writing persona

Welcome to Chelle's World


I also maintain an informative blog about strokes — my husband suffered a stroke in 2016 and it has been quite a journey. I hope to help others in the same position wade through some of the difficult spots.

Life Goes On, The Caregiver

I host a site where I post occasional book promos (for other authors),
events, book talk, reviews (sent to me), info and other articles


I used to author an Amazon Kindle blog called Living, Breathing, Writing.
All of the blogs posted to that (now discontinued) Kindle blog are
still available online. I posted weekly “lessons” and writing exercises
to help everyone get their creative juices flowing — please check it out
and get writing today!

Living, Breathing, Writing

Finally I host a blog on behalf of my brother (in-law) and our family’s search for a kidney donor for him. Please check it out, get tested and/or become a potential donor (it’s easy to list on your driver’s license), and certainly pass along our plight to all of your family and friends. Thank you so much.

A Kidney For Del Du-Bois

There’s more ways you can follow me and stay in touch,
I’d love to hear from you!
Thanks so much for coming by.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Help me write an HEA

As a romance author I am used to writing Happily Ever After (HEA) endings — I’m hoping that someone will help us to “write” an HEA for my family. My brother, Del (legally my brother-in-law) desperately needs a kidney. Del has Polycystic Kidney Disease and is now in End Stage Kidney Disease. He is registered with RJWBarnabas Health (NJ)  and a few other hospitals as well as with Renewal
Everywhere I look lately it seems that there are many people needing new kidneys, I’m not a doctor or scientist, but it seems so prevalent. The number of people requiring a kidney transplant has been increasing each year, the number of transplants received has remained at a stable and alarmingly low level over the years.
I read stories about folks searching for matches (living donors provide the best chances AND most of us have two working kidneys so can afford to donate one). It is so heartbreaking though to read how loving relatives and friends have tried to donate a kidney only to find that they are not compatible matches. I have a suggestion for you…
If you are not a compatible match, see if you are a match for another person in need, like Del, and begin a donation chain in your friend’s name. You will save multiple lives and move your friend’s name closer to the top so that the chances of finding a compatible donation are much greater. Likewise, you can get tested for Del Du-Bois (he needs a type O kidney) and if you are not compatible you can start a donation chain in Del’s name; this goes for any blood type.
Del is a husband, dad, grandfather, brother and a wonderful friend. He has been active in his community and his house of worship, and also with a local observatory where he has helped educate young minds in the study of astronomy. He is very loved by his family and friends alike.
Would you please help give my family, and so many others who need a kidney, a chance for a Happily Ever After? Thank you.
Wishing you and yours a wonderful, happy and healthy holiday season and New Year.
Visit our Facebook Page and please SHARE

 Our website

my husband & me, and my sister & Del

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Touch of Love ~ ...a bit of therapy

If you’ve read any of the stories in my second short story collection you might have surmised how personal some of the stories are to me. In addition to the obvious I’m going to let you in on some of the backstories.

The first and most personal one is An Empty House. In December 2016 my wonderful husband had a stroke. I can use all of the clichés available (Threw me for a loop, knocked the wind out of me, came out of nowhere…) and it just does not express how our lives changed that night. As I said in the story we’ve had to adjust to a “New Normal” which really isn’t normal.

I am eternally grateful that the love of my life survived and has made terrific strides towards recovery, but there is still much more to go. In the meanwhile we had to find ways to get back to life, my husband is the one who suffered the stroke and yet we’ve all been affected. I had to force myself to resume my activities, responsibilities, and my professional life. I actually felt empty inside.

Long ago during an interview I was asked WHY I write, my answer was “I write because I breathe.” I had to learn to breathe again. I started compiling my second short story collection and it wound up being both personal and therapeutic for me. This collection is truly personal to me and there are other stories which were certainly drawn from my heart. I also started a very basic website which, although slow in development, I hope will offer some useful information to others who have stroke survivors in their life.

He is My Brother is about my brother(in-law) and our desperate quest to save his life and find him a donated kidney. We, our family, need him. If you don’t mind please visit the website we set up for him and share our story to all of your contacts,

Although these next stories are pure fiction, they were certainly inspired by people and events in my life and hold very special meaning for me — these stories include: Rekindled, A Date with Mistletoe, and The Lost Love. Finally The Dead Guy in the Park and Always, One More Time were just fun stories to write.

If you take the time to read this collection, please handle it with care, it really was written with a personal Touch of Love.