Showing posts with label reader. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reader. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Help a buddy out...

Have you read any books recently that you enjoyed and perhaps would like to see more from that author?

Or better yet, do you KNOW a struggling author and would like to see her/him enjoy some success so you could say "I knew her when"?

What can you do - Plenty.
  • Buy the book. Give the book as gifts, if you enjoyed it, maybe your friends will too.
  • Talk it up. Tell your friends about that great book you just read and suggest that they might enjoy it too.
  • Write a review - on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords, GoodReads and even on FaceBook or a personal blog.
  • Drop the author's name and the name of the book the next time you visit your local library - don't be shy - ask if they carry any books by (author name)
  • Rate reviews posted on Amazon, you know where it says "Did you find this review helpful?", click it.
  • While authors love it when their books are newly sold, it also helps when a reader passes their book along or even just leaves a copy in some random place with a note saying, Please Read Me & then pass me along again (usually print) - these are called "Traveling Books".
  • Are you a member of a book club? Suggest that book to the club for a rousing discussion; many authors make Book Club Discussion Packets available to help facilitate discussions.
  • If the author is local, invite her/him to your club, store, restaurant, home, library or any venue to meet and greet readers - the author can discuss an area of expertise or even HOW to get published.
  • Host a book party featuring the book or even asking everyone to bring a favorite book to swap.
  • Does the author have a FaceBook Page? LIKE the page.
  • Does the author have a blog? Follow it.
  • Does the author have a newsletter list? Subscribe.
  • LIKE and Share the author's Amazon page.
  • Tweet and re-tweet. Tweet about the author's blog or any mentions of author or the book(s); re-tweet the author's tweets. Do the same for Google-Plus.
  • Share author posts on your FaceBook page.
  • Find out if the author has a Street Team and JOIN; "a group of people who 'hit the streets' promoting an event or a product." (Wikipedia). Aside from helping the author, you will often get lots of free swag and other incentives.

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