Showing posts with label telephone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label telephone. Show all posts

Thursday 1 October 2009

Theme Day - Contrast

Its the first day of the month and here in CDPB world its Theme Day. The theme for October is Contrast. Its safe to say I didn't really feel this months theme. I didn't just want to show a colour contrast (although I'm sure there are some fantastic examples out there), instead I went down the slightly off-beat and slightly desperate-for-a-photo route! This is a mobile phone mast with a bird box attached to it, quite a contrast. Good old BTcellnet thinking about how to make money, increase their coverage, put up a huge aerial and care for the birds!

To see other (probably better) photos for this Theme Day head here to view thumbnails for all participants.

Saturday 12 July 2008

I Just Called To Say...

On my trip along the Lower High Street (sorry, High Street West End!) I discovered this little gem of a shop selling nothing but telephones. None of these modern digital phones though, it was filled with phones from the past. Retro phones from the 50's, 60's and 70's. Phones that look like Mickey Mouse and Kermit The Frog. Phones that belonged in country houses during the 1920's. Name a style and it was there! But, in true Marley style, I wasn't brave enough to ask the owner if I could take some photos. Pathetic, I know. So the shop sign will have to do. I can't quite believe the claim on the sign 'As used by Royalty and the Gentry'. I can't really imagine The Queen popping down Cheltenham's Lower High Street to buy an R2-D2 phone!

Yesterday I was given an award by D.C Confidential, which I am very grateful for. I'm going to use the weekend to ponder who to pass it on to. I'll post the winners on Monday.

Wednesday 13 February 2008


Over the last few days the weather here has been fine and sunny, which has given us some beautiful sunsets as the cold evening air creeps in. This is taken between Cheltenham and Gloucester, near Gloucestershire Airport. I think the telephone wires add an abstract frame to the photo.
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