Showing posts with label spring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spring. Show all posts

Saturday 21 November 2009

Spring Chicken

I was very tempted to have a go on this kids toy in Fairview Park! There was no one around, hence the photo in a children's park, but I controlled my child-ish urges and took a grown up photo instead!

Have a playful weekend.

Wednesday 2 September 2009

Changing View - The End

Here at Cheltenham DP the second day of the month means Changing View. Today marks a full year of taking a photo from the same place once a month to record the scene as it changes. To finish this series off today I show all the past photos starting with September 2008 and finishing with September 2009. Enjoy having a look back.

September 2008

October 2008

November 2008

December 2008

January 2009

February 2009

March 2009

April 2009

May 2009

June 2009

July 2009

August 2009

September 2009

Thursday 7 May 2009

Wild Flowers

Today - just wild flowers in the long grass under a tree.

Some of you might be interested by this new BBC blog - Viewfinder.

Saturday 2 May 2009

Changing View - May & 500th

Its the second of the month and that means only one thing at Cheltenham DP - Changing View! At long last the wintry branches have regenerated into spring abundance. Its been a long time coming but spring has finally sprung and the Prom is covered in an umbrella of green. To see how the view has changed click on 'changing view' in the labels below.

Today also marks my 500th post! I can't believe where the time has gone. Who would have thought that back in October 2007 I'd still be here?! Thanks to all the visitors, followers and commenters - you make it all worth while.

Monday 27 April 2009

Enjoying The Sun

Sun seekers soaking up the rays in Imperial Gardens. Although we have spring flowers, summer seems to have arrived and cut the first season of the year short, not that anyone is complaining!

Friday 24 April 2009

Pastel Pansies

Spring colour in the Long Garden in front of the Municipal Offices.

Thursday 2 April 2009

Changing View - April

The second of the month marks the next installment of the 'Changing View' series here at Cheltenham Daily Photo. This photo is the eighth of the same scene. Last month I promised green trees in the view but unfortunately Mother Nature isn't playing, so you get a hint of green on brown branches. Next month I'm sure it'll be different! One bonus this month though - you can just make out the pink and blue primroses in the Long Garden, in front of the Municipal Offices.

To see how the scene has changed over the months click on 'changing view' in the labels below.

Wednesday 1 April 2009

Theme Day - Yellow

Click on the photo for more detail

Its the first of April and its that Theme Day time of the month. As you can see from my photo collage I liked this theme (and that's not an April Fool!) For once I've been prepared and have been taking lots of yellow photos for the last three weeks. I had so many to choose from that I couldn't decide (a first for me on Theme Day) so I got creative.

Here's a run down of the photos - New gas pipes on the High Street, litter poster and bin, macro of a yellow blossom, more gas pipes and a yellow rubbish sack, CCTV sign, fire hydrant marker, a little yellow birdie, Forsythia bush in full flower, divide on the ramp of the Regent Arcade car park, and, finally, Snappy Snaps photo shop on the Lower High Street.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants.

Saturday 21 March 2009

Hellebore On Earth

These Hellebores, or Christmas Roses, are still flowering even though spring has begun. I don't know if they are late due to the cold weather we had in February or if they are supposed to flower in March! You normally see them in white but other colours, like this pink one, are now quite common. They certainly add to the springy feeling that is in the air. At last!

Friday 20 March 2009

Sky Watch Friday

Peach Sky

We have been treated to some lovely spring weather over the last few days and last nights sunset created this wonderful pastel coloured sky. What more can I say? Mother Nature is good.

If you want to join in with Sky Watch, or to see all the other views of the sky, head over to the Sky Watch Friday Blog.

The winner of yesterdays sheep related pun/joke challenge is...drum roll please..."Ewe down there - must grin & bear it!" from Tash at Palos Verdes Daily Photo. Pun-tastic winner!

Wednesday 18 March 2009

Little Birdie

I'm back! Thanks to blogger for working its magic while I was away and thanks to everyone who has visited and commented too.

For a while now I've been trying to photograph a pair of Blue Tits (yes, we all know the jokes!) that have been feeding in my garden, but to no avail. The little buggers are too quick for me. I'll have to persevere...anyway, back to the photo. Instead I bring you a little House Sparrow. Notice that he is sat still in the spring sunshine, perfect for my photographic abilities! Anyone got any top tips on photographing birds?

Saturday 7 March 2009


I think its safe to say its officially spring. The trees are in bud, the blossom is flowering, the bulbs are bursting and the flowers are...well...flowering! I don't think anything says spring more so than the humble Daffodil. In Cheltenham the parks, gardens and roadside verges are beginning to wash over with a sea of yellow. Beautiful.

I wander'd lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

By William Wordsworth (1770-1850)

Thursday 19 February 2009

Spring Time

At last - Spring! This is the first blossom I've seen this year. The weather has been milder over the last few days and life is starting to creep back into the parks and gardens around town. We've had a really long and cold winter by our standards so this sight is a very welcome one. Soon the daffodils will be flowering and then spring really will have sprung.

I've got a lot on this week, and its not work - its fun! Anyway, I'm scheduling posts and will comment when I can.

Monday 5 May 2008

Bluebell Wood

These beautiful bluebells are in the woods on Chosen Hill. The hill is in the village of Churchdown, situated between Cheltenham and Gloucester. At this time of year the whole of the woodland floor is a carpet of blue, and looks amazing. The scent is intoxicating. These photos really don't do the impressive scene justice, but I hope you get a sense of the natural beauty.

Monday 10 March 2008

Storm Of Yellow Crocus

This is what spring is all about. These lovely yellow Crocuses are at the back of the Royal Well Bus Station in front of a Beech hedge. The area was tidied up in 1998 as part of a commemorative garden for Princess Diana. The unsightly trees and over grown shrubs were replaced with a Beech hedge and a dozen Silver Birch trees. This renovation in turn revealed the Royal Crescent buildings and opened up the whole area. Its just a shame that in front of one of the Countries finest Georgian Crescents is the Cheltenham Bus Station!

I've also posted this photo to take my mind off of the worst storm of the year that is due to hit us today. We are told to expect gale force winds of around 80 mph and torrential rain, so that'll be nice!

Wednesday 5 March 2008

Emerging Leaves

I like the first buds of spring. They tell you that the dark winter days are leaving us and the good weather lies ahead. Green growth is coming! These emerging leaves are on the Horse Chestnut trees that fill the pedestrian area of the Promenade. Cheltenham is quite a 'green' town, with lots of trees, parks and open spaces all helping the town breathe.

Wednesday 30 January 2008


After the long winter months the arrival of snowdrops tells you that spring is finally on the way. They are one of the earliest flowering plants of the new year and the colder the weather is, the longer the flowers will last. Snowdrops have specially hardened leaves to push there way up through the frozen ground and snow, although they've had a pretty easy journey upwards this year due to the lack of a "proper winter" here in Cheltenham. I photographed these snowdrops in Pitville Park, under some of the trees. In the background you can make out the Bandstand and part of Pitville Pump Room. More about the Park and Pump Room next week. For now just be pleased that spring has sprung!

Please click on the first photo for a larger version, the detail is fantastic!
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